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>> No.93886624 [View]
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none of anon will ever uncertain friendly racism banter, sluring and cursing at each other was how one expressed affection and friendship long ago. we have lost that as a society, we see casual racism as bad even in friendly banter, stereotyping is wrong now and most importantly of all the days took the word "gay" from us. I remember when we used gay as a term to express out dislike of something or consider it weird and unlikable. was I talking about gay people then? not really most of the time I just was expressing my distaste.
we need the youth to go back to it's casual racist and exist roots if we want them to heal, they are so fucking soft now having mini breakdown if someone says the wrong word and we have to prioritize their needs. fucking mental illness of the highest degree yet we call them healthy or normal, they need to get shoved into a fucking locker
anyways I'm leaving /vt/ for a bit I got a bit heated there I'll see you guys tmmr
if I get pankoed you are gay and I kiss you

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