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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.49290472 [View]
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Good afternoon, /vtai/
As much as I like to think that I'm not experiencing jet lag... I'm still experiencing jet lag.

Don't mind me, just yoinking this to add to my wallpaper collection.
Great talking points, CDB. It really does seem like many who are anti-AI lack much understanding when it comes to how it works. They simply assume that you just type whatever you want and the AI does everything else. They're not wrong, but AI is still limited on what it can achieve, just like with your example of Lulu poster and the car. It is not the end-all-be-all tool they think it is. If you want your gens to actually look decent or have your characters do certain actions or make certain poses, you still need to put some effort into wrangling the AI. Also, as with any tool, there will always be bad actors who will use it in bad faith. It's just inevitable.
>Kek, maybe you should gen one picture of Fubuki and Mio as overly enthusiastic travel agents.
There's an idea.
>True, not that it's exclusive to Thailand, but it's just the feeling I get is that it's worse there than most other places. Might just be my imagination too though.
I've only spent a couple of weeks in Thailand, so I can't really speak for its crime rate, but I didn't have any issues when I was there. I'm already very protective of my belongings and make sure that I'm always aware of my surroundings anyway, even here in burgerland. But yeah, definitely consider getting that shoulder bag.
>Makes sense though since this is probably one of the busiest tourist seasons there. When I get the chance to visit I'd like to go all out and spend like 4 weeks there traveling to a bunch of cities and places.
Yeah, the sudden price hike was definitely because of that. It's my fault for waiting till the last minute. Won't make the same mistake next year. And yeah, I would love to spend at least a month there too.
>I've really missed seeing the FubuMio cooking experience. Nice images, so good to have you back again.
It's good to be back.
>Hello, also an artist here. Actually got my line of work and several of my friends affected by the AI situation so I have quite the different opinion from the rest of the folks here. Things are all good and dandy until the client who usually contacted you suddenly went radio silent and you discover that they're secretly training a model from the arts you worked for them to make their own stuffs.
Yeah, this is definitely one of the more negative aspects of the AI art boom. Sorry to hear that, Lulu poster.
>Artists should never stop drawing and making their own arts, ever!! There is more to arts than just its results. It's a motoric skill, part of hand-eye coordination that one should always try to keep sharp. Part of the creation process also involves imagining scenarios, developing your very own visual library like models but in your very own brain.
Yeah, I agree with this 100%
>Depending too much on the AI will dull your skills.
Already too late for me, unfortunately, kek
I really hope it helps with your graduation project. I admit that my response can be very biased since it turned into a bit of a rant based on my own personal experiences. Doesn't really apply to everyone out there. There are good points on both sides of the isle.
Evening, landscape anon!
>Superb fubumio + ayame gens today, FubuMion!
Likewise with the space gens! I miss our sweet astrogirl...
>I highly enjoy inpainting and recommend it to others as well
Masaka... I'm not... alone?

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