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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.54925542 [View]
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x5376, 1690917362506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More girls are always nice because it covers for others who might be unavailable for stream. Refer to this pic

>> No.48236763 [View]
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x5376, lamy holobox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Idk what exactly about JP culture enables their vtubers to tolerate
> we just quietly leave
You're not supposed to just "stop" watching once your oshi goes on a break, your oshi will have friends she plays with and hangs out with frequently, and would often be talking on twitter as well, and at least 1-2 of such people will be streaming while she's on a break.
You're supposed to watch them and enjoy the slightly different yet familiarly comfortable content until your oshi comes back.

There's a reason both Hololive and Nijisanji ACCELERATED the fuck out of their first 2 years, Holo only slowed down in a major way after Gen 5 was released, that's like 30+ chuubas over the course of 3 years, 10 per year.
Nijisanji took it to asinine and comical levels, but Hololive was a lot more moderate, giving each of the earlier gens at least a few months to settle in before debuting more people.
They started in 2017, and by the end of the first two and a half years of their operations, they had 28 freaking members -
> 2017 end : 1 member (Sora), auditions open for 2nd one
> 2018 end : 14 members, Roboco+Gen 1(6)+Gen 2(5)+Miko+Mio+Sora(3)
> 2019 end : 27 members, Okakoro(2)+Gen3(5)+Gen4(5)+Suisei(1)
(did not include Azki here, as she only became Hololive in 2022).

Myth debuted in 2020 September, it's been exactly two and a half years since their debut and there's 10 fucking people in the entire branch. It took just 1 year for HoloJP to reach that same number, and another to double it.

But once again, half of the blame goes to the existing girls as well, because they aren't doing any collaborations with each other, even at least once a fucking MONTH.
If your audience hasn't had enough time to familiarize themselves with any of the other girls, it's natural to treat them as "just another coworker" like they themselves are doing. Fans reflect the streamers after all.
People are leaving because the "box" is not there for EN, there's not enough members for one (MAJOR issue) and the existing members don't interact with each other enough to get their audience familiarized with the other girls enough that they can watch them if their oshi is on break.

>> No.47965603 [View]
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x5376, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47965493 [View]
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x5376, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN3 is indeed the only potential salvation to this dying, dead branch, but it's not guaranteed.
HoloID has a decent BOX with just 9 streamers, because there was always SOMEONE (initially Risu, then Moona, now mostly Kaela) keeping the mindshare of the branch UP by regularly streaming.

Lamy and Chloe had a discussion on this recently (https://youtu.be/9a29dBB-ci8).). Pic related is the tl;dr for this post.
They pinpoint how and why Hololive is able to avoid the curse of "if you don't stream, your audience dies" to a certain extent.
Because of the number of people they have, and the unity between all of them, fans of one chuuba can watch other girls (usually friends of their oshi) while waiting for their oshi to come back. Audience is entertained, mindshare is kept, and most of their original audience is retained thanks to this technique - known ITT as the "HoloBox".
It's a give-and-take system, when you're on break there's someone for your fans to watch. And when someone else is on break, their fans can watch you! Win win for both.

The EN BOX was, counterintuitively, the strongest when there were only 5 EN members.
All 5 of them only had each other to lean on for support, and thanks to the language barrier and the EN management ban on Coco, they only had each other to collab with for the better part of a year.
Thanks to them streaming regularly, and the unity atmosphere they had, as well as the frequent collabs, most of the fanbase would keep cycling between the girls if any of them were not streaming - which is what formed the "Myth Box" that you can see in action if you ever visit hlgg.

Unfortunately, the current state of the EN Box has gotten absolutely pathetic for a few reasons -
> Chumbuds never watching any other holo, leading to complaints about Gura never streaming - never happens with JP holos, since they usually just watch someone else while waiting for their oshi.
> Kiara's chicken voice + energy not meshing very well with others, leading to her having a dedicated audience (that sometimes watches other girls) but never getting the audience of the other girls to watch her - even when they're on break.
> Mori, same shit, completely different vibe compared to the other girls - dedicated audience that sometimes watches other holos, never the other way around.
> Homos and their shenanigans killing Kronii - once again, dedicated audience that sometimes watches other holos, never the other way around.
> Homos' own box of people that watch other girls, but never the other way around, except for perhaps a few unity fans here and there.
> Constant breaks from a large portion of the talents, esp. talents that often have overlapping audiences, leading to the audiences that have both their "main oshi" and "side oshi" not streaming for weeks on end.

This status is also a direct result of the reduction in collabs between the girls. Myth used to have regular collabs between each other during their first year, it was a VERY exciting time. Somehow the addition of 4 new girls has REDUCED the number of interactions between them for some reason, and it has had a VERY negative impact on the strength of the "Box", especially with the far more frequent homo collabs pulling it apart from the other end.
The OBVIOUS favoritism with the homos where they now have almost the same number of talents as the entire EN branch in just 6 months, along with them being promoted on both reddit and on twitter - usually at the expense of the girls - is not helping, and is turning EN discussion away from "Unity" more and more every single day.
EN audiences have now settled into isolated clumps of their own oshis + maybe one more girl to watch if they're not streaming.

EN3 COULD save this, simply due to the sheer possibilities of new interactions, new collabs, new groups, new faces and just the sheer fucking HYPE from finally having some sort of a POSITIVE news for the fucking branch after getting left in the lurch for so damn long.
Just having that many new people by itself is a huge buff, and if they are good as Sankisei or HoloX in terms of in-group chemistry, they will EASILY be a very successful gen. But unless the entire branch gets together and decides to become more united around each other (preferably just the girls), another gen or two isn't going to do jack shit for the branch as a whole.

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