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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.70210567 [View]
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I dunno why people treat this as a triumph. Nobody thought she was about to be terminated or something (or at least noone taking this realistically/seriously). She had to come back eventually, this doesn't mean shit still isn't fucked and doesn't undo the fact she did THAT stream that'll be a permanent black eye on the whole branch.

>ha! you thought we were completely dead and executed already, but in fact, we are still clinging on and are only mortally wounded instead! suck it h8rz we're so back!

>> No.64968690 [View]
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The thing that irks me about kayfabe is when girls try to half-ass it and basically operate that some things they say totally are only kayfabe but other things they'll actually-talk about pretty close or directly to what their regular non-vtuber selves would have actually said. In that case they see kayfabe as more of just a mechanism to extort the audience further with because they try to just fall back on "oh that? I didn't -really- mean that that was just kayfabe why couldn't you tell lol pfssh" if they later get caught / exposed for their lies. You should either basically-real to yourself on stream or you present something that's clearly a character the whole time, IMO. To use kayfabe as convenient-lie-putty is just exploiting the idea cynically and abusing peoples' trust. Which as far as I'm concerned, lying about key things about yourself while trying to get people to let their mental guard down by convincing them that you're mostly legit/real in what you say, just makes you a bad exploitative person.

IMO a lot of vtubers are straight up sociopaths. Clinically diagnosable sociopaths. They exploit and abuse peoples' trust for money and then try to blame and gaslight them that it's -their- fault for falling for it, like blaming a mouse for getting caught in a trap when the point is the mouse would have been better off if you didn't lay the trap to begin with and you didn't care about its well-being at all. The ones that use kayfabe for some things but not all things are sociopaths.

Kayfabe is method acting. When WWE wrestlers were approached by fans in public, interviewed at random on the spot etc some of them ALWAYS stuck with the kayfabe. If someone was a big fan of the Undertaker character in WWE and lucked out and saw him walking down the street and went up to him to gush, the Undertaker would have just been an asshole to go "pfffft it's all an act fuck off kid" but nah he would indulge his fans. It's in the interest of everyone involved to do so - the kid is stoked and happy and this is good for the brand. The actor doesn't have to deal with the guilt of punching down at innocent people who looked up to him.

>> No.56029383 [View]
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>muted a burp
God damn it.

>> No.54306003 [View]
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People who want vtubers to be anime basically, which is point-blank retarded on its face and belies a fucking poor understanding of the format and/or being stupid faggot kids who literally don't think things through and just blurt out some stupid idea that won't work. Omega was that stupid kid turned into a stupid chuuni manchild and stupidly given power and it's taken a year+ to undo his retardation. Probably everything wrong with Myth was his fault too like Kiara's stupid debuff design etc.

These L2D models can barely fucking talk/emote and can only wiggle their torsos, they are talking heads with no preset plot/connections besides just (online) socializing with each other in public. In terms of what kind of anime you can do with socializing talking cute/comedic heads, that is flat-out gonna be like moe/SoL/iyashikei series, ones with not 1 frame of action sequence or complex plot etc. Vtubing is the way it is because it reflects what is feasible to do without putting in massive effort into extra materials/background staff. Until AI can seamlessly generate it, you can't have animated sequences etc just made for random streams.

You'll never have vtuber Fate or vtuber Naruto with how L2Ds currently work. It's not like the lore is useless, it's more like it just explains a bit about the designs and maybe can give a couple fun gimmicks that may or may not last the test of time. Most of them don't, because a chuuba often evolves into her own thing that usually wasn't related to the lore. Nothing about Rushia, Coco, Korone at all was apparent from or suggested by their lore, those are/were self-made identities. The lore isn't even like a mold for them to fill in, it's just a physical border that technically would get in the way from Korone saying she's a cat vtuber or something because no, she's clearly a dog etc. Or for Peko to look at her char and go "ok so I'm a rabbit. that means put carrots n shit all over the place for my chat BG and animations." That's kind of all it really does and it ain't fucking much. On the other hand, you have pic related, who truly does actually adhere closely to her lore - it's kinda neat but just gets in the way of Luna being more personal/open technically, and she is literally unique in Hololive for it. So if Omega wanted Council to be 5 Lunas, well that was gonna be a tough sell to get all the girls to go along and probably always will be.

>> No.44875003 [View]
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>> No.44577874 [View]
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Not low enough, even. Should have had 500 viewers for the 500k stream so it was completely undeniable that her fanbase is fucking literally 99.9% dead.

Instead it's only 99.6% dead and would have been 99.8% dead without the raids.

>> No.42163793 [View]
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>> No.39364486 [View]
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You don't have to be making date streams or whispering pillow talk ASMRs to be considered GFE. I don't think people ever called her that really as I don't think anyone in NijiEN is, but she also isn't like Nina or Reimu spamming male collabs either and in fact only seldom had done it. She was for most of this time, seen more as that weird girl who's friends with Millie, not a tryhard anti-unicorn type. She often would talk about her "roomie" who she said is a girl etc as well so some people had gone in more than halfway thinking she's more like a femcel or bi or something.

She also sings well and has done a number of songs (beautiful singing naturally causes people to gosling etc, and for her since it's so uncharacteristic with her normal voice/personality there's a gap moe element to it) and has done a lot of cute cooking streams too. She doesn't scream tryhard GFE, but her general demeanor makes (or rather, made) people find her cute and her just being snarky didn't really diminish people liking her like that, at least not up until this Kyo thing got turned up to 11.

NijiENs act like being parasocial is worse than being a rapist murderer superhitler but that's an objectively ignorant take because vtubing by its nature is parasocial as all fucking hell compared to even regular streaming, which is also parasocial FYI. "Parasocial" as a term isn't actually a ronery sex thing, normalfags feel it all the time for politicians, athletes, actors/actresses and so on, it is literally just your valueing someone you see on a screen in at least some fashion akin to how you value actual people in your life. And when you see a girl talking to (you) as in chat as a collective entity for hours and hours every day, this short-circuits our brains to treat her like she's there in our lives. If it's a cute girl making cupcakes on stream for "you" in a sense what do you THINK is going to happen? Why did she THINK NijiEN hired her or any of them for? God damn their collective idiocy is just astounding. As for EN management it seems to just be completely absent (besides to fire Yugo) because that's generally how Niji is to begin with. So they as a group have developed this local work culture with their own unproven superstitions/narratives that they tell themselves about us and convince themselves is true.

>> No.38414440 [View]
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>t. never EVER watched luna

So then is being a vtuber according to you "having a studio write scripts for you to act out in prerendered bits"? That's a fucking cartoon rebranded as something else. Kizuna being episodes that get released where she statically talks to a non-live audience and pretends she's interacting with you, is still a cartoon. Live2D didn't catch on instantly, but when it did and as it's improved (it used to look totally lmao at first and looks closer and closer to fluid today), it made what Kizuna was merely pretending to be doing, aping doing, an actual reality. That's why she got left in the dust - her format became fucking obsolete.

It's not her fault or anyone's really, tech caught up and as it turned out people liked being able to actually-talk to the anime girl in real time over a pretend routine. Wow what a surprise. Kizuna did livestreams too, it just wasn't as frequent, she wasn't trying to be stuck in the past but couldn't really move on into the future either.

>> No.38413694 [View]
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>discussing Boss Baby lore

>> No.36825522 [View]
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>hates marzipan
>hates rum coconut

Dude. That is not cool. Bae your taste bud privileges have been revoked.

>> No.32909866 [View]
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Forcing more co-ed collabs only makes the division worse, only increases resentment about Tempus' existence, it doesn't help. Are you fucking retarded.

The idea of tempus, brotubers who keep a dudebro audience through good humor/magnetic personalities, takes time. The top guys on Twitch doing this took like a fucking decade+ to get there. You won't reach that kind of scale instantly like how Luxiem worked because they get Chinese girls' panties in knots.

Not to mention, like 99% of us would have preferred a HoloEN3 over Tempus to begin with (like an actual one, a girl gen) because 99% of us got into Hololive for cute girls. If tempus was Luxiem-styled not really giving a shit about the Hololive girls and going hard for the female audience i.e not collabing there'd be far less division than today.

>> No.32115894 [View]
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that's forever going to be a "DYRBI" take from now on. this is the damage kroners actually did, people liked her being cute with Irys so much, and now that'll all just feel fake and hollow/corporate mandated.

it doesn't matter if we may have never really-believed it the whole time anyway as we know irys is straighs... it's just their flirty banter is (was) so fucking ultra cute to see and in the context of the absence of contradictory evidence, seeing their antis was very entertaining. it's a suspension of disbelief thing. now in the scope of 1 day we went from kronii feeling like a cute yuri-ish anime girl to a bitchy proudly-ignorant real-life woman shitting on her fans for reasons she doesn't even really understand.

what a shame.

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