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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.31126046 [View]
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All my IRL friends know i'm vtubing, they make fun of me for it because i'm a cringe babi and a weeb, but they respect my choices and even show up on stream sometimes to joke around anyways or lurk and just chill. I can indulge in whatever hobby I want without worrying that they will cancel my friendship for being cringe.

>> No.30038654 [View]
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Aiko Yakumo, i return to give you the heat. I had checked out your channel before, but for the most part it has left me scratching my head. But i'm getting ahead of myself.

channel / presentation: you have a twitch and a youtube channel and you seem to be streaming on both. Not only that but you seem to switch back and forth between them? I'd recommend picking one, so no potential viewers get confused. The youtube also seem to have a couple clips so you are trying to do editing reps, which is neat, definitely keep your YT around for clips and VoD's maybe. You also have a twitter where you are active that's good too i suppose.

design / model: the model is okay. it's decent quality, the tracking does it's job and the overall design is good too. no complaints there, i like the "camera feed overlay" even if i feel like it makes your model look too small. I wouldn't change anything here though. You have a neat overlay, some bgm and overall the presentation is decent.

audio / voice: almost no complaints there, a couple of your streams have weird audio levels, the halo stream had the audio drown you out. always check beforehand, it's very frustrating to sit through a stream where you are hardly audible. Your voice is sort of clean, but i'm wondering... you sound nervous all the time? What's with that? You've been streaming for quite some time, but your speech is a little stiff. It's charming, but i wonder if that's a mental blockade, your normal speech or are you trying to sound like that on purpose? You don't have to answer that i'm just curious. Personally, i find it not engaging enough to stick around. But i'm someone who likes natural faster paced talkers. Your stream gives me a work meeting vibe, which kinda puts me to sleep. Now that i look at it, did a different voice before didn't you? Probably a good move to have dropped it.

content: you seem to be doing gaming mostly and a little bit of chatting. I'm missing a charm point here. You have made an ASMR video recently, your voice might actually be suited more for that sort of relaxing content. Maybe try to indulge in that a little bit more. Your personality seems to be relaxing / comforting. Maybe an older sister vibe on a slow summer holiday afternoon. I don't think traditional gaming content will get you far, but obviously if you love doing it there's no reason to stop. I don't know what type of content your comedy / skits are supposed to be, i feel like it's supposed to be really dry / ironic humor, i personally don't think that's your forte.

I'll put you in C tier. You do the reps and don't commit any crimes, but i'm not sure what i would be coming to you for. I do see potential within your weird voice quirk, maybe within ASMR or just very safe / relaxing content but as of now, i don't see anything necessarily unique about your channel. Good luck on your journey!

>> No.25565411 [View]
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Not quite. You can change the composition of your cum quite a lot, by doing various things, but the volume should still be the same.

The prostate (together with the semial vesticles) is responsible for making the fluid, the actual semen (and pee) is stored in the balls (only 5% of the actual volume), if you cum it just kinda mixes together. If you drain your prostate beforehand or generally don't jerk off a lot, you will get a thicker cumshot. If you jerk off furiously it will be a lot more dilated and if you do it too much in quick succession you can get dry orgasms. Edging might give you a little leaking and some prostates are a little looser than others, allowing for more fluid to be mechanically pushed through, but i doubt it changes anything in terms of money shot volume.

I believe the normal amount you cum is pretty much the hard cap, although it's different for everyone and people claim you can drink certain stuff to increase volume. Wouldn't recommend trying. Rule of thumb here is, you reach your maximum cum capacity in 4-7 days of not jerking off that's when your testosterone levels return to normal.

I've seen some interesting stuff, but i think your genetics are gonna decide what comes out more than anything else. Lastly if you see a large reduction in semen volume, even with normal masturbation behavior, there might be something wrong with your prostate, go get checked. Prostate complications are no joke.

I feel like this was a little to elaborate for an unfunny joke...

>> No.24626470 [View]
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I have no idea how you see any potential in a boring league streamer who doesn't even get mad at the game / players and doesn't play flashy champs.

In general I'm quite surprised at the potential everyone sees. During yesterday's stream the self-awareness kicked in and i realized I'm doing nothing but streaming video games with a lot of dead air and nothing interesting to say. In my eyes im forced to do some alternative content otherwise I'd never stand out.

Don't get me wrong though i cherish all the feedback and nice thoughts I'm getting, i just think you expect too much from me.

>> No.23670409 [View]
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some rpg maker stream ill be making more forest i believe

>> No.23475382 [View]
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Did a short test with the Audio Settings from OBS's native filters and reaplugs VST's, i'm really suprised by reafir's capabilities. I read some article i had open for a test.


1. raw test no filters (that is my CPU fan for the most part)
2. reafir + comp + expander
3. all of the above + slight EQ (low frequency boost, almost unnoticable)

I think everyone has done these at this point, but in case you haven't it's really easy to do and increases the quality of the audio at the very least if you have a noisy room. I now only need to get proper sound-proofing because my room is way too large. Might also have to consider upgrading my mic, but this one sounds ok to me still and the only conceivable upgrade i could do is an XLR mic and i really don't feel like buying 3 new things just to get marginally better audio quality, which i probably wont even be able to tell zzz.

>> No.23117947 [View]
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I've gotten plenty of constructive criticism and so have others, just not everyone here is wiling to supply it so you have to get lucky or just persist until you get it. I'll throw my hat in the pile and give some because i've been lurking in some /asp/ies streams and while it's only my opinion of course, i'd still like to talk about it.

I've been to mashi's stream a couple times and what eventually makes me click away is definitely the fact that i can't understand her. The voice itself doesn't really do anything for me (i'm a raging homo sorry <3), but i do understand it has a certain appeal. If you have ever been in a 1on1 call with someone that has such a thick accent that you have to keep asking to repeat themselves it gets to a point where you are just uncomfortable as a listener. I wished i could just understand everything mashi is saying but i just can't. But as a viewer i also can't keep telling her to repeat herself, so i have two choices: accept it and just listen to her mumble along or i leave. I've noticed this problem with alto_tiro's stream too, it's a little less bad but he also has the tendency to speed up and i have a hard time making out what he's saying.

This problem gets exponentially worse if the streamer is talking to me directly. What reaches my ear is "hi truekaiser ajflasjlfjaeljljlafl" and that really puts me in a difficult spot and makes me very nervous because i have no idea what to do. I might be alone on this, but it's what i've had experienced. Maybe not being native english speaker further reduces my ability to understand english, but i believe i'm rather proficient at it regardless. Obviously a lot of viewers are okay with just listening and not interacting (like in ASMR streams) and that's totally fine too, but i think mashi doesn't want to go full rarted and be a more classical streamer.

Now this has been said a lot and the biggest problem is how to fix it. It requires practise in speaking english and speaking clearly which is effort that might be hard / annoying to do and i totally understand someone not wanting to commit to that. I feel like that could be alienating a lot of potential viewers. I think the best option to mitigate it would be listening to yourself a lot and maybe try to slow down a little.

But then again this point has been made a lot, so this is moot. I consider my voice to be hard to listen to, but people seem to like it. I will try to continue adjusting my voice, but it's been pretty tough. Maybe i should play around with post-processing on the audio.

>> No.23019637 [View]
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If i managed to pitybait anons into believing in me, then that means i successfully weaponized it. I can unleash this power to trick everyone into watching me. According to stats I'm not actually inclining though.

>> No.22920278 [View]
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The boardgame? I used to play that with my father before he deep-fried his brain with hard drugs.

I'm not a huge ship enthusiast, the choice of character was kind of random (as it isn't even my own, and the source is less about the ship part and more about girls), but I'll read some wikipedia entries for you to learn about german ships if you want to nerd out... wait this was about collabs?

>> No.21923598 [View]
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that was my first idea

that would just get everyone else banned wouldn't it?

I'd not disable comments but being horny is cringe

>> No.21847774 [View]
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Good morning /asp/, how are you doing today?

I'm still trying to recover from sickness, but at least mentally i'm in a good spot. Wasn't even upset that last stream didn't go so well. (1.5 CCV lmao, even my dog only counts as half a person anymore...)

Friendly reminder that if you want to truly get somewhere, you are going to bring in people before you start streaming. DM people for collabs just yell out on social media, the more people see your name the better. If you aren't being overly obnoxious, people don't care how much you shill yourself. In the end they will only see you for like 2 seconds before they scroll away from your post. As long as your twitter profile still looks like it's controlled by a human it's fine. If you enjoying that sort of stuff, create clips and throw them on tiktok / youtube throw your lot with the algorithm lottery. It's never guaranteed but i can't hurt either. Remember every single view you get could become a fanatic fan of yours that will increase your reach because they will shill for you too!

Now for an advice i haven't seen here, but i've been pissed i never remembered this from Marketing lessons!

Post your links and go live tweets only AFTER your "Starting Soon" period is over. If you want to get new viewers, you need to instantly pick them up! If you aren't talking the moment they visit your channel, chances are they aren't gonna wait 5-10 minutes for you to finally start your stream. Use the period to write up all the posts and then dump them once your model is already on screen and you are greeting people / starting to play. The first seconds are crucial to get new people interested! How often did you click on another small vtuber just to listen to music for 10 minutes and get bored before they even show up? You don't want that happen to you. This might be something minor, but it's an easy fix and might help!

This has been the admiral and i believe in you!

>> No.21731148 [View]
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I think most self-posting happens over at /wvt/, but I'll probably post whenever I'm live here instead. Even if it's just to signal /asp/ies that they aren't alone or something like that. I'm currently stuck at work though

>> No.21498193 [View]
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what did the babi squad ever do for me

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