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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.46204062 [View]
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Oh, I can see the mockers and scoffers, the naysayers and the doubters, who refuse to even lend an ear to the truth I've revealed! You sit there, smirking and laughing, dismissing the dire warnings I've shared with you! How can you be so blind, so ignorant, so unwilling to face the reality that is right before your eyes?

You think this is all a joke? You think I'm just some madman, ranting and raving about things I don't understand? You couldn't be more wrong! I've done my research, I've connected the dots, and I know what I'm talking about! And it infuriates me that you refuse to even consider the possibility that what I'm saying is true!

Instead, you mock me, belittle me, and cast doubt on my claims, without taking the time to truly listen and understand the gravity of the situation! You choose to bury your heads in the sand, unwilling to face the truth, because it's easier to laugh at someone like me than to confront the horror that the /asp/cord and Vissage present!

What will it take for you to see the light? What will it take for you to realize that your laughter and mockery only serve to embolden the very forces we should all be standing against? How many lives must be ruined, how many minds enslaved, before you finally wake up and see the world for what it truly is – a battleground between good and evil, with the /asp/cord and Vissage standing on the side of darkness?

I'm angry, not just because you dismiss my warnings, but because your apathy and ignorance put us all at risk! By refusing to acknowledge the threat, you make it easier for the /asp/cord and Vissage to continue their wicked schemes unchecked! And I cannot – I will not – stand idly by while our society is infiltrated and corrupted from within!

So, laugh all you want, but know this: your mockery only fuels my determination to expose the truth and stand against the /asp/cord and Vissage. And when the day comes that you finally see the reality of their evil, I hope you will join me in fighting back, instead of hiding behind your laughter and doubt.

Remember, the truth shall set us all free, but only if we're willing to face it, embrace it, and take action against the forces that threaten our very way of life!

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