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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.95633157 [View]
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>Bro thinks /gem2/ is just a meme

>> No.95597193 [View]
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Nah, Shiboo has actual justification with them being a genmate, and Shiori and Biboo in general has that "older sister/little sister" vibes going with them.
Meanwhile what the fuck is even the basis behind AmeRYS

>> No.92997109 [SPOILER]  [View]
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Retard i'm actively shitting on the sisters that notHex is leaving behind, what are you talking about?
I'm mentioning Doppio not being as bad to let op know i'm not saying that shit lightly. All i've heard about the rest of them is worse than what i've seen and heard about that one.

>> No.90973893 [View]
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>Her 3D live was only JPs

>> No.88335694 [View]
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why do women love pyramid head so much

>> No.88196031 [View]
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>goes into vtubing to avoid real life shit
>then decides to just start telling her life story and personal shit

>> No.87726967 [View]
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>murder mystery party
>look inside
>lesbian sex RP

>> No.87708714 [View]
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Is everyone here membered to shiori?

>> No.87602838 [View]
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Isn't biboo a native english speaker? how does she still have trouble with pronunciation

>> No.87343653 [View]
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Why didn't the emperor just tell the primarchs about his sekrit webway project instead of letting them rebel and tear apart half the imperium?

>> No.85709098 [View]
File: 464 KB, 704x762, 1724539310509222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga why are you checking up pornhub this early in the morning tho?

>> No.85163824 [View]
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why is spending money on games/gacha you enjoy so villainized? yeah if you're paying 1000 dollars for a skin you're a retard but dropping the occasional 20 on a f2p game you enjoy for hundreds of hours is completely fine.

>> No.84946919 [View]
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>high tier ENs

>> No.84841925 [View]
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I didn't really care for biboo either way for like a year but like 2 days ago I just randomly woke up and couldn't stop thinking about how erotic biboo actually is. I'm a hagfag but the way biboo moves and speaks just suddenly activated my primal instincts.

>> No.84501065 [View]
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>stream titled yap and doodle
>no doodle

>> No.84157109 [View]
File: 464 KB, 704x762, 1724539310509222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine dickriding a nigger ew

>> No.83466538 [DELETED]  [View]
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how come you guys have zero issue with talking about Mint, Doki, Nina, and Sayu's previous lives but the second anyone even HINTS at a holo's roommate you guys melt down and cry and spam?

>> No.83355020 [View]
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I'm not talking shit, i'm just saying her voice filtered me, then i grew used to it and now it doesn't filter me and i like her very much now. And i predict the same will happen to me with Gigi.
I will continue to call her biboo because it's cuter.

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