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>> No.36910520 [View]
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Yeah basically south korea is a trainwreck of a country.
It has extreme social stratification to an extent that would make even US billionaires blush.
Outright corporate feudalism in some areas.
Cults out the wazoo. Can't go more than a few meters in Seoul without tripping over a cult recruiting operation. One of their recent presidents was in a cult and letting her cult leaders daughter run the country.
Extreme pressure to succeed even by asian standards. Mainly because your place in that social stratification depends heavily on your income. For most of the population the best case scenario is doing well enough in school to get into one of the major companies as a corporate serf. Where you will live in company housing, have a company bank account, use only the company products where applicable, etc. And in exchange you will work yourself into an early grave in quiet desperation to keep it.

Then there's the feminists. You think American feminists are bad?
Bruh south korean feminists are fucking insane.
I forget the name they have as a movement but they're completely bugfuck crazy and hate men to such an extent it is quite absurd.

To be fair one reason white guys have a much easier time in Japan is they're prepared to put in the effort to pull.
Japanese women aren't active and need to be approached. They see themselves as a fortress to be conquered by some brave samurai.
Problem is modern Japanese society basically castrates its men and those it can't castrate it either breaks or diverts their energy into the corporate sphere. So they don't try to conquer fortresses.

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