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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.27018479 [View]
File: 51 KB, 740x900, 1656361705196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was so much more difficult to make than I expected, and came out so much worse too. I really wish I could do voices in a way that doesn't seem insulting. But I said I'd do it, so I did it.


>> No.26977129 [View]
File: 51 KB, 740x900, FWI2WnxXwAEFlUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be moderately skinny Anon
>You decided to join a new gym in order to get that lauded Summer body everyone is talking about
>Now you weren't the most knowledgeable when it came to exercise and fitness, but you estimated that you'll be able to reach your goals in about a month or two
>How hard could it be
>Clad in your old school gym shorts and off-white muscle shirt, you immediately hit the treadmill to get those gains
>A little over half an hour in, however, your eyes catch something out of the ordinary
>A humanoid grasshopper crosses your way and heads towards the free weights section filled with grunting gym members
>This must be one of those chuubas you heard about after your move here
>You watch their tall frame bend over and pick up one of the heftier weights with its three inectoid digits before going through a set of bicep curls
>Finding yourself slowing your speed on the treadmill, you find yourself transfixed watching the bugman's warm up routine
>Underneath the hard emerald chitin you can clearly see the musculature built up from years of training
>You can hear a masculine, vaguely European sounding accent join the clamor of groaning and moaning
>You aren't sure how long you staring but it must have been a while since the bug man makes his way over towards the squat rack
>Affixing the weights to both sides the bar looks impossible for the likes of you to lift
>As the sweat--can bugs sweat?--cascades down his abdomen, he stoically grips the handle and, with a shout of exertion, dips to the floor
>His glassy bulbous eyes squint and his mandables twitch with every exhaled breath
>This must be a try for a personal best
>You feel your own legs nearly buckle from the pressure just by looking at him
>With muscles bulging through his shimmering carapace he
>Slowly but surely the bug man rises to the top, resting the bar back in its position
>You were so transfixed after witnessing such a feat of strength that you didn't register he was walking his way over to you
>Not wanting to be seen slacking you quickly increase the speed on the treadmill
>"Guten tag," the bug man says cooly. "I have not seen you around here before."
"Y-yeah I'm new here. Just joined up not too long ago."
>"Wunderbar," he exclaims. "My name is Caleb Horus. I saw you mirin' my form back there on the squat rack."
"Oh no, you must be mistaken-"
>"Tut tut. No need to be coy mein kerl. We all need people who can inspire us to be our very best, yes?"
>You nod
>"In fact, I can see such latent potential in you waiting to be unleashed!"
>With a jolly laugh he slaps his hand right on your back
>"Why don't we discuss some training tips. Perhaps in a more relaxing environment. Maybe the sauna, hm?"
>You gulp

>> No.25095659 [View]
File: 51 KB, 740x900, yw4drjhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single one.
The porcupine grongi episode might turn you into an absolutely fanatic karate bugman enthusiast.
Take your first step towards destiny.

>> No.24732484 [View]
File: 51 KB, 740x900, yw4drjhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Day of the Designated Outward Week before I do nothing but Shipbreaker next week.
It's not easy being a patrician who enjoys Sisyphus Simulators when they get new releases back-to-back.

>> No.12507399 [View]
File: 51 KB, 740x900, yw4drjhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for coming by the stream, hope you had a good time!
Sorry about the shorter stream, would've loved to further self-defend myself in Detroit's convention center but I was positively starving at the end there.
Might try to squeeze a little guerilla in tomorrow but no promises.

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