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>> No.30270168 [View]
File: 2.29 MB, 1206x7213, nijikoshien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the number to beat?
Here is Flare Top 10 so far

>peak :: date :: title :: video_id
>86890 :: 2022-06-19 :: 【#不知火フレア生誕祭LIVE】遅れてやってきた私の誕生日LIVE! :: H1vf2vF1LmE
>86119 :: 2021-12-12 :: 【#不知火フレア新ビジュアル】おまたせ!さらに可愛くなった私を沢山見てっ! :: FU5Rlcm1-mo
>77032 :: 2020-11-14 :: 【新衣装お披露】ついにこの日が来た!New costume :: PbwzvYMYqQc
>68601 :: 2022-02-20 :: 【#不知火フレア3D新ビジュアルお披露目】お待たせ!!君に早く会いたかったよ! :: BB2zYMB-1G4
>65604 :: 2020-06-13 :: 【#不知火フレア3D】不知火フレア3Dお披露目会はエンディングまで泣くんじゃない! :: N5G5FlyPt9s
>65375 :: 2022-08-06 :: 【3期生周年特別企画】#フレアわかりて選手権 !!!! :: RWUGLiHVoGE
>60587 :: 2021-08-07 :: 【#不知火フレア2周年記念ライブ】3D LIVE!みんなで沢山盛り上がろう! :: ZMlPAsIJslA
>43998 :: 2022-06-28 :: 【 #不知火建設 】みんなで旅行いってきました :: h5EQ4ADmUVM
>43458 :: 2021-01-25 :: 【マインクラフト/Minecraft】やっぱりトラップドアなんだよなぁ~!! :: 3QTrXUDp2-8
>41793 :: 2021-11-23 :: 【#3期生歌枠リレー】ライブ前だ!心を一つに! :: WnAg17SYoh8

She already proved she can hit 86k+ not 2 months ago when she hit her current personal best but King today might come with 90k+, even 100k+ so it would take a HUGE improvement for Flare to beat prime buffed King.

It can make for a good horse race tho

>> No.30187994 [View]
File: 2.29 MB, 1206x7213, nijikoshien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiKoshien streams so far
>pic related

A very big drop off with the turn of the month and, as usual, the king lording over his subjects sitting comfy in his throne

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