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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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NTA but
Those are part of the Werewolf: the Forsaken template. In Chronicles of Darkness, each splat (book series, such as Vampire: the Requiem, Werewolf: the Forsaken, Mage: the Awakening, Hunter: the Vigil, etc) has their own template that it's added on top of the Mortal sheet, the one I posted on the left. Each one adds their own specific variants and new mechanics related to what they do.
Blood and Bone are the Forsaken versions of Virtue and Vice, Blood is how the character display themselves when they're hunting, the claws are out and lives are on the line, while Bone is how their self identity is displayed, underneath the fury and fangs when things are calm and safe.
Auspice is the moon phase in which the werewolf went through their first change, it determines their role and overall disposition in the world, and deviating too much from it is frowned upon by others. Mechanically speaking, it determines the bonuses to specific skills that are related to that role, and what is your first Renown, which I'll explain later. Rahu is the Full Moon, making wolfbros who are amazing warriors but not dumb brutes, they must also be masterful tacticians and defenders, since that Moon auspices Brawl, Intimidation, and Survival, and their Renown is Purity.
Tribe is your spiritual family/club/association, this one you character has a choice of affiliating or become a Ghost Wolf who has no tribe. Each tribe has a Sacred Prey (specific targets that are a threat to the balance) and an Oath, pretty self-explanatory. It determines your character's Gifts and Rites, plus the tribe's Renown. Iron Masters are known for acceptance of change and adaptation, and are more prone to messing with technology and the changes it made to humans, compared to the other tribes. Their Sacred Prey are humans who mess with others, such as killers and the few nasty supernaturals like vamps and mages, and their Oath is to honor their territory, which involves making it a better place that happens to involve hunting humans who mess with it as well. Their Renown is Cunning.
Renown is the demonstration of a werewolf's accomplishments in life, such a powerful thing that it affects how others see them, since your character is marked with visible runes displaying (when transformed) how many achievements they went through, and mechanically it tells you how your character gets bonuses in certain rolls and unlocks Gifts when you reach a specific Renown level.
Kuruth translates to Death Rage, which is in a state where the werewolf is so overcharged with blind fury that it'll make it hurt anyone in their path, friend or foe, full berserker rampage so powerful that it can even make other werewolves get in Death Rage as well, or run the risk of getting sliced and diced. First it comes as Soft Rage where the werewolf still has some time to control themselves and find a safe spot to unleash, and can avoid going berserk with good rolls, while Hard Rage is the complete loss of control and shit hits the fan. Triggers are what can make your character be more susceptible to get in Soft Rage, but they can avoid it if their Harmony (the Forsaken version of Morality/Integrity) is well-balanced.
Totem is what defines your pack, becoming such an important asset that the players all must pitch in ideas and concepts to better define it, since it will affect their characters and NPCs covered by it with bonuses and objectives that must be covered to gain its blessings. Gifts are your character's powers, pretty much, Moon Gifts originate from their Auspice, Shadow are from spirits and Wolf are from within.

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