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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 200: Today I've done my anki, immersion and grammar reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime. For grammar I've rewatched the last Cure Dolly video I've seen, to remind myself cause I've not been watching them for the last few days. Plus, that one is longer than all the other ones so far.
Day 200, damn. That felt much shorter than the first 100 days. I mean, the time is literally the same, but in my head it passed so much faster then the first 100 days. When I look at my recap of the first 100 days there were all kinds of things I was doing, but for this second 100 days it can all be boiled down to 2 things: immersion and anki.
Anki: I tried increasing number of new cards to 10 a day, but I failed. I decided to stick to 5 cards a day till the end, it might be slow, but that's the number I can sustain for the long time. With this pace I'll finish core 2.3k a few days before FUWAMOCO and Advent one year anniversary. That's a nice timing to hit.
When it comes down to immersion: I was mostly focused on anime. Till the last week I was watching every episode first with EN subs, then with JP ones. I felt like that worked out nice, but I got a little bit of false confidence when it comes down to understanding JP. Not anything too serious, but when I recently changed order to JP first I realized how much I truly understand. Less then I thought, but not anything alarming. It just felt like a good reality check. Do I regret watching EN first for some time? No, I still think it helped me greatly. Could've I started watching with JP subs first a little bit earlier? Yeah, but I'm okay with this. As I said countless of times, I'm fine with taking a baby steps. I know what my next step should be: stop using EN subs completely. Knowing it and actually doing are two completely different things, so it will take some time to build up a courage to ditch training wheels.
My plan for future immersion reps is to increase amount of JP streams I'm watching and lower the anime. When it comes to understanding streams, I can take as an example the last JP collab FUWAMOCO did with Choco, where I understood about 30% of the stream.
I'll enjoy this Rock'n Rawr Party and then continue doing my reps while patiently waiting for Fuwawa and Mococo to release their new schedule!
P.S. I got quads in my last blogpost. I think that's the first time for me.

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