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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.7535233 [View]
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kek, I have been there.
Go to the comfy "anything goes" thread that usually has Ogayu or Mr. Koro as the OP image.
>Ok firefox tranny shill
What a compelling argument.
>how did you not realize that's 4chanX and Violentmonkey?
Picrel. How do you even use that thing? You know who owns Opera, right?
>I dont use Brave for social media. I specifically said that I only use it for my agricultural thesis
>using it at all
Pick any one of the three things I linked above. Read one.
>I wouldn't really rely to an e-celeb on twitter about anything. Him linking the Verge made me even more suspicious. I can trust the lion browser shills on /g/ enough.
Wasn't the fucking point. At all. They used his name and a fake endorsement to shill their actual shitcoin.
Yes, that was my fucking point. It is a MEME. For idiots who repeat things like
>Ok firefox tranny shill
Know what Firefox actually forces you to do? Containerizes ANYTHING involving Facebook. HARD.

You complained about performance issues. Keep having performance issues.
"Evil" Edge runs NASFAQ 24/7 here on a computer that's probably older than you are. And Firefox can handle displaying the entire Market in one obscenely oversized window without breaking a sweat.

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