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>> No.11750524 [View]
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>’Another boring day at the office’ was what you were thinking as filled out the day’s crossword
>The lights of the city through the blinds was all the light you needed as you leaned back in your chair, deep in thought while the rain pitter pattered against the windows
>Another cigarette joined the growing mound in the ashtray, a habit you had picked up from the war
>Well, it would have been just any other day, but as luck would have it, things were about to change for better or worse
>The door to your office flung open and in stepped the most beautiful dame you’d ever seen
>Clad in a thick coat over a shining blue dress, bright blue jewelry adorning her ears
>She had legs for days and her chest, well, you knew where you wanted to be buried when you died
>Her voice was pitched and ragged, no doubt out of breath
>”Please detective, you’ve got to help me!”
>You folded your newspaper, setting in down as you sat up in your chair
>”What’s a doll like you need my help for?” You ask, wanting to go back to your crossword
>She puts a hand to her heaving chest, composing herself before speaking
>”It's my pocket watch. It’s been stolen.”
>You raised an eyebrow at her. “You have something stolen, you go to the police. Not me.”
>You got up to open the door for her
>”Police station’s four blocks down. Take a right and you can’t miss it.”
>She shook her head. “You don’t understand. It’s not just any old pocket watch, it was my father’s. I always have it on me at all times.”
>”All the same, you should go to the cops first.”
>”I already went to them. They told me they wouldn't help. Too much trouble and not a major enough crime.” She said gloomfully
>She pulled her arms from her sleeves and turned around, grasping onto your hand, looking up at you with pleading, puppy dog eyes.
>”Oh please oh please detective, please help me find that watch. It means the world to me.”
>You wanted to yank your hand away
>But she was so gorgeous, like a stained glass window or a beautiful work of art, you were afraid she’d shatter into a million pieces if you so much as laid a finger on her
>Her stare intensified, her shining blue eyes piercing your hard and rugged outer shell
>You were always a softie
>”Fine kid, I’m on the case.”
>You took a pack of smokes from your breast pocket as you sat down, lighting one up and enjoying a puff
>”I’d like to ask you some questions, but first can I offer you anything. Tea? Coffee?”
>She sat down across from you, pulling her coat over her shoulders. “I could go for a cup of tea.”
>All you had was Lipton, but it would have to do
>You handed her the warm cup and sat back down, grabbing a pen and your notepad
>Maybe tonight wouldn’t be so boring after all
t. techanon

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