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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.48503585 [View]
File: 209 KB, 828x1060, spy peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as a recap of how crazy the month of April was, here is the Top 10 streams for that month

>peak :: date :: title :: nameEn :: video_id
>244788 :: 2023-04-16 :: 【#ホロぷよテト大会】第一回 ホロライブぷよテト大会!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: Usada Pekora :: JOFXeA2h3tY
>165037 :: 2023-04-15 :: VTuber最協決定戦 ver.APEX LEGENDS Season5 本配信 :: Shibuya HAL :: XAy6jznoWYE
>122091 :: 2023-04-18 :: 【#不破湊3Dお披露目】はじめまして!バーチャルホストの不破湊です! :: Fuwa Minato :: 8cVU9vz7PyM
>111617 :: 2023-04-13 :: 【#戌神ころね4周年】みんなのおかげで4周年、本当にありがとう!!!4th anniversary Live :: Inugami Korone :: o3JeicqyVG0
>110960 :: 2023-04-02 :: #V最協S5 ランドマークドラフトついに開幕! :: Shibuya HAL :: 9ympVhuif-U
>104665 :: 2023-04-22 :: 【VTuber】ホロライブ格付けスペシャル!!天音かなた爆誕記念𤐀 :: Amane Kanata :: BTEnvixJqwQ
>97308 :: 2023-04-10 :: 【#ホロぷよテト大会】ホロライブぷよテト大会!大抽選会!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ぺこ! :: Usada Pekora :: DSrW0Mcp85Y
>96062 :: 2023-04-21 :: 【豪華声優陣】プロに声優オーディションを受けてもらった結果!?!?!! :: Houshou Marine :: wUFeA2p4nuw
>95630 :: 2023-04-03 :: 【ぷよテト2】星街すいせいにテトリス勝ったら告知!!!!!!!!!!!ぺこ! :: Usada Pekora :: iLkbcfplbgM
>91365 :: 2023-04-10 :: 【#三枝明那3DLIVE】 夢の足跡 / Akina Saegusa 4th anniversary LIVE ”trackdown” :: Saegusa Akina :: zfIEsdD82BY

An amazing month full of big numbers

>> No.42615670 [View]
File: 209 KB, 828x1060, spy peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/nijien/ spy here
Here is what one of the most at length posts said

>Not surprised in the slightest about Zaion's suspension and anyone with half a braincell knows why.
>Since her debut and until recent she has made various comments about:

>Drug and drug use
>Naming 4chan on multiple occasions
>Piracy and emulation, both of which are big legal no-no's in Japan
>Shota comments and horny social media likes, which management has forbid others from partaking in
>Edgy comments about self-harm and harming others

>Not every stream had had them mind.
>But all it takes is a few Nina or Hex tier anti's to report things (or stupid anons to timestamp events and get them featured in the catalogue) for this to spread.
>Factor in this is only the stuff the general public has seen.
>The statement also mentions comments she addressed to management.
>So she's been bullshitting to them too.

>/nijien/ spy OUT

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