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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.5362243 [View]
File: 1.57 MB, 1000x1000, Mori Veil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

“Kind friends and companions, come join me in rhyme~...” It was definitely an odd way to end your time at Cover High, that was for fucking sure. Through a wild combination of annoying global events, national tragedies, and the principal being outed as a pedophile, the annual Student Festival ended up being pushed back to the absolute tail end of the year. So much so, that it would also be the last time all the clubs would be able to get together in any official capacity. This led to every club going absolutely balls to the wall for an explosive send off, yours included.

The Music Club.

You never had an incredibly vested interest in music, but when you were basically strong-armed into joining a club it was the only one that looked like anything more than a glorified detention to you and it was an opportunity for an actual block of time for the guitar practice you’d been slacking on. With the benefit of hindsight however, you’d have been sprinting into the music room day fucking one if you knew who’d be on the other side of that door every day. The one who was the first to introduce herself to you and ask about your guitar. The one who only needed to add a “for me?” to get you to agree to perform in the concert the club just put on. The one who asked you(and only you!) to help her write the rap she performed earlier today. The one who’d snagged the last of the takoyaki(they were dyed purple and shaped into these cute little squid guys, called them TakoWahki, genius) from her girlfriend’s food stand in the courtyard to share with everyone as you all winded down in the club room. The one’s just sitting there, staring absentmindedly out the window! Go up and say something to her, dammit! This is literally your last chance!

“Here’s a health to the dear lass, that I love so well…” The shanty was a surprising choice, but Rikka is a man of culture and with quite a few others singing along, it was a good one. As you take your feet off the desk and step past the people dancing to the song in the middle to lean against the window beside her, seemingly having not noticed your arrival. Now getting a closer look, her expression is a fair bit more melancholic than it seemed to be from across the room.

Alright, Anon. This is gonna be a bit more treacherous of a conversation than you thought, just be cool, just be cool, just be fucking cool. You extend the stick containing your last 3 takoyaki to her. Your 3 little delicious octo-soldiers sacrificing themselves for a higher cause.

“Tako for your thoughts, Mori?” You say, giving them a little shake as her pink ponytail whips to one side when she turns to look at you, and smiles.

“Hey, Anon. Nah, your boy’s just thinking a little too hard, I guess.” she responds, taking your takoyaki and biting one of them off the stick. As she chews, she looks at the two remaining ones.

“Poor whittle guysh are almost too cute to eat. Heh heh, almosht.” Callii continues before swallowing the little martyr dedicated to your heartache. She’s definitely not wrong.

“Yeah, Ina definitely knows how to make a cute mascot, and credit to Kiara for being able to translate that into something not only edible, but pretty darn good to boot.” You tell her, earnestly complimenting her friend and girlfriend respectively.

But, her smile falls once you mention Cover High’s resident phoenix. Ah fuck, are they going through something? They seemed pretty great a little bit ago, when Calli finished performing that rap she’d been working on for the concert Kiara all but jumped the stage to hug and kiss the rhythmic reaper.

Calli looks back out the window, and when you follow her gaze you realize the window has a perfect view of Kiara’s food stand, selling their remaining foodstuffs. To the stalls left is Ina’s small table where she’d been sketching and painting portraits for the other students, with the artist herself cleaning up all the strewn about paint and brushes, having closed down seemingly not long before. To it’s right is Gura still sitting on the board over her dunk tank, berating and goading passersby into paying Amelia to try and hit the target and cause her to fall into the water. How being dropped into a tank of water is meant to be getting one over on a shark you don't understand, but maybe that’s just those two being clever enough to make it so they win no matter what.

>> No.5283742 [View]
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A thread for the discussion of the Angra Mainyu of Arcane Mixtapes herself, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.

>> No.2296677 [View]
File: 1.57 MB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thread for the discussion of the Angra Mainyu of Arcane Mixtapes herself, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.

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