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>> No.73799620 [View]
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>riding my motorcycle on backwoods roads after sunset
>think I took a wrong turn somewhere, no street signs around here and the road I was looking for hasn't turned up yet
>getting dark. my headlight is collecting bugs, start looking for a house where I can ask for directions
>no houses. strange, my trip was through a populated area. keep on going a few more miles
>wtf. there shouldn't even be any roads this long anywhere near my route. I'm completely lost, in a foreign country. at least I have my bivy in the saddlebags...
>there must be a house, or a car on this road. somewhere. haven't seen a SOUL for miles though. start looking for a good place to put my bag down at the side of the road
>holy shit what is that? a bear? can't see it clearly but it was large and in the woods to my right. I speed up, let's put some miles behind me before I put down for the night
>find a good spot. HOLY fuck, another bear? there shouldn't be so much wildlife around here. I must have wandered into a nature preserve. consider riding through the night, but that would only put me further off track... a few more miles it is. can't be a bear at every place I stop. right? right
>fucking dark now. the road is much narrower, the trees are getting dense. should stop here and put the bag down before it's all undergrowth. glance to my right ANOTHER FUCKING BEAR?
>that's not a bear.
>bears don't run that fast.
>wolf? holy that's a big wolf.
>I keep going. glance to the forest. it's still there, running, keeping up with my Indian. I rev the throttle
>I look again to my right as I'm speeding down the dark road. whatever is running through the trees it is going over 70mph. I can hear branches snapping. I look back at my speedometer to see how fast this fucker is going and that's when I see her
>the fu-
>I swerve to avoid an old lady in a cape crossing the road, my bike careens out from under me and I go flying into the trees on the left.
>the next thing I recall is that old lady standing over me, except she wasn't an old lady, a pretty young woman with yellow eyes and pale skin, wearing a cape like an old woman, is looking down at me. I'm on something soft. a bed? bandages. I need to warn her about the beast!
>that idiot was going over 90mph down our driveway! he almost hit you! another voice in the room
>where am I?
>shush, it's better if you don't know
>she's nice, I think as my consciousness starts to fade away. is that a needle in her hand?
>the next time I woke up light was streaming in through the window, but when I opened the blinds there was nothing. nothing at all but blank whiteness, like I was staring directly at a diffuse movie set lamp. this house is old, very old, but the lock on my door is solid. my caretaker tells me it is for my safety, but I don't believe her. I don't know how long I've been here, long enough to heal a broken leg for sure, but without any way to tell time I don't have a clue. I need to escape from this place. next time she brings my food I'm going to make a run for it
nta but felt like writing something

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