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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.3252639 [View]
File: 397 KB, 688x351, i made plans to write Anon pulling out and forgot whoops too late.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you, my friends.


>> No.1997913 [View]
File: 397 KB, 688x351, Knockout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesturing towards the bed, Botan leads, placing her hands on the edge as she sticks her ass out invitingly, tail swishing from side to side as she waits. Despite all your bravado, you let out a nervous ‘gulp’ as you drink in the sight, Botan giving you a smirk as you anxiously position yourself. You’re actually about to fuck an idol…

“Quit admiring and stick it in me already,” Botan growls softly, bouncing her ass for effect. “I feel like every inch of me is on fire…”

Absentmindedly nodding, you line yourself up, the idol letting out a soft sigh of pleasure as she feels the stimulation of your head. You steady yourself before rocking your hips forward, sliding yourself into the (slightly) older woman, drawing a moan out of her as she tightens her grasp on the sheets. Her back stiffens just a bit as she relaxes, wriggling her hips teasingly while you reach under her, grasping at one of her breasts. Your heart starts to race as you slowly work yourself into a rhythm, fondling Botan as you get comfortable. Botan pushes her waist back and into you as her tail continues to swish idly, sweat rolling off her forehead as she does so. Hard to believe this started with freezing not so long ago.

Botan begins thrusting back against you with more force, and you take the hint to pick up the pace, pinching one of the lioness’ nipples between your index finger and thumb, tugging on it while you drive yourself into her over and over, starting to pant. Your partner, however, lets out a soft groan.

“Fuck, I’ve been needing this so badly,” She whimpers, twitching at every motion you perform. “D-Doing good, but don’t hold back...just rut in me, I don’t care. Let loose…”

The thing in your brain holding you back - the courteous part of you that acknowledges that sex is meant to be enjoyed by both parties and not ended as soon as it began - quickly shrinks as the ravenous animal within you is given the go ahead. Pulling Botan back to you, you slam your hips against yours, roughly using the older woman as her tail shoots stiffly upwards.

“That’s it! J-Just like that!” She all but screams, drooling at the edges of lips while she desperately attempts to cooperate with you. “Cum! Cum inside me, just-”

Botan’s cut short as your orgasm hits, cumming right on demand as Botan orders you to finish, knees buckling as the stimulation finally becomes too much for you to endure. Botan lets out a shuttering groan as she clenches around you, back arching as she spasms and shivers...before finally going limp, leaving her ass up as her upper half rests against the mattress, panting heavily alongside you. You would’ve liked for it to have lasted a bit longer, but frankly you aren’t in the mood to complain. Botan stays in the position for a while longer before she slowly crawls forward onto the bed, allowing you to slide out of her as she lays face down, still out of breath.

“...’Mere,” She mutters, turning her face out of the mattress enough to look back at you, patting the spot next to her. With a smile, you acquiesce, sliding in next to her as she scooches closer, wrapping an arm around you as she rests her cheek on your chest, looking up to you.

“Uhm...t-thanks...that was an itch I really, *really* needed scratched, and...yeah…” She trails, going quiet.
“Don’t thank me,” You begin, reaching a hand up to pet the girl’s head. It’s every bit as fluffy as you imagined it to be. “You’re still doing me a way bigger favor. Besides, something like that, uh...isn’t really something I’d begrudge doing. Not worth thanking me over.”

Botan lets out a little giggle into your chest, seemingly relaxing more as she lays there with you, leaning into the soft strokes of your hand as you continue to pet her, enjoying the intimacy.

“Then...wanna do it again?” She asks. You twitch.
“W-Wait, so soon? But…”
“But you’re snowed in, in my house, on my bed with a dick that’s getting hard again,” She grins up to you, free hand trailing southward as she teases the tip of your cock with her fingers. Your soldier stands at attention almost immediately. “That’s completely hard again. Mommy’s still in heat...and with such a sweetheart of a partner, it’s hard not to wanna go again…m-maybe even make it a normal thing…”

You shift in the bed a bit, Botan’s hands taking more liberties with your person as you do so. She licks her lips once more.

“Come on. Let me keep you warm…”

You grin in response, leaning into the purring woman. If you’re here, why not? It's going to be a long, cold night. What better way to stay toasty?

Sorry for the delay. Hopefully it's something you enjoy.

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