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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers
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>File: 2view.png (199 KB, 606x1028)
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:00:48 No.11861074▶>>11861810 >>11861867 >>11861954 >>11862240 >>11862365 >>11864594 >>11864714 >>11865164 >>11865447 >>11865594 >>11865759 >>11866111 >>11866479 >>11866794 >>11866930 >>11867334 >>11873679 >>11875644 >>11875990 >>11877901 >>11878072 >>11878656 >>11879180 >>11879587 >>11883475 >>11883945 >>11884184
>When will 2views ever learn?
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:16:53 No.11861699▶>>11864623 >>11881090
>Wait vtubers have to pay their artists? I thought artists did it for free.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:18:50 No.11861771▶
>>Just work for free bro, I'll pay you in clout.
>A grift as old as time.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:20:01 No.11861810▶>>11862130
>>>11861074 (OP)
>Can't you just search for a artist with a one-time fee?
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:21:40 No.11861867▶
>>>11861074 (OP)
>Never, that's why they don't grow.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:24:26 No.11861954▶>>11862188 >>11880369 >>11881356
>>>11861074 (OP)
>Oh my god, who gives a shit. One retard acts like a retard and every turns the retard into the topic for the day as they all make themselves feel better for not being that retard when infact they are retarded. Twitter is the biggest cesspit on the internet.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:26:44 No.11862020▶>>11872913
>They're not talking about paying for the commission, ESLtards
>A commercial fee is an extra fee you pay to use the art for commercial purposes.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:29:51 No.11862130▶
>y-yea sure but it's gonna be e x p e n s i v e
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:31:33 No.11862188▶
>Based and true
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:33:08 No.11862240▶>>11877770
>>>11861074 (OP)
>Just commission third world artists that live know nothing of vtubing and dont live in the same country you do. This trick works better when its a porn artist using a penname as they wont have the gall to sue you.
>That's how you avoid commercial fees
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:35:36 No.11862346▶>>11864519 >>11864650 >>11875381
>I never understand the point between personal use and commercial fees, just price it all in together. Tacking on a higher price just for commercial use is just a way for artists to charge double.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:35:56 No.11862365▶
>>>11861074 (OP)
>Not only a 2view but a fucking vtweeter
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:38:39 No.11862458▶>>11865450
>That first post has nothing to do with the second.
>>I don't use artists who charge commercial fees
>>You MUST pay the fees
>>But I don't use artists who charge commercial fees.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)01:42:30 No.11862568▶>>11864537
>>commercial fees
>What? I thought it was one time payment, upfront.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)02:47:20 No.11864519▶>>11864630 >>11866888
>It's because you are profiting off of their work. The entire concept of commercial fees is good because it helps ensure you aren't just ripping someone off so you can profit from their work.
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)02:48:04 No.11864537▶
>No some of them are kikes
> Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)02:50:07 No.11864594▶>>11866973
>>>11861074 (OP)
>what the fuck is this autist babbling about?

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