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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.73058047 [View]
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How the fuck is she supposed to leave when EVERYONE hates her?
Her indie career is dead on arrival

>> No.71414959 [View]
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Riku is literally never going to fix the problem with the EN branch until he gets rid of source.

He needs to get rid of Enna. That is the source of all the problems.
Instead, it feels like the entire purpose of the EN branch is to promote Enna specifically
>she gets 1 billion raids from everyone else
>she gets every single collab, every single merch, promoted to the front of everything,
>even when girls like Pomu and Selen drastically outpeformed and outearned her, she still gets the preference
>flouts every single rule.
>Makes a terrible reputation for the corpo with her NTR routine and bitching about her income, and all the rest of her nonsense.
>STILL gets all the preference, all the investment. 3D, everything she ever wanted.

It's absolutely ridiculous watching this from the outside. It's like Nijisanji is an evil organization that is deliberately boosting people within the corpo in direct proportion to how much of an evil scumbag they are.

>> No.69113455 [View]
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Do you guys think Enna is a bully?

>> No.62060241 [View]
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I guess Enna completely forgot she told this exact same story last stream. Except this time she's making reference to her dad "being a dealer".
I legitimately think Enna is preparing this "comedy material" before her streams. She's working off her old notes right now

>> No.61811723 [View]
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Luca did so much damage to Pomu in the long run.
Not just Pomu, but the female side of the branch as a whole. There's so many guys who are aware of Luca/Pomu and it drives them away from considering Nijisanji.

Back when Luca/Pomu was happening.....guess who was telling them it was a shitty idea? Yeah that's right, it was me. But they didn't listen. Should have listened to me, should have considered the longer term.
In the same way I say you need to fire Enna. The reputational damage is too big. Having her around is not good for anyone.

Enna claims she will "do anything" to avoid going back to retail. But why did she treat her career as a joke and mock her own fans? Why didn't she take anything seriously or show respect to people? Why did she think doing the things she's done were acceptable at all?

>> No.57933729 [View]
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The wrestling tournament
>every member creates their own fighter, except Enna who just took one from the /hfz/ thread because of how little shits she gives
>Vox is trying his heart out to entertain the crowd, everyone's giving it their A-game, except Enna who doesn't even show up to the first day.
>On the second day Enna pretends to be super tired to copy Kyo who was tired from his meds.
>Says she wants to go and doesn't want to be there. The whole time whining how shit the tournament is and how she wants to leave.
>wins the tournament easily because her fighter was highly optimized by the /hfz/ thread, their entire thread is bragging about it
>didn't sound excited or happy at all in the final interview, says she wants to leave. Snaps at Doppio in a nasty way when he tries to engage her in conversation.
>leaves and doesn't stay with the others in the post-tournament zatsu
>claimed to be so sleepy, yet stays up another hour after the tournament tweeting on her phone
Everyone said she was the worst part of the tournament, once again making it all about herself and her own drama instead of respecting others.

>> No.56997443 [View]
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That's not a reason.

>> No.53308697 [View]
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tldr of Enna's stream before it happens
>acts like a fucking cunt
>management mandated message "I love this game so much"
>fucks up the gameplay and begs for backseating
>doesn't remember anything about the franchise anymore
>talks about what she had for dinner, and her shits

>> No.52718831 [View]
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You have to be socially retarded not to see Enna and Kyo flirting this stream

>> No.51366315 [View]
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Why doesn't Enna just admit that her and Kyo are an item? Is it not allowed in Nijisanji?
Even now she's telling lies to her fans while she meets up with him. Why though?

>> No.50796753 [View]
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This was a fucking bizarre stream, just like I knew it would be
Why do the girls behave like this around Luca?

>> No.46499130 [View]
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Enna's been talking a lot about her "metrics"
So I look at her metrics and they are....not good

irrelevancy suits her

>> No.44886694 [View]
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The more I think about it, the more this makes it clear that Enna has been telling some lies.

I bet you she never mentions being a virgin again. She also did that fakeout bait on twitter "I have a big announcement" and then claimed the announcement was her new phone. But I think she actually had another big announcement she never told us about.

>> No.44841368 [View]
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Mysta kinda based calling the mixed-race child "ugly".
But what does Enna say afterwards? That's kind of pedophilic isn't it?

>> No.44500044 [View]
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So Enna is just a bitter, snarling person that says "fucking bitch" all the time?

>> No.44447553 [View]
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>Wants to move somewhere "warmer"
>refuses to consider America for some bizarre reason
in reality there's 2 reasons
1) Unrealistic fears about guns
2) She is far-left (as the recent collab revealed) and thinks of america as a "right wing capitalist country", and probably thinks she'll be targeted for racial attacks or something.

So because she's such a flaming left wing retard, she completely scratches America off the list. The wealthiest country in the world with invariable climates and a massive asian population.
Fucks sake California perfectly meets all of her needs. It's warm, huge cities to live in, 12% asian population.

For some reason she's desperate to move to Australia, which is an inhospitable desert wasteland with temperatures so hot you can't even go outside much of the year.

>> No.44336104 [View]
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Fulfilling my promise for timestamps
25:14 -- Joking about Colonization
>N: "Stop colonizing everything Reimu"
>R: "It's my turn after being colonized for so many years"
>E: "omg, you're right"
>N: "Conquistador!"
>R: "don't say that, that word triggers me"
38:18 -- "Cheesus Crust, I'm never gonna make fun of you again" >everyone laughs<
38:52 -- "I am gonna become god, because I'm so angry at god"
39:00 -- Conversation about "buying the body of Christ", 39:40 -- "It's really really cheap too"
41:30 -- Nina drinks a bottle of wine per day
47:26 -- Enna's favorite ice cream is vanilla, odd but kind of based
55:08 -- Mocking Capitalism
>N: "You hoarding capitalist pig"
>R: "I love capitalism....God bless Amurrica"
>E: "It's ok guys, it's just my channel"
55:47 -- Donald Trump the "evil billionaire"
>N: "It's time to take down Reimu Endou, the evil billionaire"
>R: "I'm gonna make my own tower. I'll call it Endou tower. I'm gonna run for president next year"
>*Nina and Enna laugh hard*
56:51 -- Nina making a mockery of Jesus "I need the body of Jesus Christ" referring to the bread.
1:09:04 -- Anti-capitalism sentiment
>R: "I love capitalism!"
>E: "No you don't, you're a victim"
>Reimu is currenty winning the game, it's clear "victim of capitalism" is not referring to the game, but rather a common socialist talking point in the hispanic world that US capitalism is causing poverty in Latin America.
1:10:00 -- Still talking about capitalism, Nina wants "power to the people". Communist slogan.
1:12:53 -- Nina's "revolution" to "take down capitalism"
1:13:18 -- "Eat the rich"
1:14:13 -- "Nina you're supposed to eat the rich"
1:15:22 -- "Eat the rich, eat the colonizer, take our land back!" They are equating "rich" to "colonizer" sounding like a socialist stump speech.
1:16:15 -- "The revolution has begun"
1:46:00 -- Reimu calls herself "American". Many anti-USA people in Latin America will call themselves "the true Americans" and mock the US calling them "United Statesians".
2:03:58 -- "Cheesus Crust is upset with me"
3:49:06 -- Enna said she's been bonked by management and is forced to "be nice" now. But after a few months she will "become adventurous" again. Basically she will go back to her old cunt ways.

>> No.43702781 [View]
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Things I have seen posted about Enna on this board
>Claiming that she's "like actually a christian".
Some anon kept trying to argue this for some bizarre reason. Even though she shits on christianity and is pretty outspokenly athiest, if not believing some weird chinese superstitions.
>Enna is secretly based 4channer who hates black people.
No she's definitely not. Time and again she's proven herself to be basically a standard twitter leftist. And this recent stream is no exception.
>Enna is secretly a good person "behind the scenes"
This is a tired old trope about enna that gets repeated often because she says it. But there is no evidence this is true whatsoever. In fact she herself has admitted on several occasions now that she's a bitch, and furthermore that being a bitch is an integral part of her personality inherited from her father.

>> No.43486803 [View]
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I'll be honest I hate her significantly less when she has the demeanor she had today.

>> No.30525883 [View]
File: 355 KB, 374x398, Enna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe there really are women I could love in this world....

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