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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.27037590 [View]
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Battle-relevant shit for Comfydants:
- Retractable blades. You can't fully disarm one. They'd be pretty menacing at close-range given the tech levels Ninisani is at, as they'd be able to shrug off any blows that don't directly connect with a fleshy bit. Low-caliber guns would also be shrugged off if it impacts with a cybernetic part, but given your military knowledge I assume you're well aware what will and won't pierce steel.
- Built in air filtration, artificial eyes. Dust storms and other such environmental conditions that may make breathing or visibility problems for full organics would not affect them. Sharper vision than a human.
- Between themselves, they're capable of short-range radio communications. I've been debating what range wouldn't be completely overpowered given Vitubia's current militech levels, but honestly, you would probably know better than me. Thoughts?
- They have a small amount of "internal storage" where they can store photographs/recordings taken through their eyes. Useful for espionage since this essentially gives them perfect memories, but of course, storage space is limited, and regardless of whether they can perfectly recall something they'd still have to actually notice anything worth noting. Assume they can store around as much as an early flip phone before things need to start being deleted.
- They aren't used to formalized military movements and are kind of shit with authority. While they can march with a group well enough, they would likely serve poorly in tight battle formations as they'll fuck off to do their own thing if it seems to be going poorly. You're better served using them as scouts, or part of a small shock troop. Roles where their tendency for independent action would be beneficial, rather than harmful. Of course, they can be trained out of this, but it would take time and you'd better earn their respect first.
- They're used to navigating and fighting on tricky terrain, but wide open flatlands would throw them for a loop. Hell, some of them probably have agoraphobia. You can actually see the sky here. Weird.
- They've figured out how to essentially use chuubanite as batteries for their cybernetics, but they burn through it quickly. You'll need to ensure they have a steady supply or they'll die as vital components like their throats and spines begin failing them. (If this does end up happening, they'll likely keep fighting right up until their limbs just stop working. They're stubborn sons of bitches.)

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