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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.42801457 [View]
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OK cunt enough of your bullshit. I can block you on the cord but not here so time to leak some shit.

Sapling. You said that you would give us soil from deep within your forests because it grows fast. Thats cool. But are you willing to dig up a bunch of soil to fill up a bunch of boats? Thats a lot of fucking dirt to dig up.

Also I will ask this since I kind of have to. Is sapling soil absolutely necessary? I know you have a different magic system than the risuners but you are both magical plant based nations. Dirt is dirt and even if we cant have magic enhanced growth your magic rituals would still work in other places, even if at a slower rate or a different effect.

Cunt I will literally make 2x or 3x plant growth a thing again just to spite your nigger ass. Im the risu rep and i can do whatever the fuck I want.

You want to know why they said "in our soil" in that post? Well because whose else are going to use. Risuners are there so of course theyre going to use it. I said this in the cord as a reason and I will repost it here

>Ok let me explain this so that everyone can understand. If I go to my friends house and he teaches me how to plant carrots he is going to say "yeah just plant it in my garden" Does that mean that I need to take his fucking garden home with me if I ever want to plant carrots?

At the end of the day saplings will learn and use new magic and so will risuners. Fucking deal with it. I was planning on making some silly magical effects happen anyway since yes our chuubanite is not the same. Maybe instead of growing flowers we grow giant venus fly traps. I dont fucking know but I do know that im having fun experimenting with magic and I dont need niggers like you trying to derail it because your STILL butthurt that to this day you never got to cannibalize a risuner and your chink whore oshi graduated. Get fucked.

And with that ill be going to sleep. Goodnight everyone.

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