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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.76909492 [View]
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I'm ready.

>> No.39882218 [View]
File: 438 KB, 748x740, 1608911617943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its bad and wrong. In fact there should be a new word to describe it. Like badwrong.

>> No.37487206 [View]
File: 438 KB, 748x740, 1608911617943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your trash-ass opinion has been noted.

>> No.36490502 [View]
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I will not.

I will stream Pride, once its out.

>> No.34290049 [View]
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Not sure how to feel about it, really. Lyrics could flow better, mixing made Ina and Kiara sound off at times, and the MV was too busy. I think I have an idea of the message the song is trying to get across, and I like that. The track is technically good, but also feels like derivative anime fantasy.

>> No.32126331 [View]
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Actually checking out some of these manga/10

Poor scheduling aside it was a fine stream.

>> No.31651381 [View]
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Entirely expected.

>> No.30595259 [View]
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Its only like a week and a half or so. She's just finishing setup on her US place.

>> No.28243881 [View]
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Dadgods RUN this shit.

>> No.27475752 [View]
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Sorry anon but that's too dangerous.

>> No.26879493 [View]
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Off-collab intermission while they wait for Mori to touch down in the US.

Which may or may not have already happened.

>> No.23802341 [View]
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There are those who said this day would never come.

What are they to say now?

>> No.20980188 [View]
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I said I accepted your concession, anon.

>> No.18871380 [View]
File: 438 KB, 748x740, 1608911617943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This song is kinda gay, Mori.

>> No.18069964 [View]
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I have a shitload of VODs to catch up on, so I'll have those on while I do my draw and hopefully gamedev reps. That aside, I started fit reps yesterday as well.

>> No.16959363 [View]
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Man, this board could really, really use poster IDs.

>> No.16766181 [View]
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Yeah she just had to ignore it, but I think she was blindsided by it being in a member's stream and touching on a subject that Mori has explicitly said ticks her off, which is going after people she considers her friends.

Ultimately its not a huge deal though, its already blowing over and she knows what not to do now.

>> No.16636740 [View]
File: 438 KB, 748x740, 1608911617943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have awakened.

I love Mori.

>> No.16147844 [View]
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Why the fuck do you pay so much attention to one random dude?

>> No.15882922 [View]
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I don't because I'm not so far gone that I need a personal clip of Mori talking to/about me.

>> No.15350866 [View]
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She's gonna teach her finna and bouta.

>> No.15229606 [View]
File: 438 KB, 748x740, 1608911617943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is in love with Ame, anon.
Kiara is in love with Ina.
Bae with IRyS.
And Mori, of course, is in love with work.

>> No.11957098 [View]
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As a hikkineet, I don't appreciate your tone here.

>> No.7722544 [View]
File: 438 KB, 748x740, 1608911617943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, Mori blinding the warp point at the village triggers me as well but this is fucking hilarious.

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