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>> No.94514058 [View]
File: 429 KB, 658x742, 1720750537684314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mercy folder is 361 files, 350 images.
No, I didn't count slop, these are all thread images, twitter images or stream screenshots.

>> No.91531502 [View]
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It's early afternoon in Australia/East Asia/Russian Far East, so that region (and the pacific at large) are technically her schedule.
Modistefest in Vladivostok 2026, trvst the plvn

>> No.88405365 [View]
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No idea, honestly
I haven't kept up following the schizos to see where the end up
Once they're out of my sphere they stop mattering so I disregard them (unless they come back). According to movie filename Mercyposter he was back-and-forth with it.
Thanks for the further info, movie filenames Mercyposter
I barely paid attention back then, I only really put my head into the threads when the graduation drama started and never paid attention to anything but info about green woman
I entirely forgot about Zow and I didn't even know the others, holy shit man
Schizophrenia ran deep, huh?
I wasn't really around to see much of it, I just saw the tail end of it and knew the name meant bad things, never asked for a qrd and there's too many threads to do reps in any meaningful amount of time

>> No.87973518 [View]
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The same thing I'd do if I had a younger classmate who lived in Canada and I didn't live in Canada and I loved her
Form a paramilitary to raid into Canada preferably made of ethnic Irishmen trying to stick it to the crown to acquire said woman from the clutches of the Frozen North and save her from the Maple Leaf hellscape
Maybe call ourselves after a historical/mythological warrior band, like calling ourselves after a 'Fianna' or 'Galloglaigh.'

>> No.87473261 [View]
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Hold on, let me check how large my wife's breasts are
Can confirm, medium-sized
Medium is premium after all
She said she speaks *some* Viet during her debut; there's no reason to speak Viet other than being Vietnamese living in a western country, especially Canada, so it's (a very safe) assumption.

>> No.87260366 [View]
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>women so weaker metabolism
>don't go outside, avoid interacting with people so no immunity built up
>live like gross gremlins that don't clean their living spaces
It's a wonder they aren't sick more often.

>> No.85371605 [View]
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The Oxford comma is frequently used in British English.
American English tends to exclude it, because it's redundant and only serves to make the written sentence look more like how you actually say the words with a space in your breath when listing things.
This poster, is, based

>> No.82948249 [View]
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>> No.82676755 [View]
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Proud of you for trying, anon.
Modern dating is a waste of effort in my experience, women don't want approached by men they wouldn't approach themselves (and something like 2% of all women you might approach will call the police over it according to a few studies). I just sit it out, the juice isn't worth the squeeze right now. Don't let it get you down though, something something "pack up your troubles in your old kit bag" and all that.

>> No.81012975 [View]
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I know, but I'm really looking forward to her Saturday stream and I'm going to shill it so more people get to love Mercy like she deserves

>> No.80640726 [View]
File: 429 KB, 658x742, 1720750537684314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just like me frfr
Autism goes best with friends. Mercy's tism is the same type as mine. I love her.

>> No.80514182 [View]
File: 429 KB, 658x742, 1720750537684314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Mercy news] she works so hard for me (senpai, I'm the one she means).

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