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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.44750255 [View]
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Recent studies have shown that individuals who are drawn to vtuber culture have a higher likelihood of being socially maladjusted and sexually frustrated. These failed males often feel alienated from mainstream society and use vtubers as a means of escape from their daily lives. They lack the social skills and emotional intelligence necessary to form meaningful relationships, and instead resort to projecting their desires onto virtual personalities who will never reciprocate their affections. The behavior of these cunts is symptomatic of deeper psychological issues that require professional attention.

Vtuber fans suffer from a severe lack of masculinity and testosterone, as evidenced by their preference for animated women over real-life females. These failed males are unable to compete in the traditional male hierarchy and are therefore forced to seek out alternative forms of validation. Their obsession with virtual idols is a coping mechanism that allows them to escape from the reality of their inadequacy. By devoting themselves to a fantasy world, they are able to avoid confronting the harsh truths of their own shortcomings.

The popularity of vtuber culture is indicative of a broader societal problem: the erosion of traditional gender roles and the rise of effeminacy in men. These faggots are emblematic of a generation of males who lack the strength and fortitude to succeed in the modern world. Instead of pursuing excellence and self-improvement, they choose to immerse themselves in a world of make-believe where their inadequacies are ignored. Vtuber fans are not just failed males, they are the symptom of a sick and degenerate society that values weakness over strength and indulgence over discipline.

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