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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.93494856 [View]
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>> No.78097800 [View]
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because most niji fans are women and women are known to be destructive, not creative

>> No.75078589 [View]
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>> No.64841057 [View]
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>> No.59571757 [View]
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>Watching Bae.

>> No.58350583 [View]
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>VSPO is experiencing a small surge due to eventful streams

>> No.57949056 [View]
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I think the problem comes from cutting the collab ban short for ENs. Like that unarchived karaoke was a disaster but in the end Nerissa solved it herself and didn't need Kiara's help who basically just did nothing except just take up a lot of time and focus. I think also they should have put some ban or limit on off-stream interaction/playing too. While it doesn't seem like Bijou got that enamored with Mori, she has really attached herself with Kaela. Whilst Kaela is definitely not a bad influence, its still a bit bothering to me how much Bijou is trying to mold herself to fit Kaela's taste and style instead of just forming her identity.

>> No.41961322 [View]
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>> No.12539398 [View]
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Getting her to do zatsudans was a mistake, Kronii was best when she played games and commentated/memed on what's going on.

>> No.1917479 [View]
File: 94 KB, 785x662, 0d26aabd23fd907f68f23b2993e84f0899dd37ad81ae04740789bfaa19a93884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on /jp/ said the exact same thing before EN1 debuted. Their contracts forbid them from talking about politics and stuff. Take it easy, morons.

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