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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.55647809 [View]
File: 11 KB, 500x281, MV5BZjc2ODY3NDktM2ZkMy00ZjZjLWI5MDMtODEwYTFlNmMxNzYyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,47,500,281_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First up on the schedule today is Juwun with Blasphemous, and old school hack n slash action platformer
Nyana is headed off to the vet so not stream from he'd today, let's hope the prognosis is a okay
Kinolime is jumping back into killing those damn Anglos in CK2, so make sure to stop buy and watch Scotland get it Revenge.
Minta is on an internet detox at the moment and we all hope it's going well, or at least I am; the internet is stress ful when you worry over it.
Abby's motherboard is walked, so unless she has another phone guerilla don't hold your breath
Finally keep watch out for our quick draw streamers like Mixe and report back if you find them streaming, you never know when they'll pop up.
And with all that out if the way, today's number is one fitting for the shows return to air; The Beatles "Return to Pepperland"!
And with that I hope you all have a excellent day and God bless.

>> No.50446418 [View]
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We have a pretty interesting set up today, so let's get too it
First up Juwun our tiger Boi trap is coming back with an interesting stream, complete with a Zalgo text title! Gives me old school creepy pasta vibes, can wait to see what he has set up; hope it doesn't set the thread on fire!
Nayvell has a poll up for what's she's going to stream tommorow, so get in their and vote for what you wanna see!
Raimi is resting after yesterday's stream, so show her some love and wish her well!
Nyana still won't be back until Friday, which we will also see Abby too as they collab in super bunny man.
Sena is also resting and won't be back until tommorow hope she's doing well too
And finally we'll continue too keep an eye out for the guerilla squad and their streams and alert the thread if they start!
With that out of the way, I'll be leaving you with todays number. Considering the past 2 days, it's a nice reminder that, something, good thing don't come easy, The Beatles "It Don't Come Easy"
See you all later!

>> No.50124503 [View]
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Nyana is collabing with Bagstard today (for real this time) so make sure to stop by to find out what's going on
Raimi is still in guerilla mode, so stay watch her to see if she decides to stream
Nayvell is off the rest of the week, sadage. I hope she's feeling well.
Abby will be doing a zatsu from the basement so please stop by to support her.
Minta is still missing, but Mixie is doing her Thursday stream right now actually!
So get in and watch her optimism at work.
And finally I'll be leaving you with todays number, the Doors "Love Me Two Times"
See you all later!

>> No.49804034 [View]
File: 11 KB, 500x281, MV5BZjc2ODY3NDktM2ZkMy00ZjZjLWI5MDMtODEwYTFlNmMxNzYyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,47,500,281_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, Nyana is going to have a zatsu a 2pm today, which will be great for all us folks who want to get some sleep, and I'm sure yellow cat has some.nice topics picked out.
Raimi is "maybe resting" after her long stream yesterday, some we MAY have a stream or may not; stay tuned for more information.
Feesh will be showing of her singing skills today with a kareoke. I cannot wait and hope her ISP will let her show off her mad skills.
Sena is off today and will be back tommorow; seems she's decided to follow the Jewish day of rest this week.
Nayvell will be playing Portal today, which will be a fun trip for all of us as well a frustrating as she will most likely futz up the puzzles. I hope she shit talks Glados though, would be fun.
Keep alert for The Guerrilla Gang and if they decide to stream, and make sure to alert the thread of one of them does.
Finally, we have an catchy, interesting song for today that I found; with the help of AI, the unfinished Beatles song "Watching Rainbows" has been full reconstructed and completed. Its good and has a nice and proactive message I think we all could follow.
And with that I hope you all have a good and happy day. See you all later!

>> No.49063965 [View]
File: 11 KB, 500x281, MV5BZjc2ODY3NDktM2ZkMy00ZjZjLWI5MDMtODEwYTFlNmMxNzYyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,47,500,281_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In catalog news, a certain purple dramatuber has revealed info that makes Kuro Co look like a reputable company that is on par with Hololive; I recommend avoided the catalog for a bit until that wave of shitposting calms down
Sena is streaming today, and is doing the near impossible task of singing Weird Al's "Hardware Store" right in one go, a song in which even the man himself refuses to sing in concerts due to its difficulty. Expect a hard struggle session with this.
Nyana is off again, but will be streaming tommorow; we hope she survives wagieing with her soul intact.
Kinolime, sadly, has used up 1/3 of her data for this month with yesterday's stream, meaning she's suspendeding them until she finds a solution; I hope Japan's McDonalds has better WiFi then then the ones here. She did find out our own Juwun is staring in a FNAF book, which is an interesting choice for a side job. Hope it goes well for you tiger boy!
Nayvell will be doing a kareoke later today, and we hope she's feeling better. Good stream happen when you feel good both mentally and physically; don't strain yourself ladies!
That's all the info I got now, and with that, I'll be leaving you with TWO songs today; first up is Weird Al's "Hardware Store" so you can see just how crazy our DIYer is trying to sing this.
And second is a siloquy for everyone, anons and talents, stuck as wagies in a six-hour shift; the Rutles "9-5 Pollution Blues"!
Hope you all have a good day-and wait what? Well look at this, Nayvells has a gurrilea!
Go watch her and have a good day!

>> No.48771173 [View]
File: 11 KB, 500x281, MV5BZjc2ODY3NDktM2ZkMy00ZjZjLWI5MDMtODEwYTFlNmMxNzYyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,47,500,281_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a somewhat loaded schedule for all you troopers out there, with chubba streams galore. Starting off in no particular order is Nyana the Banana Cat who's planning on playing a "shooting game"; seems the clever kitty wants to keep us on our toes, could be anything from Doom to Rising Storm 2 'Nam! All we know is she will die at some point, whether it's by AI or her viewers will depend on what she picks
Next up our DIYer Chior Singer with the Booba Sena is going to have a doodle stream with FlaVR's Momma, Minna! Hope her and Beerman are settling well in Japland and FlaVR JP, we need a baking stream ASAP!
Kinolime is going to continue playing Telltales Batman, let's all hope Tokyo's ISP decides to treat her well and let's her stream. Worse case we find out which corpo is sabatoging our favorite doctor and napalm it, KINOLIME LOVE!
Abby Feesh (form le Pink Frank) is joining the accelerationists today and is going to PROOOMPT some more flavr members. Probably needs some patsys to pay for her gatcha addiction, we'll have to see how that goes.
Sadly, Marie the Thigh Queen hasn't put up any news besides that she went swimming yesterday; we hope she survived, as a gurrilea around midday is not out of the picture, so start praying Marahfellows!
And finally some news on the new talent front; Niicola (which I swear comes from a commercial) is planning on doing a debut the day after smug cheese mouse, which we are very thankful for; I like not feeling like twelve voices are talking to me after six streams are over.
And with that I'll be giving you today's rock number to wake your wildside up; "Born to be Wild"!
See you all on the flip side anons, and stay frosty!

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