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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.292505 [View]
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News before I turn in for the night:

Holotalk guessing
Just jrap discussion
Dropped off the front page
Both Gura and HER thread dropped off. There's an anti thread tho.
Just started. Takos are in /hlgg/ right now.

Newfriends asking what's in membership content. If you're interested yourself, she has more candid and variety content in there than regular streams.
They seem to be enjoying themselves with Flare's double stream day.
Concernfagging, stargazers are feeling some withdrawal and talks about her demonitization. She's still on her beak.
/u/schizo land but they're actually right
Stardust Stardust Stardust Stardust Stardust Stardust Stardust Stardust
Chink hate day3(?)
Anons feel guilty about Risu being down presumably due to 4chan, no one can prove anything because they're not members and the Risuners ain't sayin shit.

Fire subsided. Concernfagging of the remaining talents, numberfaggotry but some are hopeful
>West indies front desk
Some chuubas are asking for avatar help, then a discussion about mspaint-tan
Started off as thread shitting on TBAs, then quickly turns into /mspaint-tan/. They watched her until one anon released the rrats and implied she's male all along and couldn't figure out the truth because they didn't do their moonspeak reps.
Discussion about thread/board from /jp/ roots to whatever we have here.

Today is a slow day. AOposting is dying out and so did the hype on splinter threads. Tourist influx is slowing down too. Not much to report in other threads because it's just the same set of posts half a day ago.

>> No.246708 [View]
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Actual goslings or gooslings or whatever they call themselves. /vt/ - /jp/ metadiscussions
Shitting on Cover and /spic/ in disguise
waah! kumikumiko... *humuhumu*
Died again. *zawa thread actually discusses Gura and they strange haven't gone full RELEASE HER PLEASE. Don't know if this is a good thing, but it's interesting.
Some anon was thinking about digging his dead dog's grave and use the skull for a shrinepost. There's also the music discussion thread but I don't know how rap works.
>Niijii thread
Concernfagging and pubes talk
[happy news] Surgery went well
elf slave wat do
Nene friendship and speculations about her return. Some concernfagging.
Smug with /vt/ achievements like GETs and thread longivity
Analyizing her schizopost drawings, and the usual chuyna issue
God, this thread is here to stay? It eternally loops and reminds us to do our reps.
I don't even know what they're talking about but they're very tryhard at everything. Very forceful. I see them going everywhere and telling everyone they'll become idols or something.
>Hololive criticism general
...little actual criticism. Most of it is just Two Minutes Hate. But some criticism does exist there.
>Fat Cat
Papers Please talk. Not much update other than that.
Everyone is autistically talking to themselves
It's just a hag thread but with a single focus on her
>Hag thread
Age discussion. Who would've thonk? Some anons are getting uncomfortable that they're older than some of the 'hags".
Suisei thread 2.0. I swear cometfags fan out everywhere and use the two threads as bases. What's their agenda?
It's as nonsensical as a typical Ina thread. But it's much more... murderous.
It's /pol/ vs r*ddit vs other anons. A random HERfag spotted for unknown reasons. R*ddit is definitely here, they use their language such as "simps" and stuff.
>/west indies/
Timestamps of Rose getting horny
Imagedumps, they're waiting for the other fandeads to migrate
Everyone is Risu and Check em>>244444

>No changes since last update
Kanata, Hatoba Tsugu, drawthread, Sora, sheep, Duck, Noel

Looks like the siege is over? There are some TBAs, literally r*ddit, SEAnigs, and other antis but they get culled fast. Good job on the report button, everyone.

>> No.233036 [View]
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JWU. Updates for the day.

3D Model discussion
Apparently, Ame will have a game on switch? I'm running out of brainpower here, I wrote this later. They like Reine.
Some anon got blasted because he wrote general in the OP. SEAnig raid ramped up. Funny how despite being obsessed with her, they don't watch her streams.
There are two threads. Some legit rap discussion, and there's this some people still insisting about Charlie and digging up ancient narratives. SEAnig raid too.
Very based tastes in videogames, Takos.

Hoshiyomi again spearhead JP to a new future while the others choose to stay. Plenty of crossboarders and see both sides to have their own function.
Slow songpost thread, Coco adjacency, and chink hate
Legit newfag arguing that NO ONE IS HERE because something something something muh racism muh white males
Risu larp and one(1) real Risu. It's easy to tell which one though.
>Draw thread
Slow thread, the resident /hlgg/ drawfags aren't here yet, but I'm assuming the /hlg/ and new drawfags are here.
New thread. Just image dumps for now.
haha subaru boy u gay now. Post vs image ratio is insanely tilted towards images.
Design discussion and whether it's Chuyna related or not. Bugmen come out and screech.
Roommate posting. Even discord screenshots of discussions about roommate posting. Even suggestions to roommate post on /jp/ as well.
Based on current events, you already know their topic. I hope she gets well soon.
>Fat Cat
There's a weird namefag replying to everything.
Literal Chinamen. I feel bad for the Artria fan who used to come in /hlgg/. This is what I got from this and the previous thread.
Topic goes shifts directions with every post. I ain't listening them all down.

>Unfullfilled niches
Its anons with dumb ideas that will never work. Surprisingly, the /gsg/fags aren't there. Strange.
>West Indies
TBAs won't stop the siege. They even whine about /vt/ posts on their Twitter. Mori sure did them dirty.
/vt/ is a big boost to losing mommy. Legit get newfags asking if she's here. She's having surgery soon. Take care, please.
There is no SEX. Only BFE with chat now.
SHE'S NOT HERE newfags. And of course, the usual WITNESS ME.
>how2become chuuba
you will never become a woman (x335)
>Hatoba Tsugu
I don't know who this is but what a cute and funny girl.
please leave I'm scared
Same shit. Oldfags will always argue about this forever. They've been arguing for 6 years and will argue for 6 more.

Apparently, Zhangs are back here. They're powerless, but they're obvious. Same mimicry as SEAnigs but failing using words in the correct contexts.

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