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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.76485869 [SPOILER]  [View]
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Usually I remind anons that her name is Stronny Cuttles and I post an image of the Fight Club scene, but just this once I will reminisce about the old days because it's a story worth telling. This guy sent my sides into orbit like no other.

The tale of King Zow

Chapter 1, the Riifling arc

Until his eventual ban, the man known as Zow was one of the most notorious chatters and discord users of eien project. Early on into Museia's history, he would draw attention to himself by writing at lengths about his interest in bdsm and ropeplay as well as the corniest messages of "dom talk" you can imagine. He's like our bdsm anon from the early /vag/ threads, but without the clinical approach and serious tone to his explanations. Just the corniest fucker ever, with all the confidence to call himself "Daddy" and act domineering towards the vtubers, but none of the charisma to make it work, and never quite sekkuhara enough to warrant moderators taking action against him (more on that later). Please look at pic related now, his favorite emoji to use. He latched on to Riifu Evergreen early on (can't blame him there). Despite being a submissive-leaning person, she would quickly grow comfortable with the "dommy mommy" role that was somewhat hoisted upon her at first by eien. Whenever her submissive nature did come out, Riiflings would enjoy turning the tables on their dommeh mommeh for a little while and all was well; but there was also the "dom daddy", who would attempt to drive the conversation towards these moments constantly with his commentary. >>76482897 is a comment about ball gags he would go on to write underneath a vod of hers. At the 4:50:56 mark, she would be reading a marshmallow about submissive feelings that sound very suspiciously like something he could have written himself. Just picture the corniest guy possible writing a maro about his usual shtick, then also going on to write this wall of text underneath the vod. I still remember how my sides were in orbit. The comment eventually disappeared from the youtube page, raising the question if either he or she personally deleted it.

Chapter 2, the Skyelight arc

Riifu Evergreen would eventually terminate her contract with eien and everything would go to shit of course. For dom daddy Zow this meant he was now down a chuuba who was all in all very accepting of his antics. With her gone, he would move on to her genmate Skye Shinryu. She has no dommy mommy shtick and is even outspoken about being a submissive person in bed! YABADABADO. There was only one problem: Skye isn't a whore, isn't a lewd vtuber, doesn't want to be sexualized by her viewers all the time, and has a habit of "needing to talk" when getting one guy'd. I do like her by the way, this is just one criticism I have. Needless to say, the dom daddy would go on to cross Skye's boundaries not just once, but several times, always causing another "talk" about how "you guys" need to be more considerate of her boundaries, while everyone just knows that no, it's mainly Zow who is the problem. Eventually anons on /eien/ grew flabbergasted how this guy hasn't been banned yet. Particularly considering other viewers had been banned for less before. After Skye took a break from streaming after one such incident they had to wonder "Is this retard fuck getting away with literally driving her into taking a hiatus?" That's how the dom daddy acquired his second illustrious title as the king of eien project, who may do to Skye or anyone else as he pleases. He is the king after all! If the king makes Skye uncomfortable, that's a Skyelight problem! None may move against the king. Did his dom daddy ways sway CEO Moeri to be his whore in bed? Was that the source of his power? We may never know. The epic tale of Zow would then come to an end, when he finally crossed the line being creepy one too many times. He was banned from all eien platforms and there was some speculation whether Skye personally, finally, demanded to get him banned. Rumors say the king continues to lurk his old fiefdom under a new identity, and has since learned to behave. Also he used to post a lot of really disgusting looking food in the food channel. That was funny too.

>> No.52701706 [View]
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Guess who took a trip to the Philippines for a month?

>> No.50949979 [View]
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What's with all the Ravioli dickriding? Meh. Time for some Zowposting.

I bet Zow was somehow responsible for the entire thing with the Kiki announcement. Faggot couldn't stop with ruining Riifu or cucking the Buoys or getting all creepy about Stephanie. He had to go and tell Kiki to stop coomerbaiting the Kicucks, too. Probably slid into Eri's DM's to bitch and moan until she "suggested" Kiki make her announcement.

But then again, it does mean those retarded Kichains are suffering, so I'm conflicted on how to feel about this.

>> No.50673177 [View]
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I mean, they were sore. She's gonna have trouble walking tomorrow.

>> No.49634920 [View]
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Item #: SCP-505 Alternate Proposal
"Zow" "The schizo enabler" "Board most wanted"
Object Class: Euclid

SCP 505 is an obscure entity, documented less by actual sightings and more by what dubious records of its activity have been gathered from the community it’s currently been contained to. Seemingly everywhere and nowhere all at once, his hunting ground seems to be any online hub related to the virtual youtuber entertainment group, “EIEN project”. SCP 505 preys primarily on those prone to mental instability or who have shown signs of neurodivergence, especially those who have been diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum. This is not to say SCP-505 cannot appear to more well-adjusted folk, but his patterns latch him onto such candidates more firmly.
Our observations have uncovered the following information about SCP-505. Dubbed “Zow” by those who claim to know him, he appears to be a man of mixed descent, though no formal appearance has ever been attributed to him. Some describe him as corpulent, greasy, and unkempt, while others describe him with godlike proportions and sizable sexual characteristics, including a massive [DATA EXPUNGED]. All descriptions of SCP-505 are male in gender, with a heritage varying from caucasian to hispanic, and originating from somewhere within the U.S. State of Texas, although, from a report by D-Class personnel [REDACTED], his true appearance is [DATA EXPUNGED]
“Zow” is identified by the following behavioral pattern. SCP-505 infiltrates a victim’s consciousness via [REDACTED] and starts what is described by those who frequent the /eien/ section of the /vt/ catalog on the image board website “4Chan” as “living rent free in [their] head”. We have observed that he can divide himself and repeat this process as many times as he wants.
SCP-505 can infect any living human that comes into contact with it. However, only people of the previously mentioned categories of neurodivergence and mental instability will react to the infection in a significantly negative manner.
Afflicted individuals will start having bouts of paranoia and anxiety. They will start seeing “Zow” everywhere in their life and hobbies, eventually coming to believe that he is always out there, despite all evidence to the contrary. His purported activities include: Being a “dommy daddy” and “fucking their oshi"*. Victims will also develop night sweats, insomnia, a sense of impending doom about their hobby of choice, and heart palpitations. Eventually "Zow" twists the victim’s perception of the world and warps their psyche until they develop full-blown schizophrenia. This process is irreversible, except by means described by the users of this board as "taking their meds" and "touching grass. And even then, this has only shown to render SCP-505 inert due to the chemicals in these unknown “meds” [DATA EXPUNGED], making them into asymptomatic carriers.

SCP-505 will inevitably appear to anyone who consumes content from EIEN Project. The SCP Foundation is tasked with helping victims find aid via taking their meds and touching grass, and monitoring “Zow” in the hope that he does not mutate further, and stays quarantined to his current section of the virtual youtuber hobby sphere. The Foundation is advised to initiate Operation: REEEE should his influence be seen in the social media circles of other virtual livers and corporations.

Shown here is the icon often associated with "Zow's" appearances, the smiling imp emoji.

>> No.49281159 [View]
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How rent free does this Zow faggot live in you guys' retarded, schizoid brains? You mention him at least once or twice without fail almost every time a new thread is made.

>> No.48794417 [View]
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For now

>> No.48605488 [View]
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Sorry, Gabe. She couldn't keep up the act anymore. She's coming to live with me as my wife now. Better luck next time.

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