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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.64922393 [View]
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It says a lot about your community when errors are not directly addressed to the erroneous party, where problems are not discussed or resolved, where someone who may have been in the wrong is never corrected, never scolded, never told to be better or given the chance to be better...just treated as a disposable, infinitely replaceable nobody.

Never once did you, or anyone in your community, do any of these things in my case.

Not once was I taken aside in a DM, by a community leader or moderator, and told that my words had made anyone uncomfortable.

Not once was I directly warned, by anyone, that I was or had been making people uncomfortable, or that my words were out of order. That a retraction or apology was called for, that reconciliation was needed.

Instead I was expected to automatically know or realize these things on my own, as if I was a telepath or something and not an aspie on the spectrum with the stressors and pressures of being actively in military service - which yes, I am.

Instead your reactions are more akin to a high school clique, with my expulsion being followed up by ostracization and vilification.

It is petty, it is juvenile, and it is most certainly unprofessional. I expected better, I hoped for better, and I now discover that my expectations and hopes have been horribly misplaced. That my trust has been misplaced.

I have people in my community, people who make ME feel uncomfortable at times, but do you hear about me kicking them out? Hell no. I fucking TALK TO THEM.
I TEACH them. I help them to GROW as a person, not just online but in real life.

If I'm not 'perfect' enough to fit into your little cookie-cutter cool kids club, that's fine.

But you should have at least had the goddamn BALLS to have told me yourselves instead of putting what should have been personal business out on the streets like this, you fucking cowards.

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