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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.31019948 [View]
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Braindead logic.
The default is to not make it, males here would have 0 viewer if not for being /here/. If once you grow you somehow get nerfed by this place then you would never have made it to begin with. You don't even need to make obvious self posts in general.

>> No.30741587 [View]
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>> No.30576652 [View]
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There are thousands under 5 viewers, how am I supposed to perceive them all?

>> No.30298377 [View]
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The 0 views

>> No.28801536 [View]
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>> No.27734259 [View]
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>This level of delusion
I think you're thinking about the indies who get algorithm'd to sucess, then yes you won't be making as much joining Cover.... and then there's pic related who has been trying for YEARS. You have to be absolutely retarded to think you'll be in that top 0.9% of vtubers who can get batshit famous, you can even find 4 year celebrations with like 9 viewers.

>> No.17435041 [View]
File: 1.48 MB, 1518x4717, 1628200326405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 20%
more like top 5% you have no idea how good you have it at 20

>> No.13759075 [View]
File: 1.48 MB, 1518x4717, noviews_sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here you're just watching the very very top of the most known, for one 100 viewers indie there are x10 more at 60 viewers, and 100x more at 40viewers, you have thousands and thousands under 10 viewers for months. Hell, Lumi from Cyberlive now doing great, was a 10 view vtuber for 4month before getting in.
Usually sticking to a vtuber and their close circle (here would be nekoreen, koragi, nina etc.) is already good enough.

>> No.13093746 [View]
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That's retarded though, no maximum was ever set, it's just you say they say at this point.
With 50+ viewers you're already ready far in the top1% of chuubas and reached what almost everyone else could just dream of.
More than 100 is insane, and almost 200 is , it's very high. The fact a bunch of Holos get thousands viewers doesn't suddendy change the reality for the other dozens of thousands of vtubers.
Hell I've even seen people call Leaflit a 2view indie when she regularly get more than low holos like Anya despite being indie.

>> No.12654644 [View]
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I'm not sure you realize the reality of indie vtubing.
If you don't have a pre existing network or get lucky, you're 99% of the time bound to stay under 5~10 viewers at best if you have a correct model (if you don't and are a guy, pic related).
It's a giant ocean of decent to good indies everywhere and as good as you can be, if you're not at least a bit lucky no one will ever know about you.
50 to 100 youtube viewers is HUGE for indies, like really big, and they get managmenet help, possibly clip/higlights and other marketing stuff made for them, their manager help them a lot technically and mentally, they have a stronger legal ground etc.
Yeah it's a trade off since you give up a portion of your income but most of the time i's worth it

>> No.11365009 [View]
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Honestly dudes playing their backlogs are so common that there's really no reason for someone to watch one or the other. Do you have a clear idea of why someone would specifically wanna watch your stream? Some artisitc talent, uncommon idea for content, hilarious wit to make basic video game gameplay interesting?
Maybe extremely good at a game can also work especially on twitch where fans of games check the category regularly, technical streamers can form an audience like that.
But if you're just "pretty good" without noticeable humor or artistic talent or anything, I'm sorry but there is really no reason someone would watch, if you find one go ahead.

>> No.10785382 [View]
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This screenshot doesn't do service to your point, next time use something like that

>> No.9805731 [View]
File: 1.48 MB, 1518x4717, 1631675561917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> least sexy vtuber
just go outside and look at the 2views, there's plenty

>> No.9726054 [View]
File: 1.48 MB, 1518x4717, 1631532119410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(You) were lucky to get noticed
>(You) were lucky your messages to big Vtubers getting noticed
>(You) were lucky you got a shout out
>(You) were lucky a clipper clipped one of your streams and went viral
>(You) were lucky to get raided by high/mid Vtubers/streamers
>(You) were lucky there was someone obsessive enough to shill your content everywhere
>(You) were EXTREMELY lucky a pandemic hit the world isolating everyone in their houses who ended up wanting some kind of interactions.

And yet I still see indies who are either slowly making it or made it big already talking about how their hard work payed off, how it is all about hard work.... is fucking not. Taking out the luck factor is just naive in its entirety, even in real life, no matter how much hard word you put into something, it might not work the way you wanted or at all, you need luck, now for streamers, how they ride that luck wave is where the hard work takes part.

So before anyone thinks you can be a successful Vtuber fulltime... remember there is a sea of people years on the game with barely 10 views

>> No.9712011 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm tried streaming for like 2 months, usually 3 viewers all of them bots here to get stats. Sometimes a random person would show up and send a few messages before leaving. I did constantly talk and act like their was an audience for hours even if there was 0 reply.
At the end of the stream I would always thanks everyone for coming just in case, even if no one was here.

>> No.9220766 [View]
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You have to have a pre existing network to get a starting 10 or so viewers, otherwise you're stuck wih the thousands and thousands of literally 2views (especially if male) and won't ever make it. Like other creative hobbies, making it is all about network and luck. Plenty of very good ones will never get any viewers. Speaking to the void hours a day for 6+ months drains your soul.

>> No.8732437 [View]
File: 1.48 MB, 1518x4717, 1627745420763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's incredibly easy as long as you're not too picky : https://www.twitch.tv/directory/all/tags/52d7e4cc-633d-46f5-818c-bb59102d9549?sort=VIEWER_COUNT_ASC

Alternatively you can have a friend who then becomes vtuber, did happen to someone I know, they're streaming their art to 20 or so people usually

>> No.8623239 [View]
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Check https://www.twitch.tv/directory/all/tags/52d7e4cc-633d-46f5-818c-bb59102d9549?sort=VIEWER_COUNT_ASC
Note the ones who are girl are within your country
Be their only viewer for days
Lot of lonely and insecure people in there, and no viewers mean they don't have even friends to watch them

>> No.7324646 [View]
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I'm prob asking for too much but I seek is an indie vtuber who :

- doesn't care too much for political correctness and is open minded about fiction (like no disgusted with lolicon or other things, I like degenerates if it's not the whole focus of their stream)
- Stays at home a lot
- is blunt/direct with people
- has some creative talents and/or can do good zatsudan (games are fine as support for tangents)
- actively encourage creativity in her fanbase, if possible with events
- feels like she cares about her fans/appreciate them

I know it's a lot to ask but yeah, bea does mostly cover the 4 first points at least which is nice. The last one I found like this before Beatani was Mocca but yeah.

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