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>> No.59222323 [View]
File: 184 KB, 593x687, Anthropology with nature anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening MANS,Nature Anon here. I had a free moment so I bring to you another tale of old. This one isn't about the origins of tempanimals rather a short tale mostly told to children before bed. This tale is called The Boy and the Giant Purple Hawk. It is a long one feel free to skip. Apologies if it is written poorly it is late for me.

The story goes,their once was a noble family feared for their strength and wits. They ruled cruelly taking advantage of their people whenever they could. All born to the family had jet black hair and silver eyes. If a child was born in their land with these traits they'd be stolen by the nobles and raised as on of them. One mother who's child was taken asked the gods to punished the family for taking her child. The gods hearing the woman's prayer placed a curse on the family.

Years later a child was born to the family with emerald green eyes instead of the normal silver. The green eyed child was rejected by the family over and over again. He was forced to live and eat with the servants. He was never allowed to speak to anyone. Then one day a week before the boy's 5 birthday the boy was told "Go to the forest and climb the mountain, at the top of the mountain grows golden roses, bring one back on the day of your 5th birthday and you'll earn your place in the family." The boy excited headed to the forest right way. He survived many hardships but made it to the mountain top, yet he couldn't find the rose.

"Rose, Rose, Where are you Rose?" the boy called searching for the rose. Suddenly the ground shook as a giant purple hawk with a human-like face landed next to the boy. The Hawk spoke "A child? On my mountain? What would a child come out here to seek?" the child with tears in his eyes said "I need a golden rose so my family will accept me." "Hmm very well, I shall give you a rose and carry you down the mountain, this is no place for a child" the hawk responded.

True to his word the hawk produced a golden rose and took the child down the mountain. The child rushed home only to find his house completely empty all that remained was a note. "You fool, you actually believed we'd ever give you a place in the family, your nothing but a green eyed freak." the boy cried clutching the rose and the note to his chest until a voice ran out "They abandoned you, didn't they?" the boy looked around before noticing the hawk had followed him. The boy simply nodded in response. The hawk angered by this took the boy and proclaimed "You are now my chick!" before soaring to the center of the biggest city and proclaiming "The nobles of your land are evil, banish them now or you all shall perish!" the citizens fearful followed the hawk's orders and banished the nobles. The hawk to over guiding the people and when the greened eyed boy came of age he took over the land leading it to prosper.

>> No.59195799 [View]
File: 184 KB, 593x687, Anthropology with nature anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature anon here. More anthropology so if you aren't into anthropology or a lot of text feel free to skip this. Today I'm going to talk about the church of fallen heroes and their belief in the origin of tempanimals. This religion is based on a variant of our previous tale. This religion worships the fallen heroes who died saying our world. There are several sub groups of this religion which are determined by the number of heroes they worship,these are the church of 6 heroes,the church of 7 heroes,the church of 8 heroes,the church of 9 heroes,and lastly the church of unknown heroes. The main debate in the churches is "should the ones who fell and and the twin be worshiped or not?" hence the several churches. The church of the unknown heroes is an odd ball as they believe some heroes may have been lost to time and as such worship a vague concept of the heroes.

The version of the story they believe is. Long time ago a tree existed at the center of the world this tree was used by an evil god to strip humanity of their free will. some broke free but they were erased or turned into beast by the god. Most of humanity were unaware of the horrors taking place. Once day a guild of heroes appeared to challenge the god. As punishment the god stole 2 of their friends,this did not deter them and they reached the tree. They tried hard to kill the tree and by extension the god but they were too weak. In the last moment the spirits of the friends that were stolen appeared giving them enough strength to destroy the god at the cost of themself. However what the heroes didn't know is the same god controlling the world was keeping it alive and without the god the world would soon perish. the lost souls hearing this offered themself as replacement hoping that the energy of their souls combined could save their world. The great divine being amused by their determination granted them god-hood and created the tempanimals to act as vessels for these gods to observe humanity.

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