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>> No.66352705 [View]
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I want to make her worse

>> No.61002941 [View]
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At times, the solution to a maze is to reduce it to embers and walk straight through the ashes.

Previous page: >>60950032

>> No.59354542 [View]
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Taking on this request, I figured out a way to expand on it. For reference to those that haven't read it yet and require a bit of context. This is a continuation of >>58842957
If you haven't read it yet, this piece might seem confusing.
>The cursed kingdom of Inkwell.
>The princess has lost all care for the wellbeing of her kingdom
>Her fixation is towards you and you alone
>Former knight captain, former prince, former brother.
>You are an undead being, raised up by Shiori, the princess, your younger sister
>You seem to possess your own conscience, your own thoughts.
>However, this scared Shiori
>She was afraid of you, of what you would think if you saw her kingdom in ruin, the streets overrun by eldritch beings, your fellow knight company slaughtered and sacrificed, their armor worn by bulky flesh mannequins that feel no pain, or emotion.
Your younger sister, once pure and warm, now corrupt and cold.
>In her fear, she has cast an illusion spell on you, one so powerful, one engraved into your very flesh
>You do not see the kingdom or any of its residents, for what it truly is. You live in a fantasy world where Inkwell has flourished.
>Content with you living a fantasy, Shiori continues her accursed rule.
>However, unbeknownst to Shiori and you, some Novelknights had long since fled.
>One day, the shrieks of the eldritch horrors that roam the streets could be heard.
>However, they were not shrieks of victory
>These eldritch beings were being slaughtered
>A company of paladins had set foot in the cursed kingdom, in hopes to liberate it
>These paladins, they were once the former Novelknights. Now they call themselves NoveLights. Their goal is simple, kill the princess and liberate the kingdom.
>Shiori summons you to the throne room, and commands her older brother, her champion, to protect the kingdom
>You charge onto the streets, your once glorious armor, stained pitch black and crimson.
>Your sword, once blessed by the founders of the kingdom, now cursed with death by your sister.
>Your eyes do not see your former knights and friends. You only see thieves, invaders, pillagers, murderers and rapists.
>Shiori's illusion spell has been cast in a way, to make sure you do not regret a single thing as you cut down the Novelights.
>And so, your sword falls, one by one, you slice through them.
>Your undead body feels no pain.
>Any attempt at slicing your head is met with futility.
>Shiori's spell is in full effect, you do not see the swords of the Novelights slice you, to you they all seem to miraculously miss.
>In reality, your throat had been slit tens of times over by now.
>Your undead body is fueling you, Shiori's illusion is acting as your shield.
>Finally, there is only one Novelight left.
>He was once your former best friend
>The two of you spent a lot of time training together
>He desperately calls to you: "Anon! Please! You have to see the truth! Your sister is nothing but a witch that fallen to madness!"
>You hear every word, however, to you, it isn't coming from your former best friend
>It's the desperate ramblings of a murderer, one that killed innocents on the streets of Inkwell.
>Your sword cleanly slices his neck
>Your face looks down in disgust, how dare a murderer try to frame your sister in his final moments: "Pathetic scum." you utter, under your breath.
>The Novelights desperate fight has ended, you single handedly slaughtered them, though much of the townspeople have died
>"Townspeople" is what you thought, but in reality, monsters and eldritch abominations were the only "things" killed that day.
>You pick up a flower, or so you believe, and offer it to the dead
>In reality, what you have picked up is the hand of a dead Novelight, and offered it to a bunch of horrors
>The horrors begin to writhe and devour the hand. Of course, your illusion doesn't show you this.
>Finally, you return to Inkwell castle.
>Shiori sits upon her throne of bone and blood
>She smiles at you, a warm smile, with a warm greeting: "Welcome back brother, were you victorious?"
>You get on your left knee and bow: "Of course, my dear sister, the invaders have perished."
>The smile she gives you indeed feels warm, but reality is far different, there is no warmth in her smile, there is no happiness.
>There is only cold, uncaring death.
>Shiori has long since lost her innocent smile.
>What was once a smile that was cherished by the kingdom, is now just the remnants of obsession over her dead, yet now revived, older brother.
>She begins to giggle, to you it's the princess that is happy that her kingdom is well
>In reality, those giggles were that of an insane woman
>Her giggling breaks out into a full, ugly, cackle.
>"Hahahaha! As long as I have you, my dearest older brother! As long as I have you..."
>Your illusion doesn't allow you to hear a word of this.
>And then finally, Shiori puts her arms around you
>You feel warmth, but is it truly warmth? Or another lie? You will never know the difference.

>> No.58565997 [View]
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If you insist.
>Shiori's been at it for a while
>Her energy slowly draining minute by minute
>Finally she gives up and calls it
>She comes up to you, her older brother, feeling a little dejected
>"Onii-san, I couldn't do it, I'm sorry, maybe tomorrow."
>You gently pull her onto your lap
>You run your fingers through her hair and whisper: "It's alright Shiori, you can get him tomorrow."
>She buries her head in your chest, you can feel a slight wetness on your chest
>She's sobbing a little
>Eventually she falls asleep on your chest, your hands haven't stopped, your fingers haven't stopped running
>You gently bridal carry her to her bed
>You notice her fingers are a little red, likely sore from so many attempts
>You get in her bed with her
>You then gently hold her hands in yours
>Finally, you fall asleep with her, holding onto her hands.

>> No.57628092 [View]
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Sometimes people are just feeling down. I think working to do my best for the day while checking in on her every once in a while is good.

>> No.57599250 [View]
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I know what it’s like to be distracted. To seek out distractions. To exhaust yourself doing every other little thing rather than face a blank page.

Previous page: >>57586968

>> No.57597738 [View]
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This is based on my a rather large part of my high school life (which is 6 years in Aus), being bullied for being asian in a mostly white people school.
Only difference is I didn't have someone to back me up or to help me back then.
>You arrive at school again
>You hate it so much
>Your parents force you to go
>You wish you could just skip
>The same people that torture you daily show up in front of you
>"You know the usual, faggot, your money."
>You've had enough for once
>It started when you were 13, and lasted all the way till being 17 now
>Shiori, the only person that ever supported you, would tell you "It's ok to fight back, you shouldn't be taking it like that."
>Encouraged by her words, your first lands on the first bully
>They're shocked, but quickly regain their composure
>One of them holds you from behind while the other starts punching you in the stomach
>It hurts, but you're in the moment right now so you don't care
>You kick the one in-front of you down, knock the one holding you back, then start stomping on the one that's down, aiming for his ribs
>Three more of them show up
>They start beating you, your adrenaline rush has ended and all the pain is flooding in
>You've lost consciousness, even they notice it
>You're beaten and bloodied across the hall
>The teachers ignore you, you were never the greatest student so they have no reason to help you
>A few hours pass by, you feel your body leaning on someone, they are dragging you somewhere
>"Oh..another bully is going to throw me into traffic or something.."
>You briefly think back on what you did today
>You crushed someones ribs, you're probably going to get suspended at best to straight up expelled at worst.
>You smile a little, proud that you finally fought back, even if you didn't really win
>"Nurse! Anon needs help!"
>Hearing those words, you snap back to reality, your eyes widen a little, but your vision is still blurry
>You realize who's back you've been leaning on this whole time
>It's Shiori, she came for you
>She gently lays you on one of the spare beds
>Her tears are easy to see, even with your vision barely working
>"Sorry..I shouldn't have fought back."
>You barely manage to utter the words
>She looks a little upset at what you just said
>"Dummy! You can defend yourself but don't go into a rage like that, what if something worse happened to you?!"
>Despite her words, she gently lays her hand over your forehead
>"Rest!..until the nurse gets here, just rest, I'll stay here with you."
>Your body is about to shut down from all the pain, but you listen to her, and at the very least, you look a little comfortable with her hand on you like this.

>> No.57448337 [View]
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Death doesn't exist. It never did, it never will. But we've drawn so many pictures of it, so many years, trying to pin it down, comprehend it, we've got to thinking of it as an entity, strangely alive and greedy. All it is, however, is a stopped watch, a loss, an end, a darkness. Nothing.

Previous page: >>57429266

>> No.56698568 [View]
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Oooh that’s a good suggestion, I cna see it working. That will be the first thing I work in later.

>> No.56648354 [View]
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This woman is delusional!
I love her

>> No.56611909 [View]
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Honestly same
I know FL is better, I’ve tried using it a few times but it’s really confusing to wrap my head around it because I just don’t get how it works, I really need to find a guide or something for getting started.
Feel free to use whatever I’ve made and is posted in the rentry, I do plan to upload them to a YouTube channel like a few anons suggested. Today or tomorrow most likely. I look forward to seeing what you make, hopefully I don’t miss it.

>> No.56246648 [View]
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I’m ride or die for my first oshi

>> No.56159830 [View]
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It’s probably picrel at the moment

I use this one for my phone wallpaper I really like it.

So much good art and she hasn’t been around a month yet.
Wait also that image of her with her bangs up doing make up aaaaaah my wife is beautiful.

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