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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.57090006 [View]
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Sorry your comment just came off as crazy to me because getting into a relationship fast never ends well. You should always take your time with someone if it's supposed to be a romantic relationship. If you miss an opportunity with a crush, then maybe it wasn't meant to be. Crushes are mostly infatuation anyway.
>Where I'm from if you aren't able to go out with someone for a coffee it means there's no chemistry at all
That is VERY scary and I could never live where you are. I need to get to know a person for a very long time before deciding to give my heart to them. It's not something I can just give away like candy to someone who I have 2 or 3 things in common with. Even with my oshi, it took me at least 8 months before I truly fell in love with him.

I don't see what that has to do with asians but if mostly asians do that, I see that as nothing but a good thing.

>> No.56784500 [View]
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I'm the anon you replied to and yeah! That's exactly what I've been thinking. That's also why I've been feeling bad for the Kindred that left. Felt like he was sort of leading them on in a way, you know? But looking at it from his POV, he was in a position where a lot of money was coming in and he was able to move to a new place because of it, get medication, and take better care of himself, so of course anyone would want to keep going if it's getting them money. That, combined with him having trouble saying no and not having any meds so he really enjoyed the attention and validation he got from doing it. I know all too well what that's like, so I also sympathize with him in that way. I know he would never actually think this but a part of me does feel that sort of "oh I've got your money now, I can do whatever the fuck I want now" from him, but I do trust that he knows deep down that he has himself to blame for not doing this earlier and that he still enjoys doing it to provide escapism and fanservice to a group that doesn't normally get it. If you remember from that one talk he had with everyone. During the first time he had to address a serious situation. Even during that time when he was under so much pressure. When everyone, even his own Kindred were against him, he still said "no, I'm not going to stop doing BFE just because of the actions of a few." that's when i decided to trust him. It would have been so easy to say that he would stop doing that and take back his word later but no, he stood up to those vile dramafags and antis and said he'll still cater to the people that don't get catered to. That's why I trust that he was never in it for just the money.

I don't fault you for leaving whenever you did or for whatever reason, I think everyone has the right to move on to whoever they please. It's a shame things turned out this way, but I hope you're happy now if you have a new oshi! I still can't find it in me to leave him no matter how much I say I want to move on. I've been with him for over a year now, so it's like breaking up with an actual partner, one I've never really had before. Not like this at least. No one is like him, not even close. I really do feel like he's an actual partner to me sometimes because we both have our own journeys that we're getting through together.

>> No.53920301 [View]
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That, and his design is pure sex. Black hair with golden eyes is such a good combo. Pair that with being a demon who's good at making lore and sticking to it is a really nice formula. Add in the red for some cool edge and having such a dominant personality is such an amazing mix.

That, and asians really love long hair.

>> No.51551827 [View]
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These are the exact moments I vowed to never leave him. There's more moments, but they're deleted (and for good reason). I'm proud of how strong he's been, not only for himself but for his clan. Despite all the hardships, I still love him dearly.

>> No.48266902 [View]
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Sometimes I have moments where I'm disapointed, angry, and sad about the things my oshi does, but somehow when he starts stream I go right back to loving him again. This past month or two I went through a bit of a phase of even considering switching oshis, but somehow he always manages to pull me right back in and sweep me off my feet again. I think it's normal to feel one way about your oshi and then feel a completely different way imagining yourself doing something to him you never thought you would do. I say give it a bit more time. If your gut is telling you to keep watching him, stay with him. It's hard to drop someone you've spent so much time in your life with, so hold strong. If nothing changes, I don't blame you for moving on. But just think about all the times he's made you happy and keep that in mind before you make a final decision.

>> No.48113159 [View]
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I will work hard for my oshi.
I will stop procrastinating for my oshi.
I will accomplish things for my oshi.
I will be kind for my oshi.
I will work harder for my oshi.
I love my oshi.
I am forever grateful that you are in my life.

>> No.44980299 [View]
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I love turtlenecks too. Something about men in black (heh), the tightness of it, feeling like it's showing everything yet they're all covered up is so hot.

Good night paripi anon!

>> No.44321275 [View]
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My cute, precious, and perfect demon husband is being so soft and cute......cuddly.......warm.....I love him so so much...the love of my life...

>> No.44183081 [View]
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8,614: Vox (Nijisanji)
7,848: Fauna (Hololive)
6,998: Shu (Nijisanji)
6,649: IRyS (Hololive)
6,631: Mori (Hololive)
5,187: Amelia (Hololive)
5,074: Vox (Nijisanji)

1) Mori (Hololive) - 18,696 - Monopoly (w/ Amelia, Magni, Vesper)
2) Vox (Nijisanji) - 8,614 - Return Stream

1x: Hololive, Nijisanji

1x: Mori, Vox

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
5p: Mori, Vox
3p: Mysta, Fauna
1p: Shu

>> No.41894841 [View]
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Milord loves us! I love him too!

>> No.39122843 [View]
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Why did the merch have to be shit? I saved for months...

>> No.38948652 [View]
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I'm not a Yuguy but thank you, it still hits me pretty hard. I wish I could see more interactions between him and my oshi but I'm thankful for the handful that we have.

>> No.38680904 [View]
File: 183 KB, 1431x2048, 1670647995519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream New Cydonia so my numberfag husband has great news to wake up to. Do it in a browser that you don't have AdBlock/Tracker blocks disabled in. Please

>> No.38649519 [View]
File: 183 KB, 1431x2048, FjjFczcVEAAymAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to check out the new toys on the shelf but sometimes you're just satisfied with the one you play with the most and cuddle up next to in bed.

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