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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.59923162 [View]
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Day 5 of Holoctober is Elf.
Honestly I have no idea what adding pointy ears to a girl supposedly does, is it a fetish thing? I had a friend tell me that elf pussy was unironically better than regular pussy. How tf did he know? I don't know, but whatever. If you wanna read the previous days, they're here: https://rentry.org/sggoi
>You're the fabled and feared Demon lord.
>You sit upon your throne, bored of the life you've lived
>Honestly, you just want to retire from being the demon lord and spend your time playing games and wasting time watching stuff on the internet.
>But being the demon lord doesn't allow you to do that
>You have to be a mean, imposing ruler that tries to stop the hero
>It's so boring, the hero is always too weak and dies in 1 or 2 attacks, sometimes even your minions kill the hero
>One day, your boring life is changed as your minions return, dragging a cage
>In the cage is an elf girl
>You sigh heavily and order all your minions away, then you adjust your voice to sound deeper, more intimidating
>"Ahem, mmm, ok, this is good."
>The elf girl looks at you, you can see fear in her eyes instantly
>After making sure your voice sounds good, you speak to her, trying to maintain an intimidating yet composed tone: "What is your name, elf, speak."
>She timidly replies to you: "I-I'm Shiori Novella..what are you going to do to me?"
>You playfully repeat her name, then you look at her and declare: "I'm going to...let you go."
>She looks at you for a moment, blankly, as if she didn't hear you right.
>You continue to ramble on: "Look, I'm tired of being the demon lord, I just want to relax and enjoy the rest of my life, and you look like you were at the wrong place at the wrong time so just sneak out the back ok?"
>She continues to stare at you blankly, then she starts accusing you of being a liar and questioning you
>"Liar! Y-You're going to rape me aren't you?! You're going to plant your demonic seed in me and make me give birth to your next of kin! Over and over!"
>You blush instantly and look at her in utter disbelief: "What the fuck are you saying woman?!"
>She doubles down, adamantly, firmly believing the things she's saying
>"I've heard all about it! You kidnap women and rape them, make them give birth to your demonic spawn then eat them after! My mom told me about it!"
>You can feel second-hand embarrassment from all the wild accusations being thrown at you, and decide that the best way to prove you aren't going to do anything is to just free her.
>You swing your arm, a simple motion, and the cage instantly slices apart, Shiori unharmed.
>"I knew it! You're going to come in this cage and abuse me like a wild animal!"
>You've finally had enough and you yell at her slightly: "No, you dumb woman, and your mother is dumb too! Just step out and leave already!"
>You sit back down on your throne, closing your eyes, all the wild accusations has left you too exhausted to bother
>Shiori stands there, minutes pass, then an hour passes, and another hour passes.
>Finally, after awkwardly standing there just staring at you, she finally asks: "You're really not going to rape me?"
>"No." you reply, without bothering to open your eyes
>Suddenly you hear her stomach rumble, have your minions even been feeding her properly?
>You open a single eye and look at her, before asking just to be sure: "That was you wasn't it?"
>She looks away embarrassed, and then nods slowly.
>"How does an elf even get captured and then starved, ok what do you eat?" You ask her sarcastically.
>She tries to talk back: "I just let my guard down that's all!"
>You click your fingers and a strange creature wearing a chef hat appears
>She looks at it, scared for a moment, before you tell the creature: "Prepare us some food."
>As it leaves, she looks a little more relieved.
>You click your fingers again and a rather long table appears before her
>You sit down at one end of the table, and the chef creature returns with various dishes.
>Steak, chicken, fish, various salads, fresh fruit and even some soups are lined along the table.
>You motion towards a chair and Shiori decides to sit.
>"You..you're not just buttering me up to have sex later right?" She asks nervously, was all she taught that demons are sex pests or something?
>You decide to not even entertain the question anymore and begin to slowly eat.
>She nervously reaches for some food and begins to eat and instantly blushes: "Wait..this is better than the food I ate back in the hero's party!"
>She begins to eat without restraint, it even looks kind of cute after a while.
>Finally she asks: "Why are you doing this?" her mouth somewhat full of food as she asks
>You look at her and answer half-heartedly: "Demons aren't all that bad, and I'm bored of being the demon lord, that's all."
>Shiori then looks at you, as if her whole world has been a lie and that some demons can be kind, however she still feels somewhat wary of you.
>Lastly, you sigh, having given up on getting rid of her easily.

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