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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.4439381 [View]
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I was a fucking little shit when I was younger, but this might be my peak autism moment from that time.
>be me in 2nd grade
>recess is over
>for some reason, decide I didn't spend enough time outside
>refuse to come in
>after some time trying to get me inside, the teachers give up
>go back to playing on the playset
>hours pass by
>get bored
>go back inside to my classroom expecting them to welcome me back with open arms
>knock on the door
>the teacher looks at me with a shocked face
> realize everyone is looking at me with the same face
>realize that this might not be the best Idea
>book it as the teacher calls my name
>run around the school for the next 5 mins
>run straight pass the principal's office
> run even faster as the vice principal shouts my name
>after a while of running, slow down to look behind me
>see the vice principal and 3 other staff members chasing me
> quickly get back to speed and continue running
>loose them
> start walking as I round the corner, hoping to rest for a bit
>see three teachers at the middle of the hallway creating a human roadblock.
>try to go back
>see the vice principal catching up
>take a massive risk and try to run though the blockage
>the teachers get ready to grab me as I get closer
>just in grabbing range, I duck under their hands and try to go beneath their legs
>get caught anyways
>mfw I get dragged to the principal's office by sweaty and exhausted staff members
>mfw my dad drags me by the ears to my room
>mfw I get beaten because I didn't want to go inside
I still struggle to understand how I pulled myself out of this behavior in middle school.

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