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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.32316415 [View]
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What's with people that know Shondo and commissioning porn of her?
Shondo herself has only commissioned one piece of porn of herself, and that was a mistake after she told the artist they could draw whatever they wanted and they made a full porn set. Out of 130+ skebs she has commissioned, only 3 of them are even somewhat lewd or provocative, and at least two of those were community voted skebs that she commissioned on behalf of her community. She clearly does not have an inclination towards lewd.
Meanwhile, her friend Silvi, who was vehemently anti-loli a year ago, has commissioned 3 or 4 lewd illustrations of them together. They are both completely naked in one of them (Silvi is topping) in lingerie in another, making out in lingerie in another, and in another Silvi is on top of Shondo and their chests are exposed.
But that's only the beginning. A 2view I follow from time to time, Shimo Hisae, is a lewd loli fairy. She has some sort of connection to Shadow, I believe they're friends, but Shadow doesn't really talk about her so I don't think they're that close. But I was hanging out in Shimo's discord VC and it was mentioned that Shimo is commissioning very well known loli artist Crumbles and he volunteered to add a drawing of Shondo to her set since he simps for Shondo. So Shimo is commissioning lewd art of her and Shondo, even if a little indirectly, she still agreed to it and it's happening. Shimo's height is 115cm, making her a whole head shorter than Shondo, and yet in this drawing... Shimo is on top.
Not only this, but I was scrolling through skeb the other day, and found this image: https://files.catbox.moe/sv7w9g.png
The commissioner is a 2view called Shwaa. I have never, ever seen Shondo interact with her. Not at all. I have no clue if she even knows she exists. Did she give approval to this? No clue. However Shondo has an anything-goes policy, so I don't suppose it's a problem.
She gave her consent for anyone to commission anything of her. And once again, Shondo is on the bottom.
Yet Shondo never commissions art of herself with any VTubers in a lewd manner. In fact, the only lewd drawing of her commissioned by herself, which was because the artist wanted to fuck her I guess, is obviously with a man. And yet, this keeps happening.
All of these female VTubers keep commissioning lewd art of Shondo, who has never deliberately commissioned lewd art of herself, especially not with any other VTubers, so how does this keep happening?
I have one theory for this: The Shondo Rape Effect.
The Shondo Rape Effect (SRE) is an effect once named by an anon in /uoh/, and it has stuck with me since. In many different anons, including myself, feelings of both wanting to protect, and wanting to horrifically violate Shondo have been noted. This often occurs in individuals who have never had violent fantasies before. Shondo is a girl that seems very sweet, kind, and a little innocent, and there should be no reason to wish to physically harm her, and yet this has been documented time and time again. The cause is potentially a phenomena called cute aggression, in which an urge to crush or destroy something too cute for our brains to handle occurs, often when holding something small and fragile, like a kitten or a baby.
I always assumed that this effect was limited to anons, or at least male members of Shondo's audience, since I quickly figured out from reading between the lines in her chat that many others likely experience the SRE too.
But could it be... that other VTubers also feel this way? Why are multiple VTubers commissioning art of them topping Shondo, even VTubers that have never really interacted with her? I previously thought that girls were immune... but it seems this is not the case.
What exactly about Shondo compells these feelings? She's not the first, not the only cute and sweet, innocent seeming chuuba. There's plenty, and sure, there's probably odd members of their audience with these feelings. But the more time goes on, the more I realize this is a pandemic within everyone that meets her.
Something about Shondo drives people insane and makes them want to rape her. I don't know what it is, I don't know what's causing it, but it's spread beyond 4chan, beyond her male viewers, and now it's beginning to infect VTubers too.

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