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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.59804826 [View]
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It's been a long time since I posted about this, but since there's a lull in birthday cards and we've had a lot of new liggers join these past few months I figured now would be a good time to talk about The Official /lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar. Never read the OP? Ever wonder how the thread is able to keep track of every ligger's birthday? This calendar is the key. Of course it's perfectly functional as-is, but if you want to go the extra mile and decorate your oshi's date on the calendar to show your dedication, you're encouraged to do so

How to join:
>Create an account on canva.com
>Your chosen name and email will be visible to everyone
>Click this invite link: https://www.canva.com/brand/join?token=oSq7JhFPEnQDKg_R6ar09w&referrer=team-invite
>Navigate to the Projects tab and click on The Official /lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar
>Start decorating
If you don't want to make an account but you notice that your chuuba isn't on there, you can also leave an anonymous comment on the calendar with your chuuba's name and birthday and someone will get around to adding it, or you can just reply to this post

Here is the link for the calendar itself if you just want to look at it (also in the OP): https://www.canva.com/design/DAE-XgWodVg/ofLz4QC1yPPQ4T6TTAE0fw/edit?utm_content=DAE-XgWodVg

Some tips for operating Canva:
>ctrl+Z works
>Hold ctrl while moving or resizing an element to prevent it from snapping to other elements
>You can "group" elements together by using shift to select multiple elements and clicking the word "group" in the top right, allowing you to move and manipulate them as one element
>There are a plethora of ways you can manipulate elements, select an element and check the right-click menu as well as the white bar at the top of the screen for all your options

Important change that I just learned about just today: The website that the calendar is hosted on is going to be REMOVING THE ABILITY TO ADD PEOPLE TO A FREE TEAM ON OCTOBER 31st. IF YOU WANT TO BE ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE CALENDAR, YOU MUST MAKE AN ACCOUNT AND JOIN THE TEAM BEFORE OCTOBER 31st OR THIS OPPORTUNITY WILL BE LOST TO YOU FOREVER. Also we had a slight Indian infestation so I removed any members who didn't seem very Anonymous, if that was you just use the invite link and it should let you back in

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