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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.77744149 [View]
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Thoughts on girls with huge clits?

>> No.51350163 [View]
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Nigger I founded this project! You enter my domain, you play by my rules! Now bend over

>> No.44346079 [View]
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the fuck. man that sucks. hope you guys didnt get any personal soc stuffs leaked too.
>inner circle
Im not gonna even comment on this except for saying this is your own fault. self fulfilling prophecy. you chased away anons that wanted to work and you reap what you sow
i did told you we needed to starve these fuckers out for good! looks like it worked that they went for the soccord instead. whats the word? metastasis?

>> No.42514155 [View]
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Invitation letter to other generals

Welcome, delegate anons from each threads and generals.
Simply begin by providing backstories, lore, and interesting trivia about the history of your general and/or thread and help visualize it in the form of worldbuilding.
After you are comfortable with the basic lore of your general-nation, theorize which terrain, climate, and neighboring border generals suit your nation's needs.
Here is the provided map of climates and spheres of influence: >>17765778
It can help giving where the rough congregation of influence should be (IE which threads go where)
If you wish to place yourself elsewhere on the map in relative position to the general sphere, you are allowed. As long as you provide valid backstory as precedent to your decision.
Image provided is the portions of land claimed so far. Do not be alarm, /∞/'s borders is a rough estimate of where their island will be placed. They are not a Borg Cube.

>> No.41497010 [View]
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Right Im back. Here are my thoughts on meatbro's ideas.

1. I understand then. Any of our corpo related discussions like Lia, Korone's obsession with torture, Kronii, all fall under Atoyavik culture.

2. Right right I see it. well that was before we did this whole '6 states, 6 ministers' thing. I was under the impression there would be more than 6. but if you're absolutely certain about this route then I got a question, is it okay to give the power to organize and supervise the military and navy of the alliance to one state?
the military and navy are the most important aspect of a country. Giving Atoyavik the authority of the alliance's military-navy (including the special operatives like catalognauts) is a huge power imbalance. so I suggest that we take another page out of the Aztec's book and have the Rikitnahualli control of the military-navy Fellowship of Battle. It would make sense for the highest authority to be the one in charge of the most important side of the alliance. Especially when it concerns foreign diplomacies (raiding/war/intervention/special operations)

3. Thats a relief! I was scared at the idea of making our society too specialized. Good to know each state is allowed to pursue whatever they need. Just what would be if one state advances beyond the Fellowship HQ? Assume that somehow anyone other than Nacatlan managed to get a better track record at managing the cult network or Ryonaheim decided to get into /nasfaqg/ and overtook Namakubi in finance theories.

That's all I have for now

Yo! this sounds awfully familiar

>> No.39025443 [View]
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Stop being horny!

>> No.37580577 [View]
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listen here you rascal!

>> No.36780291 [View]
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Yellow woman my beloved

>> No.36736698 [View]
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okay nerds stop fighting! we got catalog kino!

>> No.36551363 [View]
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it's because I havent, in my glorious oresence, declare the council session
>whacks gavel
worldbuilders! rollcall!
tell the class updates on your latest projects. and where's my porridge?

>> No.33025197 [View]
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Can I get a thorough rundown on what happened?
Why Discord?
why is schizochama a turk?
Did retro came back?

>> No.32649204 [View]
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Dont you dare burn my baby!
Welp, you wont hear from me when I get back to my flat

>> No.32469849 [View]
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I hereby enact 1 emergency autocratic order!
Kill this motherfucker!

>> No.32368616 [View]
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It's me, PG! Im having fun

>> No.32318187 [View]
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hijacked /meat/ thread nearing bump
We did it!

>> No.32310522 [View]
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PG, meatbro, climeat anon if youre here, time to discuss.
These are my votes
>Should Anya-Petra swap positions?
>Borders of swapped
Option 4. large territory wouldnt make sense for /warkop/'s unusable land plan. plus more clay for future threads
>Dynamic borders
Yeah. the board is volatile to changes. making the lands switch hands often represent that
>Continental divide
3. Represents cultural divide. /ahoy/ could be like the caucasus and anatolia. the border between two continents
>All votes must contain (Verified trip + link to thread represented)
Yeah. schizos are infesting the votes now.
wait which cabal member holds the keys to the main lore doc?
>Removal of outdated /pyon/ lore
Didnt we already did it before? Yeah

>> No.32203255 [View]
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This is why I told you people over and over that we have a miscommunication/esl problem!
just like how Rosemaiden's in-joke with rose anon was interpreted as an insult
and organic anon's friendship with zeta anon was seen as sock puppeting
Im so sorry to see you go like this, Retrobro. Despite the fact we managed to get a collaborative story.

>> No.32066049 [View]
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>a total misunderstanding
And guess how many timeloops and schizo skirmishes happened from anons misunderstanding each other?

>> No.31981447 [View]
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>economy doc
>simulating modern day bull wallstreet
>in the renaissance-discovery era
this will be fun
and yeah I miss kronieronie too. Im having mid-may flashbacks and it hurts
i just enjoy being around /inf/. theyre all dorks and I like it.
>tfw no menhera femronie wife

>> No.31977265 [View]
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>Panon joins
>schizos dont care
>Panon starts giving opinions and critiques
>schizos gave him attention
>Panon gets symphatizers
>schizos start falseflagging as him
>Panon takes a trip to avoid falseflaggers
>schizos mad about trip and namefagging
You idiots do this to him. You made yourself a self-fulfilling prophecy!
If you wanted this to stop, then you shouldnt have done it 2 months ago
Panon never wanted to be a celebrity, he just wanted to write military stories
But you idiots kept attacking his stories and every interaction he did
When he take up a trip to avoid that, you idiots accuse tripfagging of destroying the general
You shot yourselves in the foot, you created the monster
So shut the fuck up!

>> No.31813570 [View]
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Okay buddy thats it! your sinful hands will create the most messed up mod ever!

>> No.31733325 [View]
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>Burger hours
>Dramas and timeloops
Every single time!

>> No.31508671 [View]
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Im pissed off right now because our general keeps getting deleted

The Trial against the defendant Cunt !.Q010oIZDo is still in session.
Now it's break because I need my lunch. leaving you guys to come up with a conclusion

Case 1: Betrayal against /mans/
>Defendant mentioned thoroughly that he wished to be a permanent rep for /mag/ now turned /mans/
Oh trust me, I’m not leaving any time soon. Unless everyone decides to expel me, in which case I can’t do anything. As for streams, I’m tiding myself over with Vox and Alban and such. I might check out the Mag though, I’m no tribal.
OGpaperclip I hope you realize that /mag/ is here to stay, and with it, so am I. And last I checked, most of this thread agreed to putting me next to you. So you better not start getting smart, specially with cutiegoon, or there will be consequences. :D
Yes yes YES!! I was also leaning towards the idea of a smaller state, with our capital being the only real city, with smaller guilds of alchemists establishing a few small villages/towns in the countryside. It would also allow us to squeeze in between different nations without taking up too much territory for us.
As for the /nasa/ land, I was originally planning to have the boys land there as an expedition fleet or something, after getting isekai'd, but if /mag/ will stay alive and only for our boy, I would rather have us be somewhere closer to the action, as you put it. If a general is created for the other three, they can still occupy the soon-to-be-empty /nasa/.
Are you sure you want me to open my mouth? Because I am the devil that whispers in vespieBro's ear and starts nothing but timeloops and arguments.
The only thing we have over you is time. You are a fewfag, no two ways about it, while vespieBro, and specially me, have been a staple itt for far longer. Don't worry about it, as long as you keep engaging in discussions you will eventually become one of those detestable namefags in some fashion or other, and will be more recognizable and your lore will get talked about. Specially if you decide to be based ans start some timeloops!
And yea, I don't write lore worth shit, mainly because I don't care about this project anymore and am only here to stir shit nowadays. Like just look at the latest timeloop. That was all me influencing vespie to start shit on my behalf.
The one thing I will never do is willingly involve the guy into my drama. He is too precious for that shit. Why do you think I stopped interacting with vespieBro? Because some fuckers were giving him a hard time because of me. Better to just not interact and act like we don't know each other.
>Defendant laid down rules
If you have the time to write lore about other nations, why not spend that time fleshing out your own nation more?
But you shouldn't write for repless nations so that they fit into your perception of how your corner of the world would look like. What if you write the lore for one of your neighbours about how your nations are constantly at odds with each other, and build your own nation off of that, and then a rep for said nation comes in and decided that nah, he wants to be friends with you?
You just wasted perhaps weeks of your own time, and now have to scrap all of that. And if you push for the rep to instead keep your two nations as enemies, you are putting restrictions on him from the very momemt he joined. And that would just make most people leave.
>Defendant proceeds to abandon /mans/ without any prior notice after weeks of investment and argument, and betrayed his own written rules
Gotta make a note of that for when I start writing for hirys kek
why would I choose mans ans vrt of all nations? Both have active reps and no relation to me. I gain nothing from it kek

Case 2: /nasa/ Abuse
>Claimed /nasa/rep should retire and not write for /nasa/ anymore
You need to get /nasa/ out of your mind
>Would still retcon and rewrite lore himself
Yea no fuck that, I ain't blowing up the station. If anything, it's gates are now wide open, and Cass is willing to share as much knowledge as she can with the world. First come, first serve, hoomans. Here's your ticket to the space age.
So I instead opted for the backup plan: blow them all up. It's not the prettiest ending, but it's what we got.
>Agrees to let others write for /nasa/ for the nation is gone and does not need rep
You know what? As the acting rep for /nasa/, I APPROVE OF THIS ACTION! GO WILD YOU FUCKERS KEK!!
>Reaffirms his rep status and disagrees to allow /nasa/ to become collaborative
Oh and for everyone talking about collaborative /nasa/, as I have stated in the previous thread: go suck a fat one. I will sooner write risuner smut myself than see a /meat/head, or anyone, dictate how our lore goes. This is on me and Rep and nobody else.

>> No.31504476 [View]
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I'll only listen to an actual /HiRyS/ rep if one join
I dont see you as a legitimate rep
What youre doing is putting words in their mouth before they get a chance to join. We, especially I, dont want to see another Megas situation

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