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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.17379824 [View]
File: 340 KB, 455x492, 1631136778181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally broke the law by turning 1-yen coins into aluminum foil
>Decided on her own to do a collab with a elementary school YouTuber without consulting Nijisanji at all.
>Made an apology stream, but ends the stream by calling Niji staff "fodder that nobody cares about" and tells them to take a hike.
>Rides bike in freezing weather to try new burger from McD (rice buns) while streaming the entire way there (she has her laptop computer open on her bike while she rides it, using pocket wifi to keep streaming). For whatever reason there were military helicopter sounds in the background while she struggles with keeping everything together. Runs away from cop who tries to figure out why she is riding bike with a computer; orders the wrong burger, and tries to go back and falls off her bike before ending the stream.
>Pretends to not know how to set up stream while streaming in-person with Deron. Deron asks her to put up a scrolling comments section on the screen, and cat responds by taking a screenshot of the comments section in youtube, copy-pasting the png into her stream layout, and animating it so the same comments scrolls indefinitely. Nearly kills Deron with laughter in the process.
>Ropes Gibara into doing an impromptu in-person collab with her in the Niji office when the latter dropped by to say hi; played 1-2 switch and tried to cheat by fondling Gibara's boobs and throwing switch controller at her. Lost anyway.
>Actually lives in squalor. Mito and Deron says she lives in a very small room (~50 sq. ft room) with 4 cats, and the room is full of stuff cat calls her "treasures".
>Did a stream about cooking "蘇" (prounced "so") in a convoluted multi-modal pun. Her screen title was "おいい蘇 (oishi-sou"). In the stream she boils milk to extract its essence, or "soul". The stream is about her struggling to use a gas stove, nearly starting fire on multiple occasions and alternating between freaking out and being smug to the viewers. 蘇 also means reincarnation/revival, so halfway through the stream she comments about being light-headed and wondering why the gas in the gas stove is low (implying she left it on the entire time) and the entire comments section telling her to get fresh air. She comes back several minutes later and literally repeats the start of her stream word-for-word and then tells the audience not to worry because she has died (and revived) a million times. Stream ends with the fire alarm in her room going off and exasperated Mito commenting "ehhhh".
>Streams on a laptop without a mouse. Refuses to use mouse because it's something she eats.

>> No.10172065 [View]
File: 340 KB, 455x492, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made 2 uber eats drivers race each other
>First she placed two simultaneous orders from the same place to see which one of the drivers would deliver first:
>Second time she ordered from uber eats and Mcdonalds delivery:
>Third time she ordered from uber eats then went to the store to buy it herself to see if it would be faster:
>Hijacked the nyancat relay and sang it for 14 hours straight, leading to kino moments like almost choking trying to eat food
>Asked taka (an indonesian man) to teach her how to cook naan (indian cuisine)
>Once did eigo-only totsumachi for a straight hour with Nijis who speak broken eigo, resulting in unforgettable moments like "DO YOU RAIKU DONARUDO TORAMPU? I RAIKU DONARUDO TURAMPU"
>Fell asleep during a stream and got 250000 yen in Super Chats while sleeping
>Dislocated her jaw on stream multiple times
>Forgot to stop her stream and sang asshole song live
>Baked a naan in the middle of a collab stream
>Cleaned her mic with a fucking vacuum cleaner. Ended up with her mic getting swallowed by the vacuum cleaner
>Peed in Fumi's bathtub, her friend and fellow Nijisanji member
>Once tried to stream a taste-test for McDonalds' promotional Rice Burger, bought the wrong burger, and then cycled all the way back to McDonalds while streaming with her laptop on her bike, interacting with the stream at stop signs and got stopped by policemen on the way. She ended up audibly dropping the burger and her laptop on the ground after finally buying it
>And the follow up where she actually eats it instead of dropping it
>Had a fight with her little sister live on stream
>Asked for 2434 packs of potato chips in a twitter competition and they actually fucking mailed it to... the Anycolor office. So everyone had to help her finish the chips
>For some reason big youtubers in Japan like Hikakin, Yutapon, and some politicians follow her

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