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>> No.94828700 [View]
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Did the femruffian oshihen and delete her twitter *again*?

>> No.93258926 [View]
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>> No.92950827 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.92669914 [View]
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Show cock first

>> No.92074703 [View]
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>JP beggar is a Advent anti
What a surprise.

>> No.89487495 [View]
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>Readschizo proven wrong. Again
He never gives up, huh? It would be kinda endearing if he wasn't so mentally ill.

>> No.89431661 [View]
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>Every holo in EN is gonna have tons of parasocial= bad fans
You would think FWMC should be the exception to that after watching 1 of their streams... But really, how do these people even exist when FWMC are so open about wanting to know their fans and always talk about how much they miss us, how much they love us, and how they want to spend as much time as possible with is?? Do these people ignore everything FWMC say?

>> No.89175722 [View]
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What the fuck???

>> No.88772946 [View]
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>It's been crazy ever since we moved to japan
I wonder why...?

>> No.88573482 [View]
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Everything they loved about Japan is slowly dying or changing forever.

>> No.88240384 [View]
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Okay, that's nice.
Make more screenshots of him bragging about being FWMC's favorite to make others feel bad, and shitting on FWMC for the JP streams and calling the wrestling "fake" and post them here. Screenshot every single thing that will make him look like an asshole, and I'll expose him on twitter. The "raul exposee" faggot failed exposing the brazilian because he didn't keep going, he just made a few tweets about raul and disappeared. Give me some good material and I'll fucking haunt that motherfucker. I'll reply to his tweets, his replies to FWMC and make posts exposing his behavior in all the official hashtags every single day until they ban my account (I would just create a new one and try again if this happens), FWMC stop interacting with him or he leaves the community.
If someone wants to share screenshots of him, post them here with the text "tekzifaggot" to make it easier to find through the archive.

>> No.87819673 [View]
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>> No.86134783 [View]
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Haha... You are a funny guy.

>> No.85908581 [View]
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>not translated to EN
Wow, what a surprise.

>> No.84548644 [View]
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>The ENreco slop defenders were the Fuwawa antis all along
Color me surprised.

>> No.83835677 [View]
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>entertaining thread

>baeschizo is a Ruffian that just wants to annoy other Ruffians in this thread
Yeah, that's called being a "anti".
He comes to the FWMC thread when things are calm and people are just discussing FWMC related things and he completely ruins the thread with his off-topic spam. Look at this thread now, 1/4 of the posts are completely off-topic "thanks" to him.
If he actually liked bae and wanted to talk or post about bae he could go to her general or to global, but he comes here because he hates FWMC and wants to ruin the place were the Ruffians gather to talk about them.

>> No.82304318 [View]
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Please, just shut up already.
You are just a sister LARPing as a ruffian. Stop trying to make us fight each other.

>> No.78732079 [View]
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>> No.78594977 [View]
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>She doesn't even know that demon dogs "bau" instead of barking

>> No.77020200 [View]
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It's almost impressive how retarded they are, like I said they can't even read threads properly to come up with something that might remotely be believable. Here's one repeating verbatim something I made up out of nowhere a few days before, kek >>76168676

>> No.76656272 [View]
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Sure, I'll jam, though I'll be as terrible as I was yesterday kek

>> No.76137844 [View]
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>> No.75858473 [View]
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>> No.75721800 [View]
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It's pretty funny seeing sisters pick up terminology they see used here and then just repeat it without understanding what it means at all

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