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>> No.9108730 [View]
File: 715 KB, 550x895, A4897AA8-16D7-44F5-9B3C-06F55B03D621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m back and I’ve got some more techpriest smut! I’m finally getting around to finishing part 3 of the Ourotor hive city purge story so that should be posted soon. Reminder: The flesh is weak, fuck doxxbeats, fuck concernfags, and fuck rrats
Hornyposting is what keeps this general alive and I will lay down my life to defend that claim
>Kronii gets home from a council meeting during your evening prayers
>She lumbers in and groggily makes her way toward you
>As you stand to greet her you scan her face
>Analysis indicates she is suffering from ‘stress’
>She unevenly shifts her weight to one leg before leaning in, her arms outstretched
>She hugs you
>You hug her back
>It’s a foreign behavior to you but it seems to comfort her
>Something is bothering you however
>Hugging has typically been reserved for special occasions if your memory banks are correct
>Something is definitely amiss
>You continue to scan the rest of her body as you end the embrace
>Posture and her unusual gait signify fatigue while the bags under her eyes indicate a lack of sleep and overwhelming stress
>Each time you scan one of her features you feel an ache in your cold metal heart
>Your duty to the Kroniissiah is without end, as are the things you are willing to do for her
>You have made up your mind
>Your mechadendrites wrap around her, lifting her through the air as you make your way to her bedroom
>She struggles, but it is futile against your magnificent cybernetic body
>You plop her down on the bed, adjusting her so she is comfortable
>Then your synthetic limbs are at her arms and legs, pinning her to the bed
>”Anon what are you—“
>You cut her off
>”Sexual gratification is excellent at reducing stress. Your current state far exceeds normal levels.”
>You move a mechadendrite across her face, tickling her cheek
>”I will do what I must to relieve this stress.”
>It snakes down towards her crotch
>With the help of two other of your synthetic appendages, you remove her garments as your dexterous appendage spreads and teases her folds, while a third stimulates her clit
>Two more unzip her top and begin fondling her freed breasts, squeezing and lightly sucking her nipples
>Kronii lightly moans, but her face remains unchanged
>She still needs more
>You press the catches at your crotch to release your artificial cock
>It pops out, twitching in anticipation
>You continue your assault on her folds and breasts as you carefully line your tip up with her now leaking slit, placing your hands upon her thighs
>Her breath catches in her throat as you enter
>She lets out a ragged moan as you slowly fill her
>As you bottom out, your hips immediately piston out
>Only to immediately piston back in
>You steadily increase your pace until you reach superhuman speeds
>You’re going so fast Jaghatai Khan himself would be been impressed by the velocity of your hips
>All the while Kronii lets out moan after moan, quickly filling the room with the sounds of her delight
>You change the angle of your hips ever so slightly each time, hitting all the right spots
>All Kronii can do is lay there and take it while vocalizing about how good you make her feel
>You feel her whole body start to quiver as she approaches orgasm
>Her walls tighten, desperately clinging to you for more pleasure
>You oblige them
>Its too much for her
>She lets out an ear piercing scream as she cums, her walls convulsing around your rigid member
>You press your advantage, fucking her through her orgasm, intent on removing all traces of stress
>As her orgasm subsides you look at her face again and rescan it
>It’s as you feared
>While it has dropped, there is still a substantial amount of stress left in her body
>It’s time to reveal your secret weapon
>Two mechadendrites bring in extra pillows, positioning them around her body
>While you do have her pinned, you don’t want her hurting herself during what comes next
>Kronii’s eyes roll back in their sockets as your robocock vibrates with the intensity of a neutron star
>Your hips become one with the speedforce as you mercilessly thrust into her slick pussy
>Her body involuntarily convulses in pleasure, her mouth letting out an endless stream of moans and cries
>The bed creaks, threatening to break under the strength of your onslaught
>Kronii lets out a scream to pierce the heavens as she cums with the force of a thousand suns, her back arching off the bed while her limbs violently struggle against their restraints
>Her walls clamp down on you so unimaginably hard you fear your cock will be crushed to dust, not that you would complain though
>She falls back down to the bed, completely out of breath
>You scan her face again
>Stress still exceeds normal levels

>> No.8953204 [View]
File: 715 KB, 550x895, BFF029D2-773A-4AB3-89FE-165828E1275F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A continuation of the green I posted earlier
For those not familiar with W40K lore, mechadendrite = techpriest robo tentacle, Leman Russ = type of tank used by the imperium
>The purge is going well even if there’s only six of you
>Brother Takeshi functions as a one man army
>His powerfist flattens stolen Leman Russ’ with ease while his assault cannon turns charging mobs of cultists into nothing more than a fine red sludge
>Those that manage to survive are then greeted by the master crafted flamer in between his legs
>All the while he roars his battlecry of “SEEEEEEEEEEX” while switching between low gothic, binary, and hexidecimal
>You would love to finish off the few survivors that remain
>Unfortunately they are needed for questioning
>You line them up, arms and legs bound
>You’re already losing your patience
>”Bring your leaders to us and we shall offer you a quick death. Refuse and you receive the Kroniissiah’s mercy”
>Your voice echoes across the blood drenched square
>Most of the prisoners shudder, but one among them begins to laugh
>You walk over to him, looming over him like a giant
>”What is so humorous worm?”
>”Y-your faith is a l-lie. Your god is a lie, a lie created by a harridan to keep you under control.”
>He stifled a chuckle
>”I know her true name. It may be “Kronii” now, but her true identity is—“
>Before he can finish his sentence you slam him into the ground.
>You have heard enough.
>You lean down so that his ringing ears may pick up your voice
>”First you rebel against our faith, then you refuse to reveal your leaders, and now you attempt to commit the foulest sin of all? You have made your choice. If you shall not cry out in praise for the Kroniissiah then we shall make you cry out for her amusement. Brother Futas?”
>Brother Futas lumbers over to you, his mechadendrites flailing about
>”You have asked for me Brother Anon?”
>”This heretic is in dire need of the Kroniissiah’s Mercy.”
>Brother Futas lets out a hearty laugh
>”It would be an honor”
>He walks over to the struggling form of the cultist still face down on the ground
>Several of his mechadendrites extend to grab him
>Two of them grab the cultists hands, pulling him up, while two grab his legs, spreading them
>The cultist, now on his hands and knees, starts screaming and makes a futile attempt to escape, barely flailing his arms and legs
>“What the fuck are you doing!? Get the fuck off of me! What are you do—“
>He is once again interrupted as a fifth mechadendrite snakes over to Futas’ codpiece
>It presses two hidden catches that release with a hiss of steam
>Brother Futas’ clock towers(ha) out of his codpiece, gleaming with metal and engraved with the holiest of chapter iconography, with a well worn purity seal at its base
>Brother Futas’ voice rumbles with fury and holy duty
>”I am giving you the Kroniissiah’s Mercy, worm.”
>The cultists eyes go wide as he releases what is about to occur
>Brother Futas’ voice drowns out his cries
>”It is far too late for that”
I might post some more stuff because I want to flesh out the Ourotors more but it probably won’t be a story like this

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