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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.93234570 [View]
File: 766 KB, 611x950, holoen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Ina said she was going to draw every member of Hololive?

>> No.92384339 [View]
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>Ina is not lazy.

>> No.90042701 [View]
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You act like Myth didn't bring in it's fair share of cancer

Mori: Trash Taste niggers and other ironic weebs
Ina: People with low standards who will accept literally anything
Ame: Homobeggar

>> No.79943234 [View]
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FUWAMOCO are not capping, they lowkey fuck with Vtubing and genuine passion these days hits different, which is why I Stan them. The other thots are sus AF, not about that grindset, and attract actual simps which is not bussin at all.

>> No.71781313 [View]
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Nerissa two things
Why the fuck are you responding to random obviously angry comments? No good comes of this.
Secondly, if your laptop broke, just fucking tweet that.

>> No.71009383 [View]
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>1 hour stream for the EN fans
>Full Japanese collab for the JP fans
Great. They really miss us. I can tell.

>> No.64218892 [View]
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I think Fuwamoco may have unironically ruined the rest of Holo EN for me. I never had anything against Ina, she seemed cute, if a little low energy. But just watching this now, all I can think is how much more excited and grateful Fuwamoco seem at just a Rock and Rawr party, meanwhile Ina is doing this birthday live, and it kind of feels she's just checking boxes. 3D environment, sing a little, change outfits, etc.

>> No.56719402 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Takos wanking off Ina as some super fast pro
She churns out samey art for Chink gachas. To give you an example of how low their standards are, they are starting to use AI art, and because Ina's art is optimized for speed and is soulless, she's eventually gonna lose jobs to it.

>> No.53637401 [View]
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I'm gonna try and make an actual essay post here and then maybe copy it and use it again later since this shit keeps coming up. I'm sure many people will go TLDR and mucho texto and "didn't read lol" but I actually do care about Hololive and Hololive EN keeps running into the same issue in my opinion.

It's probably a long shot given the state of the board these past 2 years, but if you were around for Myth's debut, you should remember debut Mori. She was awkwardly abrasive and contrarian and tried to do everything possible to show that she was "different" from what people had come to expect from Hololive. Whether that was collabing with Trash Taste faggots, not doing even the slightest hint of fanservicey requests, or aggressively shooting down any Takamori banter, she was just unpleasant to be around. The reason she was like this is the same reason Ame told her viewers to improve themselves, the same reason Kronii imploded, the same reason Fauna said her viewers weren't her friends, and the same reason Ina keeps lecturing her viewers. They don't get vtubing. Or at least, they don't get why Hololive JP in particular is so popular.

Hololive JP is popular because the talents, for the most part, realize they are selling a product, a dream, an illusion. You have to be careful not to break that illusion, but in return people will give you insane amounts of money. This product is part the avatar, and part the person behind it but never really entirely one or the other. There has to be a balance, as Kizuna Ai showed, you can't just have the avatar with another person behind it. But you also can't just be yourself with an avatar, that's where the often used insult of "ethot with an avatar" comes in. You need some bit of character.

It's this bit that Western women, and particularly Hololive EN seems to struggle with. They want to prove they are bigger and better than the avatar. That people would like them for themselves, give money them for themselves, first draft, unedited. Which is total fucking bullshit. There's a reason they don't talk about their political stances or past relationships. There's a reason you aren't supposed to know their real names, real faces, real ages. Hololive is supposed to provide a nice neat digestible little package and for some reason, these women just fucking chafe at providing that, even if they stand to reap the benefits and make millions off it. Even the ones who weren't blatantly against it from the beginning like Fauna or Ina can't help every now and then but slip and drop the mask so they can lecture their fans because that's what the "real them" would do. That's what they really think.

Do you really think Nene wants people to report when they masturbate to her? Do you think any woman really wants that? Does Luna really think she's a baby? Is every single Holo in JP just somehow forever single and lonely despite many of them being charismatic, funny, and probably not hideous? No. But they know how to keep up kayfabe without their ego getting in the way, something most of Hololive EN just can't stomach. And they resent it, some openly like Mori and Kronii from the beginning, and some like Fauna or Ame or Ina when it just bubbles out at the worst time. But these hypocrites will rake in money hand over fist from sad lonely men, while still trying to convince themselves they aren't taking advantage of anyone. These men are willing to be taken advantage of, is it too much to ask that they don't openly spit on them after the transaction goes through?

>> No.53335963 [View]
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She isn't, which is why she developed a style that is quick and suited for chink gachas. She'll be replaced by AI soon enough though cause soulless art for soulless chink gachas is easily replaced.

>> No.51817853 [View]
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>You can have people who are great at being anime girls and love Hololive but don't stream much because of various reasons
>Or people who stream consistently but suck at being anime girls/openly try to change Hololive/hate their fans

Why the fuck are these the only 2 options? Who the fuck is in charge of Cover's EN scouting department?

>> No.46297893 [View]
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>"I feel like Kronii for me, is way easier to read when together in real life. Because now I realized her expressions add so much to like what she says and the tone of her voice. Like often when I would just hear her on Discord, I wasn't sure like, was she, you know, having a good time. You know I was getting worried. But then in real life it didn't worry me at all. Because she may have had like sometimes a little bit of a monotone voice and all that, but then with her expressions really helped me. Deadpan. Hard to tell on Discord only. Voice only."

>Kiara, once of the most sensitive and empathetic people in Holo EN, couldn't really tell Kronii's emotions from her deadpan voice.
>She got a better grasp once she was able to see Kronii's face in real time.
>Kronii says she wants to be a voice actress.

She's a fucking shit voice actress if she can't convey emotion unless people can see her face. Or maybe since she's permanently depressed and lazy, she really is conveying those emotions through her voice.

>> No.45557097 [View]
File: 766 KB, 611x950, 1677128729452503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't draw Coco because of chink loyalties, despite vowing to draw every hololive member
>made a very half-hearted goodbye tweet that didn't refer to her by name and only said that she inspired many people (implying she didn't inspire her)
>insulted her fans and basically called them losers for watching vtubers
>had a literal personal pet mod (who almost certainly was Omegatroon) in her chatroom early on who was very obviously male and constantly made passive agressive ESL comments during streams
>said pet mod tried to force HoloEN to ALL play FFXIV with him even being involved, all approved by Ina (shown in the minecraft leaks)
>is responsible for getting the lazy fired nigger Sana into hololive via nepotism
>did a "baking" stream without camera because she knows her retarded takoshart NIGGERS don't even watch her stream and just use her as background noise
>never reads superchat but still enables them because she's a greedy cunt (Ame turns them off when she doesn't want to read them)
>lets hired dancers skinwalk her model because she doesn't care about idol stuff
>blatantly lied to her fans about why she went on break for months
>tried to keep her Japan visit a secret because it conflicted the "le illness hort" lie, only admitted it way later when others leaked it
>ghosted her fans during this entire time despite promising she would stay in contact
>un-fucking-ironically tried to use the "PC broke" excuse to justify the ghosting AS IF PHONES DON'T EXIST
>prevented christmas collabs by being MIA even though she could have easily attended
>leaked the Wi-Fi of the hotel they're staying at
>after 2 years of constantly bitching about how important sleep is for her, literally cancelling collabs over it because she refused to wake up early (Marine collab for example), she suddenly makes the effort to wake up at 6 AM in japan solely so she can keep her numberbuffed EST primetime slot
>ruins off-collabs because she'd rather sniff the floor than be anywhere near the mic, who cares if people can't understand her am I right?
>ghosted her """friend""" Pikamee's graduation out of fear of trannies, despite even Mori tweeting something to her
>didn't improve her dancing at all despite supposedly practicing all day every day

>> No.44620248 [View]
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>A N O T H E R

>> No.43833261 [DELETED]  [View]
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>didn't draw Coco because of chink loyalties, despite vowing to draw every hololive member
>made a very half-hearted goodbye tweet that didn't refer to her by name and only said that she inspired many people (implying she didn't inspire her)
>insulted her fans and basically called them losers for watching vtubers
>had a literal personal pet mod (who almost certainly was Omegatroon) in her chatroom early on who was very obviously male and constantly made passive agressive ESL comments during streams
>said pet mod tried to force HoloEN to ALL play FFXIV with him even being involved, all approved by Ina (shown in the minecraft leaks)
>is responsible for getting the lazy fired nigger Sana into hololive via nepotism
>did a "baking" stream without camera because she knows her retarded takoshart NIGGERS don't even watch her stream and just use her as background noise
>never reads superchat but still enables them because she's a greedy cunt (Ame turns them off when she doesn't want to read them)
>lets hired dancers skinwalk her model because she doesn't care about idol stuff
>blatantly lied to her fans about why she went on break for months
>tried to keep her Japan visit a secret because it conflicted the "le illness hort" lie, only admitted it way later when others leaked it
>ghosted her fans during this entire time despite promising she would stay in contact
>un-fucking-ironically tried to use the "PC broke" excuse to justify the ghosting AS IF PHONES DON'T EXIST
>prevented christmas collabs by being MIA even though she could have easily attended
>leaked the Wi-Fi of the hotel they're staying at
>after 2 years of constantly bitching about how important sleep is for her, literally cancelling collabs over it because she refused to wake up early (Marine collab for example), she suddenly makes the effort to wake up at 6 AM in japan solely so she can keep her numberbuffed EST primetime slot
>ruins off-collabs because she'd rather sniff the floor than be anywhere near the mic, who cares if people can't understand her am I right?

People just don't care enough to anti her, imagine that Wi-Fi leak had happened to Mori instead, you'd never hear the end of it.

>> No.43684570 [DELETED]  [View]
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I still resent Ina for making her TTRPG character "literally just Ina but extra tired". How is it even possible to be so fucking lazy and dispassionate.
Fucking get over yourself, jesus.

>> No.43652715 [View]
File: 766 KB, 611x950, holoen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN in a nutshell ladies and gentlemen.

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