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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.18506177 [View]
File: 2.82 MB, 1447x2047, __tokino_sora_hololive_drawn_by_matcha_user_yyss8744__8ebe603efcbd4bc5fcc739f27e023a48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let's get to work.
>her adorable smile is gone. her normally pristine hair is unkempt. her sclera are bloodshot from crying. judging by the dark rings under her eyes, she hasn't gotten a decent night's sleep in days. and she can't even look you in the eyes. she looks like an absolute mess
>then again, you probably look even worse
>but you can't even finish getting her name out before you find yourself caught in Sora's embrace, her tear-soaked face burrowing into your shirt
>her grip is like a vice, clinging to you as though you might vanish into thin air if she dares to let go
>"You're okay..." her muffled voice is weak and laden with pain. "Thank god you're okay..."
>caught completely off-guard, you can do little more than stand rooted in place like a statue. your gaze nervously flits over to the only other occupant of the spacious office, a sharply-dressed middle aged man seated behind a mahogany desk
>Motoaki Tanigo, you presume
>considering the current situation, being hugged by Sora like this right in front of her boss just feels like an invitation for further disaster. but your momentary panic starts to ebb away as you notice a distinct lack of anger in the man's expression
>if anything, he looks mildly amused, watching the two of you with a the faintest hint of a smile on his face. he gives you a tiny nod, as if silently authorizing you to respond to his employee's little outburst
>finally managing to spur yourself into motion, you let one hand rest atop Sora's head to gently stroke her hair. "I missed you too."
>"I'm sorry," she whimpers into your chest. "I'm so sorry..."
>"Shh...it's alright..."
>soon enough her iron grip slackens, and she releases you to step back and wipe the tears from her cheeks, apparently regaining some level of composure
>taking her retreat as his cue, the seated man finally speaks up. "Thank you for coming here, Mr. Anon. I know this invitation was a bit...abrupt."
>"Yeah, well I've had a lot of free time lately."
>"So I can imagine. Apologies for using Ms. Tokino's phone to contact you. I suspected you wouldn't have picked up if it were a number you didn't recognize."
>"You suspected right."
>he lets out a sharp exhale of amusement. "Please, have a seat. You must have quite a few questions for us."

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