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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.13349528 [View]
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The move had been a long, exhausting three days between roadtripping to pick up your stuff (what little there was) then heading back to her parents to help papayon finalise packing Kiki's last figures and her computer.
Papayon joked with you, over the last two years he'd gone from being protective of his little girl to viewing you as his own son, the two of you got along like a house on fire of course.

"Kiki, coffee before the two of you go?" Papayon motioned his daughter to the coffee machine, her eyes widened and you knew he probably still hadn't let her use the damned thing. "We could catch up and play some Bools after you're all settled into the new place too you know?"

Your wife's tongue darts out at her father, ignoring him in punishment to enjoy the company of her newfound freedom to the machine.
She couldn't help herself as she chirped away happily making three coffees.

"Thanks." Papayon quietly whispered "She's grown so much in two years, I didn't think I'd ever see her so happy again before you came into the picture." Tears welled in your eyes as your father pulled you into a hug. "Take care of her."
Her coffee still sucked though, and given all the mess it made sense that she was kept from the coffee maker for so long

The rest of the trip out to the farm was quiet, Kiki mostly slept shotgun while you listened to the radio and your own thoughts. Were you really good enough for her? Were you going to be able to keep the money coming in? Had you put enough away for all the kids she wanted?
The rogue thoughts kept you wide awake, focused on the road but lost in your mind as you drifted into autopilot while you tore yourself apart with anxiety inside.

The farm itself was a small affair, it was barely three bedrooms and frankly you wondered if there was going to be enough space to store all of Kiki's junk as you pulled up.

You drag Kiki out of her sleep and get back to work unloading box after box until you give in and collapse onto your bed, exhaustion hitting you like a truck.
Your little rabbit pecked your forehead, demanding attention to through your exhaustion "I'm still not settled." Her voice quivered with anxiety, this was big new leap for her too. "It doesn't feel like home yet."
A bear like grip wrapped itself around her waist to pull her against your heart. The inferno of anxiety, love and hope she ignited within you raged brighter than ever as you wondered for the future.
"How about now bunny?"
"Mm ..ogey." The silly words cooled your heart and eased your anxieties as you wrapped her in closer.
You could do this.
You had made it.

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