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Search: adversity determined|determination

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>> No.64761462 [View]
File: 361 KB, 337x748, koyochama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing haaton persevere in the face of adversity fills joshu with DETERMINATION!

>> No.62989901 [View]

I like Randon because he is a complex and relatable character. Despite facing numerous challenges in his life, including a debilitating injury and overwhelming medical debt, he continues to persevere in his daily routine. Randon's resilience and determination are admirable qualities that many can identify with.

One of the reasons I appreciate Randon is his ability to find solace and escape in video games. Like many people, he turns to gaming as a means of immersing himself in a world where he can temporarily escape the hardships of reality. It is through these experiences that Randon can connect with his past, reliving moments of his youth as an orkling. This demonstrates his ability to find joy in the smaller pleasures of life and highlights his resourcefulness in seeking happiness.

Additionally, Randon's hobbies, such as cycling, fishing, and golfing, showcase his diverse interests and his desire to find moments of tranquility and enjoyment. These activities allow him to disconnect from his daily struggles and immerse himself in nature or engage in physical pursuits. Despite not being particularly skilled in golfing, the fact that he continues to pursue it speaks to his resilience and willingness to step out of his comfort zone.

Moreover, Randon's passion for his hobbies and his tendency to ramble about them illustrate his capacity for excitement and enthusiasm. His genuine enthusiasm for the things that interest him is refreshing and reminds us of the importance of finding joy in our own lives, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

Lastly, Randon's character is enhanced by his "secret weeb" status. This facet of his personality adds depth and complexity to his overall persona. Despite dealing with depression, Randon finds solace and comfort in the world of anime and manga. This showcases his ability to find escape and connection in various forms of media, highlighting the power of storytelling and its ability to touch our lives.

In conclusion, I like Randon because he represents the resilience, determination, and the ability to find joy in life's challenges. His hobbies, his passion for his interests, and his ability to escape through video games and media all contribute to his relatability and appeal. Randon serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there are always opportunities for happiness and moments of escape.

>> No.60327354 [View]

In the midst of a heated live stream, Pavolia Reine, a somewhat popular vtuber, felt a sudden pang of discomfort in her stomach. She knew that today's broadcast was crucial, with a large Indonesian audience eagerly waiting for her to complete another uninteresting round of Valorant. As she navigated through the virtual world, her mind was anything but focused on the gameplay.

Reine's thoughts raced as she tried to keep her composure on camera. Her upset stomach had chosen the worst possible time to act up. The chat was scrolling rapidly with messages from her fans, eagerly typing words of encouragement, their riot IDs, and requests for shoutouts.

She struggled to maintain her smile and enthusiasm while waves of discomfort surged through her body. Every second felt like an eternity as she contemplated her options. Should she abruptly end the stream? But that would disappoint the new viewers she had been cultivating and potentially harm her channel's reputation.

While watching the kill cam, Reine's inner turmoil mirrored the battles her in-game teammates were facing. She couldn't help but worry about the consequences of her physical discomfort being broadcast to the world.

In the midst of all this, Reine's determination to continue was unwavering. She reminded herself that her channel was built on authenticity, and sometimes real-life challenges occurred. With every in-game victory, she won a personal one as well, demonstrating her resilience in the face of adversity.

She pushed through the stream, offering humorous commentary, and sharing her predicament with her audience. Surprisingly, her viewers appreciated her candidness, offering support and empathy. The chat was flooded with messages like "let out a wet one!" and "I wanna smell it!"... in Indonesian, of course.

As the stream finally came to a close, Reine couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. She had faced an unexpected obstacle on her live broadcast and had come out stronger, thanks to her fans who had seen her through a challenging moment.

>> No.58038468 [View]

The lyrics of the song "夜を待つよ" ("Yoru wo Matsu yo") convey a sense of longing and anticipation, with a focus on waiting for the night. Throughout the song, there's a mixture of emotions, including determination, uncertainty, and a touch of melancholy.

The speaker expresses admiration for someone (referred to as "you" or "君") who appears to be confident and genuine. They appreciate the person's clear and decisive nature. There's a belief that every night will eventually give way to dawn, symbolizing hope and optimism.

The imagery of swaying palm trees and the mention of not fully understanding something may represent a sense of being entranced or captivated by the world around them, even if they don't fully comprehend it.

The chorus emphasizes the steadfastness of waiting for the night, suggesting a patient endurance, even in the face of potential difficulties or challenges. There's an acknowledgment that life can be unpredictable and sometimes difficult, but the speaker remains committed to their anticipation of the night.

The lyrics also touch on themes of loneliness and the idea that true understanding may not always fit into neat categories or definitions. The mention of spirits dancing and someone putting on airs could represent a sense of mystery or unpredictability in the world.

The latter part of the song introduces a more assertive tone, with the speaker expressing a willingness to face adversity and sharpen their resolve. They emphasize the importance of waiting for the night, indicating a belief that something significant will come with it.

Overall, the lyrics suggest a complex emotional landscape, with elements of admiration, determination, and a willingness to face challenges. There's also an underlying sense of hope and anticipation for something meaningful that will come in the night.

>> No.51729916 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 756x607, 1679130827608765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we gather here to pay our final respects to a beloved individual whose absence has left an indelible void in our lives. As we mourn the loss of Gawr Gura, let us remember not only the sorrow we feel but also the profound impact this remarkable soul had on each and every one of us.

Gawr Gura was a person whose presence radiated warmth and kindness. They possessed a rare ability to bring people together, to bridge divides, and to foster harmony. Their unwavering compassion touched the lives of countless individuals, leaving an enduring legacy of love and empathy.

In their journey through life, Gawr Gura taught us valuable lessons that will remain etched in our hearts forever. They showed us the significance of selflessness, reminding us that true happiness lies in the joy we bring to others. She lived with an unwavering dedication to making the world a better place, whether through small acts of kindness or grand gestures of generosity. Gawr Gura understood that the true measure of a life is not the wealth one accumulates, but the positive impact left on the lives they touch.

She had an infectious spirit that could light up even the darkest rooms. Her laughter was like a melody, and her smile had the power to brighten our days. Gawr Gura had an innate ability to find the silver lining in every situation, reminding us that hope can flourish even in the face of adversity. She was a beacon of optimism, a source of inspiration to us all.

Beyond her remarkable character, Gawr Gura possessed immense talent and intellect. She was a true visionary, always pushing the boundaries of what was possible. Her creativity knew no bounds, and she approached every challenge with unwavering determination. Her accomplishments stand as a testament to the immense potential within each one of us.

But let us not only remember Gawr Gura for her achievements. Let us also cherish the memories we shared with her. The moments of laughter, the conversations filled with wisdom, the simple gestures of love and friendship—all these precious memories will forever remain in our hearts. Although Gawr Gura may no longer be with us physically, her spirit lives on, woven into the fabric of our lives.

In times like these, we find solace in coming together, sharing our grief, and celebrating the life of an extraordinary individual. Let us honor Gawr Gura's memory by embodying the qualities they so wholeheartedly embraced—kindness, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of making the world a better place.

To the family and friends gathered here today, may you find strength in each other as you navigate this difficult time. Lean on one another for support, for it is through love and unity that we can begin to heal.

As we bid farewell to Gawr Gura, let us be grateful for the privilege of having known such an exceptional soul. The impact she had on our lives will forever echo through the annals of time, reminding us of the power of love, the importance of kindness, and the beauty of a life well-lived.

Rest in peace, dear Gawr Gura. Your spirit will forever live on within us.

Thank you.

>> No.45971620 [View]
File: 103 KB, 530x600, 1679056315452811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Are you strong, little Pomie?" the voice asked the little Pomudachi, shivering in the cold.
"I don't know." the little Pomudachi answered.
"Are you strong, little Pomie?" the voice asked the little Pomudachi, starving in the wilds.
"I don't know." the little Pomudachi answered.
"Are you strong, little Pomie?" the voice asked the little Pomudachi, starving in the being kicked in the dark.
"I don't know." the little Pomudachi answered.

The little Pomudachi lived in a world where strength was everything. He had always been small and weak, and had been bullied and belittled by the other fanbases. But he had a dream - to prove his strength to everyone and earn their respect.
One day, as he wandered through the cold and barren wilderness, he came across a group of vicious antis. They snarled and bared their dox, ready to pounce on the little Pomudachi.
"Are you strong, little Pomie?" the leader of the antis growled.
The little Pomudachi took a deep breath and stood tall. "I don't know," he answered, but this time his voice was filled with determination!

The antis attacked, but the little Pomudachi fought back with all his might. He dodged and weaved, delivering powerful blows to the antis' vulnerable spots. With each strike, he grew stronger, more confident.
In the end, the little Pomudachi emerged victorious. The antis lay defeated at his feet, and he stood over them, panting heavily but grinning with pride.

From that day forward, the other fanbases looked at him with new respect. They no longer saw him as weak and insignificant, but as a powerful force to be reckoned with.

And the little Pomudachi knew that he had found his strength - not in his size or physical prowess, but in his unyielding spirit and determination to overcome adversity.
Then he married a Briskadet and they lived happily ever after. The end.

>> No.16122842 [View]

I love my wife and she loves me. Watching her determination in the face of adversity makes me love her even more. I will stick by Kiki for as long as she streams. Nothing can break this bond. Till death do us part

>> No.12037055 [View]


>> No.12024425 [View]
File: 146 KB, 982x889, E-EV1tJUYAAzAal-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Kronii News] (reposting from previous thread)
>"It's nothing serious in that I'll be graduating, obviously. It's only been two months."
>"For those who want me too.. well, you're going to be stuck with me for much longer"
>"But for what I wanted to say, I feel like I haven't been very communicative, so I wanted to explain some things"
>This isn't a management decision, Kronii just wants to be more open
>Thought about this stream for a while and wrote down her thoughts
>Kronii is a reserved person and wants to use this stream to set up boundaries "if I'm going to be criticized, I want to be criticized for something I can actually change"
>Wants to show her "best self" so these types of streams won't happen much
>"My experience in Hololive so far has been amazing and I'm so thankful for all of your support and it's been such a treat with everyone. Everyone is so kind -- they're always looking out for each other, and the collabs have been more than pleasant."
>"I have a lot of fun looking at the joke and the art that the collabs create and I hope these moments can help another person's life a little easier"
>"But this is also a significant change for me and I haven't been adapting as quickly as I hoped, and it's probably obvious that my sleep schedule has been affected"
>Explains this is the reason why she plays things offline, to "keep interest up"
>"There are so many more things to worry about besides just streaming. It hit's different when something goes wrong in front of the entire internet"
>"With all that said I want to say some things"
>"1. Yes I was sick. I still am, and this is more personal so I won't get into it more.
>"2. Minecraft, the blocky game. Yes Minecraft is a game and I like Minecraft. Resource-gathering games like Animal Crossing -- I have 300 hours in it but -- I'm the type who can't let go of something until I do what I need to do and Minecraft being one of those games makes it more difficult to manage. The reason why I play Minecraft is because -- like I said -- is fun, and I like that stuff I make gets freqently used by others. It's a nice feeling, but right now Minecraft I do to relax and I'm gonna take it easy on this game though. I did say that I was going to stream it every week but just for the sake of easing into the streams, I'll have to take it down by a notch. Yeah, dialing back the Minecraft and thinking about hiding the Minecraft game itself so I can use that time to work on other things."
>"3. 'You don't sound too interested in streaming' -- This feedback is about how my voice sounds and.. I can't change how I sound when I'm streaming. And the funny thing is, my normal voice is even more monotone. I do love games, and I may not have done as many zatsudans as I wanted because games have always been an effective way to befriend others and I wanted to befriend you guys and vice versa, and I wanted to know you guys more"
>"4. Inconsistent streaming.. I wanted to avoid overlapping the other EN members and be more available in more timezones but that's kinda unavoidable so.. I'm going to set up a poll right now to set up a consistent streaming schedule."
>Says it's been a really rough year for her outside of Hololive and doesn't want to get too into it, but she hasn't fully recovered from those events "the losses I went through. This will take some time and I will recover from it. So in the end I am asking you some space and time while I figure this out"
>"tl;dr I'm not an open person and I don't like to share my problems in public. This will hopefully be a one-time stream, and I'm happy about this entire experience but also overhwelmed since streaming is stressful due to so much happening in the background. Losing interest in games is also the last thing I want to have happen as they're one of the more exciting aspects of my life and.. yeah I want to enjoy the game with everyone. And if I'm not enjoying it I feel like people can tell. There ARE personal problems happening, which is why I need space and time.. but that is it."
>"I tried asking the twitter post about feed back and.. I was naive. It's hard to keep track of legitimate feedback"
>"I wanted to say that I did say that I can't please everyone but I will try my best to keep putting out my best and just know that I thrive in adversity so.. this reflection has given me the drive and motivation I may have lost a bit in a burnout, so yeah. Now I'm feeling determined. I'm going to prove you wrong."
>"If I'm going to get personal for a real quick second -- There was this one person I really looked up to at the time and I - I, I was just doing some voice acting and I sent it to someone I looked up to. And they told me that I sucked and I should quit -- I was quite heartbroken. But afterwords, I realized, I'm going to prove 'you' wrong."
>"A while later, they told me I became a good voiceactor, so it was a good motivator. So thank you"
>"So I'd like to think of this as a new rekindled -- a development arc you could say"

>> No.12022607 [View]

>"It's nothing serious in that I'll be graduating, obviously. It's only been two months."
>"For those who want me too.. well, you're going to be stuck with me for much longer"
>"But for what I wanted to say, I feel like I haven't been very communicative, so I wanted to explain some things"
>This isn't a management decision, Kronii just wants to be more open
>Thought about this stream for a while and wrote down her thoughts
>Kronii is a reserved person and wants to use this stream to set up boundaries "if I'm going to be criticized, I want to be criticized for something I can actually change"
>Wants to show her "best self" so these types of streams won't happen much
>"My experience in Hololive so far has been amazing and I'm so thankful for all of your support and it's been such a treat with everyone. Everyone is so kind -- they're always looking out for each other, and the collabs have been more than pleasant."
>"I have a lot of fun looking at the joke and the art that the collabs create and I hope these moments can help another person's life a little easier"
>"But this is also a significant change for me and I haven't been adapting as quickly as I hoped, and it's probably obvious that my sleep schedule has been affected"
>Explains this is the reason why she plays things offline, to "keep interest up"
>"There are so many more things to worry about besides just streaming. It hit's different when something goes wrong in front of the entire internet"
>"With all that said I want to say some things"
>"1. Yes I was sick. I still am, and this is more personal so I won't get into it more.
>"2. Minecraft, the blocky game. Yes Minecraft is a game and I like Minecraft. Resource-gathering games like Animal Crossing -- I have 300 hours in it but -- I'm the type who can't let go of something until I do what I need to do and Minecraft being one of those games makes it more difficult to manage. The reason why I play Minecraft is because -- like I said -- is fun, and I like that stuff I make gets freqently used by others. It's a nice feeling, but right now Minecraft I do to relax and I'm gonna take it easy on this game though. I did say that I was going to stream it every week but just for the sake of easing into the streams, I'll have to take it down by a notch. Yeah, dialing back the Minecraft and thinking about hiding the Minecraft game itself so I can use that time to work on other things."
>"3. 'You don't sound too interested in streaming' -- This feedback is about how my voice sounds and.. I can't change how I sound when I'm streaming. And the funny thing is, my normal voice is even more monotone. I do love games, and I may not have done as many zatsudans as I wanted because games have always been an effective way to befriend others and I wanted to befriend you guys and vice versa, and I wanted to know you guys more"
>"4. Inconsistent streaming.. I wanted to avoid overlapping the other EN members and be more available in more timezones but that's kinda unavoidable so.. I'm going to set up a poll right now to set up a consistent streaming schedule."
>Says it's been a really rough year for her outside of Hololive and doesn't want to get too into it, but she hasn't fully recovered from those events "the losses I went through. This will take some time and I will recover from it. So in the end I am asking you some space and time while I figure this out"
>"tl;dr I'm not an open person and I don't like to share my problems in public. This will hopefully be a one-time stream, and I'm happy about this entire experience but also overhwelmed since streaming is stressful due to so much happening in the background. Losing interest in games is also the last thing I want to have happen as they're one of the more exciting aspects of my life and.. yeah I want to enjoy the game with everyone. And if I'm not enjoying it I feel like people can tell. There ARE personal problems happening, which is why I need space and time.. but that is it."
>"I tried asking the twitter post about feed back and.. I was naive. It's hard to keep track of legitimate feedback"
>"I wanted to say that I did say that I can't please everyone but I will try my best to keep putting out my best and just know that I thrive in adversity so.. this reflection has given me the drive and motivation I may have lost a bit in a burnout, so yeah. Now I'm feeling determined. I'm going to prove you wrong."
>"If I'm going to get personal for a real quick second -- There was this one person I really looked up to at the time and I - I, I was just doing some voice acting and I sent it to someone I looked up to. And they told me that I sucked and I should quit -- I was quite heartbroken. But afterwords, I realized, I'm going to prove 'you' wrong."
>"A while later, they told me I became a good voiceactor, so it was a good motivator. So thank you"
>"So I'd like to think of this as a new rekindled -- a development arc you could say"

tldr: she’s retard

>> No.12020911 [View]
File: 709 KB, 1719x2836, 1634276897930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's nothing serious in that I'll be graduating, obviously. It's only been two months."
>"For those who want me too.. well, you're going to be stuck with me for much longer"
>"But for what I wanted to say, I feel like I haven't been very communicative, so I wanted to explain some things"
>This isn't a management decision, Kronii just wants to be more open
>Thought about this stream for a while and wrote down her thoughts
>Kronii is a reserved person and wants to use this stream to set up boundaries "if I'm going to be criticized, I want to be criticized for something I can actually change"
>Wants to show her "best self" so these types of streams won't happen much
>"My experience in Hololive so far has been amazing and I'm so thankful for all of your support and it's been such a treat with everyone. Everyone is so kind -- they're always looking out for each other, and the collabs have been more than pleasant."
>"I have a lot of fun looking at the joke and the art that the collabs create and I hope these moments can help another person's life a little easier"
>"But this is also a significant change for me and I haven't been adapting as quickly as I hoped, and it's probably obvious that my sleep schedule has been affected"
>Explains this is the reason why she plays things offline, to "keep interest up"
>"There are so many more things to worry about besides just streaming. It hit's different when something goes wrong in front of the entire internet"
>"With all that said I want to say some things"
>"1. Yes I was sick. I still am, and this is more personal so I won't get into it more.
>"2. Minecraft, the blocky game. Yes Minecraft is a game and I like Minecraft. Resource-gathering games like Animal Crossing -- I have 300 hours in it but -- I'm the type who can't let go of something until I do what I need to do and Minecraft being one of those games makes it more difficult to manage. The reason why I play Minecraft is because -- like I said -- is fun, and I like that stuff I make gets freqently used by others. It's a nice feeling, but right now Minecraft I do to relax and I'm gonna take it easy on this game though. I did say that I was going to stream it every week but just for the sake of easing into the streams, I'll have to take it down by a notch. Yeah, dialing back the Minecraft and thinking about hiding the Minecraft game itself so I can use that time to work on other things."
>"3. 'You don't sound too interested in streaming' -- This feedback is about how my voice sounds and.. I can't change how I sound when I'm streaming. And the funny thing is, my normal voice is even more monotone. I do love games, and I may not have done as many zatsudans as I wanted because games have always been an effective way to befriend others and I wanted to befriend you guys and vice versa, and I wanted to know you guys more"
>"4. Inconsistent streaming.. I wanted to avoid overlapping the other EN members and be more available in more timezones but that's kinda unavoidable so.. I'm going to set up a poll right now to set up a consistent streaming schedule."
>Says it's been a really rough year for her outside of Hololive and doesn't want to get too into it, but she hasn't fully recovered from those events "the losses I went through. This will take some time and I will recover from it. So in the end I am asking you some space and time while I figure this out"
>"tl;dr I'm not an open person and I don't like to share my problems in public. This will hopefully be a one-time stream, and I'm happy about this entire experience but also overhwelmed since streaming is stressful due to so much happening in the background. Losing interest in games is also the last thing I want to have happen as they're one of the more exciting aspects of my life and.. yeah I want to enjoy the game with everyone. And if I'm not enjoying it I feel like people can tell. There ARE personal problems happening, which is why I need space and time.. but that is it."
>"I tried asking the twitter post about feed back and.. I was naive. It's hard to keep track of legitimate feedback"
>"I wanted to say that I did say that I can't please everyone but I will try my best to keep putting out my best and just know that I thrive in adversity so.. this reflection has given me the drive and motivation I may have lost a bit in a burnout, so yeah. Now I'm feeling determined. I'm going to prove you wrong."
>"If I'm going to get personal for a real quick second -- There was this one person I really looked up to at the time and I - I, I was just doing some voice acting and I sent it to someone I looked up to. And they told me that I sucked and I should quit -- I was quite heartbroken. But afterwords, I realized, I'm going to prove 'you' wrong."
>"A while later, they told me I became a good voiceactor, so it was a good motivator. So thank you"
>"So I'd like to think of this as a new rekindled -- a development arc you could say"

>> No.12020747 [View]

Kronii's stream condensed by your friendly ESL
>Kronii doesn't like this 4th wall breaking talks, will try to never do it again, management didn't tell her to, she just wanted to be clear
>no pointing any fingers
>has had more problem adapting to the streaming life than she expected, she's getting better but not as fast as she hoped
>she has been through some rough shit before joining hololive, some sort of loss, still recovering from it, this also makes the adapting take longer
>lack of streams is often due to stuff happening in the background that would disturb (maybe doxx her?)
>her current voice is actualyl her exited voice, she is actually way more monotone
>totally disprove she hates streaming, chat or playing games, doing all at the same times is harder than she expected
>has had amazing experiences with hololive so far, collabs, senpais, gaming, the whole thing.
>she focuses too much on games like minecraft and doesn't stop untill they are finished, but it is different when the game is multiplayer and is kinda hard to find a balance with that
>will play MC less now and try to get her addiction under control (both on and off stream)
>in hindsight, asking twitter for feedback wasn't a good idea
>she thrives in adversity, as much as she hates this, this oppening up gave her determination

>> No.12020573 [View]
File: 43 KB, 1028x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Kronii News]
>"It's nothing serious in that I'll be graduating, obviously. It's only been two months."
>"For those who want me too.. well, you're going to be stuck with me for much longer"
>"But for what I wanted to say, I feel like I haven't been very communicative, so I wanted to explain some things"
>This isn't a management decision, Kronii just wants to be more open
>Thought about this stream for a while and wrote down her thoughts
>Kronii is a reserved person and wants to use this stream to set up boundaries "if I'm going to be criticized, I want to be criticized for something I can actually change"
>Wants to show her "best self" so these types of streams won't happen much
>"My experience in Hololive so far has been amazing and I'm so thankful for all of your support and it's been such a treat with everyone. Everyone is so kind -- they're always looking out for each other, and the collabs have been more than pleasant."
>"I have a lot of fun looking at the joke and the art that the collabs create and I hope these moments can help another person's life a little easier"
>"But this is also a significant change for me and I haven't been adapting as quickly as I hoped, and it's probably obvious that my sleep schedule has been affected"
>Explains this is the reason why she plays things offline, to "keep interest up"
>"There are so many more things to worry about besides just streaming. It hit's different when something goes wrong in front of the entire internet"
>"With all that said I want to say some things"
>"1. Yes I was sick. I still am, and this is more personal so I won't get into it more.
>"2. Minecraft, the blocky game. Yes Minecraft is a game and I like Minecraft. Resource-gathering games like Animal Crossing -- I have 300 hours in it but -- I'm the type who can't let go of something until I do what I need to do and Minecraft being one of those games makes it more difficult to manage. The reason why I play Minecraft is because -- like I said -- is fun, and I like that stuff I make gets freqently used by others. It's a nice feeling, but right now Minecraft I do to relax and I'm gonna take it easy on this game though. I did say that I was going to stream it every week but just for the sake of easing into the streams, I'll have to take it down by a notch. Yeah, dialing back the Minecraft and thinking about hiding the Minecraft game itself so I can use that time to work on other things."
>"3. 'You don't sound too interested in streaming' -- This feedback is about how my voice sounds and.. I can't change how I sound when I'm streaming. And the funny thing is, my normal voice is even more monotone. I do love games, and I may not have done as many zatsudans as I wanted because games have always been an effective way to befriend others and I wanted to befriend you guys and vice versa, and I wanted to know you guys more"
>"4. Inconsistent streaming.. I wanted to avoid overlapping the other EN members and be more available in more timezones but that's kinda unavoidable so.. I'm going to set up a poll right now to set up a consistent streaming schedule."
>Says it's been a really rough year for her outside of Hololive and doesn't want to get too into it, but she hasn't fully recovered from those events "the losses I went through. This will take some time and I will recover from it. So in the end I am asking you some space and time while I figure this out"
>"tl;dr I'm not an open person and I don't like to share my problems in public. This will hopefully be a one-time stream, and I'm happy about this entire experience but also overhwelmed since streaming is stressful due to so much happening in the background. Losing interest in games is also the last thing I want to have happen as they're one of the more exciting aspects of my life and.. yeah I want to enjoy the game with everyone. And if I'm not enjoying it I feel like people can tell. There ARE personal problems happening, which is why I need space and time.. but that is it."
>"I tried asking the twitter post about feed back and.. I was naive. It's hard to keep track of legitimate feedback"
>"I wanted to say that I did say that I can't please everyone but I will try my best to keep putting out my best and just know that I thrive in adversity so.. this reflection has given me the drive and motivation I may have lost a bit in a burnout, so yeah. Now I'm feeling determined. I'm going to prove you wrong."
>"If I'm going to get personal for a real quick second -- There was this one person I really looked up to at the time and I - I, I was just doing some voice acting and I sent it to someone I looked up to. And they told me that I sucked and I should quit -- I was quite heartbroken. But afterwords, I realized, I'm going to prove 'you' wrong."
>"A while later, they told me I became a good voiceactor, so it was a good motivator. So thank you"
>"So I'd like to think of this as a new rekindled -- a development arc you could say"

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