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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

Search: japan move

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>> No.76622019 [View]

She can't talk about it properly because she's going to move with me to Japan

>> No.76608411 [View]
File: 397 KB, 748x408, 1656067821756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust-fund babby Riku, the CEO of AnyColor, admits to being a short-term gain oriented trend-hopper. He had four failed business ventures and by his own admission he only released Nijisanji to "ride the wave" of VTubers and "get immediate results". He does not care about Nijisanji because he will simply "move on to the next thing" if it doesn't work out. The IPO is him cashing out his stocks.

> 今でこそ注目される田角さんだが、大失敗も経験している。2017年、別の動画サービスを仲間と立ち上げたが、投資元が見つからず事業を畳んでいる
Although Mr. Tazumi is now in the spotlight, he has also experienced major failures: In 2017, he launched another video service with a few colleagues, but the business folded when they could not find an investment source.
> バーチャルYouTuberの事業をはじめる以前に、4つの事業を立ち上げたのですが、失敗しました。出資を受けることができず、2人いた仲間も辞めて、自分だけが残って。
"Before starting the virtual YouTuber business, I had started four businesses, but they failed. I couldn't get investment, two of my colleagues quit, and I was the only one left."

> ただ、もともとの性格でいえば、ダラダラしがちで。だからこそ、逆に短期集中で一気にやっちゃいたいんですよね。
It's just that my personality is the "lazy" type. So I prefer to do things in short, concentrated bursts.
> さすがに人生の全部を集中するなんて無理なので、「やる時」と「やらない時」をきっぱり分けるようにしています。
Obviously it's impossible to concentrate on everything in life all at once, so I try to make a clear distinction between "when to do" and "when not to do".
> バーチャルYouTuber市場は立ち上がったばかりの市場。集中して取り組みたいですね。
The virtual YouTuber market is a market that has just started. I want to concentrate on it.
> 「すぐに結果が出る、短期勝負がしたい」
Title : I want to play the game in a way that I get immediate results.
> じつは、バーチャルYouTuberで勝負をしたのも、短期集中に向いている事業だと思ったから
In reality, we went with virtual YouTubers because we thought it was a business suited for short-term focus.

> 日本でもフィッシャーズの「笑ってはいけないアニ文字がツボに入ってしまった。」という動画が少しずつバズりはじめていて。マーケットもありそうだし、animoji×生配信をテーマにしようと考えていきました。
In Japan, the video series from "The Fishers'" called "YLYL : Animated emoji." got viral, and there seemed to be a market for it (This thing : [YouTube] 笑ってはいけないアニ文字がツボに入ってしまった。 (embed)) [Open].
> 流行りはじめていたanimojiとライブ配信、この掛け合わせに集中をすれば、自分でも勝負ができると思ったんです。
I thought that if I concentrated on the combination of animoji and live streaming - which was starting to become popular - I could compete in this field.
> その頃、バーチャルYouTuber『キズナアイ』が100万登録突破し、めちゃくちゃ盛り上がってきていて。女性YouTuberの中でも上位にランクインしてきて。
Around that time, VTuber "Kizuna Ai" had just surpassed 1M subs and was getting very popular. She was ranked high among female YouTubers.

> バーチャルYouTuberがくることは間違いなかった。その波に乗っかろうと「にじさんじ」をリリースしました。
There was no doubt that virtual YouTubers were coming. I released "Nijisanji" to ride that wave.
> この先、バーチャルYouTuberもいつまで伸び続けるかわからないですよね
In the future, we don't really know how long virtual YouTubers will continue to grow.
> ただ、それでいいと思ってるんです。次に「来る」と思った領域があったら、そこにどんどん張っていく。
However, I think that's fine. If I see a field that I think will be the next viral thing, I'll just expand into it.
> なんせ僕は短期集中タイプなので(笑)
After all, I am a short-term-focus type of person (lol).

>> No.76608019 [View]

Because Kiara dreams about being transformed in to an Asian. I honestly think she wants to move full time to Japan but for some reason cannot do it.

>> No.76601850 [View]

If I become Lamy can I move to Japan?

>> No.76590634 [View]

They've given me no incentive to continue learning it. All the Japan move did was take away streaming and interactions in general. If they would have had a fun weekly JP collab or solo maybe I'd have a reason.

>> No.76590545 [View]

I remember when /baubau/ used to have ruffians talking about their progress in learning Japanese. You'd think the Japan move would have encouraged more of that, instead of the opposite.

>> No.76587837 [View]

brother she is moving to japan soon. what more of a storm do you want?
the whole lia world is either ending or being turned upside down. everybody should have been bracing for impact once she announced it in february. she is on countdown

i am a firm believer she should move to japan. go off and see the world and find your dreams, cause she is proving in real time her dreams aren't gonna be found laying in bed all day doing nothing. if that means she retires, so be it. if that means she goes on a 6 month hiatus, so be it. if that means she streams at 3am twice a week, you get it by now.

>> No.76565420 [View]

Fun fact: Indoor Bouldering in Japan is at the highest level in the world, something that's a v6 there is usually a v9 in other countries
Also look up bouldering dynos if you haven't, it stands for dynamic move and they are really cool looking and flashy looking moves
Bae did one yesterday apparently which is sick

>> No.76543397 [View]

just force him to move to japan

>> No.76543069 [View]
File: 948 KB, 700x927, Biboo-sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gomenasai /hlgg/, my name is Biboo-Sama.
I am a REDACTED year old Rock Otaku (or Oraku - Anime fan for all you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games (Elden Wing, Sekiro, MonHun, DMC series).

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through pebbles because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious middle school to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several pairs of Shadow the Hedgehog shorts, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Dang it!

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.76510003 [View]

Is true though. Even the rock loli wants to move to Japan because she found how much greener the grass is on the other side. As long they continue streaming to eop only audience the less opportunities they get from Japanese corpos. Look at the holojp for example they have fast food sponsorships they are plastered everywhere in cup noodles radio gig TV gig. En girls get none of this. Unless they are Mori who lived there for a long time.

>> No.76508251 [View]

There's more and more of them, they behave worse and worse, and most crucially, many of them move to Japan to work. Hopefully Japan can fix itself before the dark tide overwhelms it.

>> No.76505130 [View]

Still remember the circadian rhythm schizo who spent multiple threads arguing with everyone that she would not be able to adapt to a normal sleep schedule in Japan like she planned. Claimed she'd end up sleep deprived and still staying up all night, yadayada. Even though millions of people move/travel across the world and adapt all the time. Knew Biboo would prove him wrong.
Her energy level even seems quite high pretty much every stream and she's probably healthier and happier being actually able to go out and do stuff with Advent/senpai after her streams because it's not 3 AM.

>> No.76502971 [View]

>the dogs are very vocal about how much they love their fans
Actions speak much louder than words anon. The dogs have shunned their EN fans so they could move to Japan and backdoor their way into JP, only the most blind retards don't consider what they did an act of betrayal.

>> No.76479240 [View]

Nerissa should just move to Japan and kill off what's left of her career

>> No.76473674 [View]
File: 95 KB, 988x877, GIZEcNZa0AA0FNq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's funny how much easier this time has been than the move for me.
Japan move wasn't hard for me at all. Yeah I missed them, but I never lost sleep or cried over it. I actually was able to get back into some of my other interests I had put to the side for months beforehand. It's been the same with this break too. Still love them, still all theirs when they stream, but I really don't mind this all that much or at all really. Plus I'm excited for 3Ds

>> No.76465341 [View]

Gomenasai /hlgg/, my name is Biboo-Sama.
I am a REDACTED year old Rock Otaku (or Oraku - Anime fan for all you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games (Elden Wing, Sekiro, MonHun, DMC series).

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through pebbles because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak riwouwi wo suwu fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious middle school to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several pairs of Shadow the Hedgehog shorts, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Dang it!

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.76452726 [View]
File: 58 KB, 626x900, 63a3dac942a94bf64a5b2b9b54d7ea46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you trusting two silly girls to be the perfect arbiter of justice? Yeah they're going to retweet a popular meme from a secondary/tertiary-fan, that's what the algorithm threw their way. Yeah they're going to move to Japan rather than considering this one edgecase of a single fan moving to leaftown, because Japan has been important to them for much longer.

You fail to recognize reality, you fail to recognize who they truly are, you elevated them to the level of goddesses when they're simply human, silly humans.

>> No.76438644 [View]

>we don't use savestates
>no game has been dropped
>things won't change when we move to Japan
>we didn't know it was an ASMR stream
It's all just little lies, but they do pile up

>> No.76432525 [View]

They chose to overdo it. They chose to accept more homework than they could handle if anything came up.
They chose to move to Japan(although this honestly was a good move). They chose to push themselves to do golden week because they wanted both more homework AND 1m subs before Sep.
And now here we are, they can't stream because their voices are weak from overuse, unable to stream because it truly is more important to Cover that they are able to finish the obligations they signed up for in a timely manner than to stream.
It's exactly why they didn't say jack shit in the last stream about sub goals or numbers, they know they put themselves in that corner and their personal estimate of when they'll be out is September.
See you all in 3 and a half months!

>> No.76430992 [View]

>they quickly moved to Japan
Watch streams. They said during their first week that they would move to Japan if given the chance.

>> No.76428241 [View]

She's in Nijisanji now? I knew the Japan move was bad but not this bad.

>> No.76428094 [View]

It's a cascade failure of their own making. While they were moving to Japan, recording probably piled up because they weren't recording. So they assumed they would just do it when they got to Japan. In the meantime they kept accepting stuff, saying to themselves "Once we get to Japan everything will be easier!" Then Mococo got sick, they still forced themselves to stream with JP senpai despite the fact that they live in Japan now, still did Dorokei where Mococo screamed, Mococo screamed in FWMC morning and then they did Taiwan. Now all the stuff they were supposed to record during their move that they put off, the stuff they accepted during their move, 3D, 1 year, maybe Summer and CTW, and all the stuff they've been accepting nonstop probably since then is all coming down on them while they're still sick. They got too greedy and now we're the ones paying the price.

Inb4 Ambitionschizo comes in, I love that they are hungry, but they tried to eat too much all at once and now stuff is rotting.

>> No.76415053 [View]

>There's a bitter irony in that they moved to Japan to be more accessible and make it easier on themselves to do things.
Have you ever considered that maybe a big part of them wanting to move there is to make it easier to do things, but those things have nothing to do with hololive and they don't want you knowing about them?

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