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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.43423795 [View]

Ok sapling. Here are my thoughts.
Sapling magic is very akin to cleric stuff from dnd. You have rituals/prayers/chanting and all that holy stuff and Fauna gives you a "gift". Gift being whatever magical shit you want.

Risuner magic is much less "magic" and more chemical reactions. Risuners give their oshi a FUCKLOAD of nuts to fuel her up once a year and she blesses her land with magic energy and shit. Gemstones absorb this energy the most while a lot of it goes to keeping trees/soil alive.

I think a magic exchange would most likely be teaching the METHODS rather than the materials. I think it would make a lot of sense for Risuners to to back home and try praying to Risu and see wtf happens while Saplings would most likely begin to experiment with whatever they have lying around and see if it produces a magical effect (mostly gemstones). What do you think of this?

>> No.43422000 [View]

oh I can change it easily. I was just lazy with this and wanted to rush it. I wanted the hooman part to be included but I also did not want it to interfere with the whole thing about risuners and saplings teaching each other stuff. IMO Hoomans would probably have pretty good knowledge of them but might not know EVERYTHING. There is always stuff to explore and I probably will get more indepth about it some time soon. This isnt a hooman roast as much as it is me just wanting to give something to you guys so saplings dont lose interest and to let everyone know im still doing this.

>> No.43420459 [View]
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Ok this one is a bit rushed. Trying to incorporate the hooman part did take much longer than expected so I just said "fuck it" and put out something. Do not expect much as I will primarily be focusing on the magic aspect of it the next part and moving on as well. The whole trading thing I talked about in an earlier aprt anyway and did not feel like repeating myself. So here it is and I will do the next one soon.

>> No.43008892 [View]

No thats literally what fucking happened kek

>> No.42981378 [View]


Did the next part. I think I might do one more before getting into the magic part. I also want to ask hoomans what their stance is on risuners being there a lot. Wanted to include a very small section in the next part with you lot. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy. I know im not the best but I try and if anyone has any questions and shit then go ahead.
Of course saplings have the most say so tell me if I fucked up somehow or did a character wrong, stuff like that.

>> No.42976409 [View]
File: 546 KB, 850x1200, 1648279555875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean. Your not wrong at all. I personally stopped watching Risu months ago after she admitted to being lazy (despite me knowing already).
Nails it desu. I think any "investment" into risu as a world is only for small profit and would never be a main thing. We should really be insignificant in the world and like he said, the only reason we get talked about a lot is because im here almost every day and before I was even more active than I am now.

I said before my 3 main oshis now are Kaela, Kiki, and Kokone. And once im done finishing up risu stuff I will move on. I'm actually finishing up the next sapling story right now.

Heck the only reason I ever went to /rose/ in world is because there was rose senpai who just did shit despite being nearly forever alone on the map.

>> No.42851597 [View]

I said like 4 times now that there would be magic shit going on and that things would be different. Like if they tried to do a sapling prayer in risu and tried to make flowers maybe instead they make nuts. It's something that can be explored in many ways. More on this when I get home since I'm on the shitter right now.

>> No.42832072 [View]
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Oh sapling. I have some more questions for you. As the one writing our story together I did not realize how much non magic I wanted to include but I am simply fascinated by sapling culture so if you would be so kind?

do saplings have them, and if so what kind?
>building material
I assume wood would be the primary one along a few other things here and there. Do you use stone for anything?
>harvesting said materials
I dont know if you would chop down trees or not so do you? Or do you simply acquire your wood some other way. As a rimworld player I know animals called dryads exist and one makes wood specifically. Here is the description.

>A slow, bumbling caste of dryad which specializes in wood production. Together with its Gauranlen tree, this dryad can generate a wood-like material on an ongoing basis. However, it is slow and ineffective at work or combat.

>In general, dryads are mammal-like creatures that have a symbiotic relationship with the Gauranlen tree. They reproduce together with their tree, which contains a hidden dryad queen. Dryads can morph into various specialized castes.

Also to the list if you like
>general daily activities
>food production
I want to touch up on the magic aspect but not until I understand your base culture a bit more. It would be very helpful and if you respond then thank you.

>> No.42801457 [View]
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (196).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK cunt enough of your bullshit. I can block you on the cord but not here so time to leak some shit.

Sapling. You said that you would give us soil from deep within your forests because it grows fast. Thats cool. But are you willing to dig up a bunch of soil to fill up a bunch of boats? Thats a lot of fucking dirt to dig up.

Also I will ask this since I kind of have to. Is sapling soil absolutely necessary? I know you have a different magic system than the risuners but you are both magical plant based nations. Dirt is dirt and even if we cant have magic enhanced growth your magic rituals would still work in other places, even if at a slower rate or a different effect.

Cunt I will literally make 2x or 3x plant growth a thing again just to spite your nigger ass. Im the risu rep and i can do whatever the fuck I want.

You want to know why they said "in our soil" in that post? Well because whose else are going to use. Risuners are there so of course theyre going to use it. I said this in the cord as a reason and I will repost it here

>Ok let me explain this so that everyone can understand. If I go to my friends house and he teaches me how to plant carrots he is going to say "yeah just plant it in my garden" Does that mean that I need to take his fucking garden home with me if I ever want to plant carrots?

At the end of the day saplings will learn and use new magic and so will risuners. Fucking deal with it. I was planning on making some silly magical effects happen anyway since yes our chuubanite is not the same. Maybe instead of growing flowers we grow giant venus fly traps. I dont fucking know but I do know that im having fun experimenting with magic and I dont need niggers like you trying to derail it because your STILL butthurt that to this day you never got to cannibalize a risuner and your chink whore oshi graduated. Get fucked.

And with that ill be going to sleep. Goodnight everyone.

>> No.42440909 [View]
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Have at it gentlemen.

>> No.42378720 [View]
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>2 fucking falseflaggers
Am I really that desirable? Fuck I should become a chuuba if you all are this obsessed with me

>> No.41662324 [View]
File: 195 KB, 998x1200, g3whtni1gd221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I like her.

>> No.41008049 [View]

Its weird having a falseflagger but one that actually sets things up and try to helps. What the actual fuck?

>> No.40862836 [View]

what is your idea?

>> No.40850494 [View]
File: 195 KB, 998x1200, g3whtni1gd221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

falseflagger btw but helpful one?......Kek. I gotta do some bank shit IRL so ill try to phonepost whenever i can

>> No.40159879 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 693 KB, 2560x2723, 1648257644372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I JUST got rice and chicken delivered so gonna eat up then I will read the lore docs. I was just reviewing some of the stuff like the southern cities and the formation of the confederacy.

>> No.40159757 [View]
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I would actually like to. If I see him then by all means lets talk about magic. Pic related
The fuck? I NEED TO DO REPS! How much shit did i miss?

>> No.40159675 [View]
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I do care. I just havent looked at all the new shit. WAR does go at a pretty fast pace so I have a lot of catching up to do. I will not say if he ruined or saved or whatever until I do my reps

>> No.40159439 [View]
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>> No.40149601 [View]

What the actual fuck is going on here? I'm on my lunch break and as soon as I get home I'll set up my computer again.

>> No.40045820 [View]

By the way. You never answered me. Juicy ass?

>> No.40044164 [View]

Is this my sexy bitch ri2ner!? IM GONNA GOOGLE LICHEN RIGHT NOW

>> No.40039584 [View]

I remember you mentioning something about how she goes into dreams. What would she do if someone was having a dream about having sex with her? Would she slap the shit out of them? As far as I know, despite having EXTREMELY fuckable tits, she really doesn't seem to be that kind of girl.

>> No.40039287 [View]

Are you sure about that? You don't want to wrestle with me half naked and wrap my body with your big strong arms?
Would you like help with that? I can pitch in ideas if you like. I discussed yurts at some point

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