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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.76960533 [View]

Kek, you're a retard. Not only is the goat shit the most blatant misrepresentation of how stocks work but now Cover is below their IPO

>> No.76957543 [View]

Can't really comment on being urged to buy stuff because my oshi (Oga) is always telling fans to not push ourselves when there's a lot of stuff coming out at once. He only shills his own stuff and that's about it. Liking them shouldn't feel like a chore, it should be fun.
That being said I remember the state this thread was in a year ago after ipo got announced and don't blame you for moving on to be a more casual watcher

>> No.76820338 [View]

Holoid announced audition on Feb 1, 2023. audition closed on Feb 28, 2023.
One month later, Cover IPO.
Two months later, they updated audition page on holopro website. now like other brunch Holoid audition open permanently.
Clearly Cover change their strategy on ID4 after the IPO, basically audition on Feb 2023 doesn't happening. Possibly they rejected everyone who applied.
Permanent audition on May 15, 2023 are the real audition.
Permanent audition = Popular demand.
ID4 not coming anytime soon.

>> No.76797685 [View]

I don't think they can't find anyone.
Like what the OP listed, it is strange that they changed the audition format to a permanent audition after the IPO, why not at the same time with EN, or at beginning when they are planning to auditioning ID4, or later after ID4's debut?
It's like Cover sneakily canceled the audition.

>> No.76608411 [View]
File: 397 KB, 748x408, 1656067821756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust-fund babby Riku, the CEO of AnyColor, admits to being a short-term gain oriented trend-hopper. He had four failed business ventures and by his own admission he only released Nijisanji to "ride the wave" of VTubers and "get immediate results". He does not care about Nijisanji because he will simply "move on to the next thing" if it doesn't work out. The IPO is him cashing out his stocks.

> 今でこそ注目される田角さんだが、大失敗も経験している。2017年、別の動画サービスを仲間と立ち上げたが、投資元が見つからず事業を畳んでいる
Although Mr. Tazumi is now in the spotlight, he has also experienced major failures: In 2017, he launched another video service with a few colleagues, but the business folded when they could not find an investment source.
> バーチャルYouTuberの事業をはじめる以前に、4つの事業を立ち上げたのですが、失敗しました。出資を受けることができず、2人いた仲間も辞めて、自分だけが残って。
"Before starting the virtual YouTuber business, I had started four businesses, but they failed. I couldn't get investment, two of my colleagues quit, and I was the only one left."

> ただ、もともとの性格でいえば、ダラダラしがちで。だからこそ、逆に短期集中で一気にやっちゃいたいんですよね。
It's just that my personality is the "lazy" type. So I prefer to do things in short, concentrated bursts.
> さすがに人生の全部を集中するなんて無理なので、「やる時」と「やらない時」をきっぱり分けるようにしています。
Obviously it's impossible to concentrate on everything in life all at once, so I try to make a clear distinction between "when to do" and "when not to do".
> バーチャルYouTuber市場は立ち上がったばかりの市場。集中して取り組みたいですね。
The virtual YouTuber market is a market that has just started. I want to concentrate on it.
> 「すぐに結果が出る、短期勝負がしたい」
Title : I want to play the game in a way that I get immediate results.
> じつは、バーチャルYouTuberで勝負をしたのも、短期集中に向いている事業だと思ったから
In reality, we went with virtual YouTubers because we thought it was a business suited for short-term focus.

> 日本でもフィッシャーズの「笑ってはいけないアニ文字がツボに入ってしまった。」という動画が少しずつバズりはじめていて。マーケットもありそうだし、animoji×生配信をテーマにしようと考えていきました。
In Japan, the video series from "The Fishers'" called "YLYL : Animated emoji." got viral, and there seemed to be a market for it (This thing : [YouTube] 笑ってはいけないアニ文字がツボに入ってしまった。 (embed)) [Open].
> 流行りはじめていたanimojiとライブ配信、この掛け合わせに集中をすれば、自分でも勝負ができると思ったんです。
I thought that if I concentrated on the combination of animoji and live streaming - which was starting to become popular - I could compete in this field.
> その頃、バーチャルYouTuber『キズナアイ』が100万登録突破し、めちゃくちゃ盛り上がってきていて。女性YouTuberの中でも上位にランクインしてきて。
Around that time, VTuber "Kizuna Ai" had just surpassed 1M subs and was getting very popular. She was ranked high among female YouTubers.

> バーチャルYouTuberがくることは間違いなかった。その波に乗っかろうと「にじさんじ」をリリースしました。
There was no doubt that virtual YouTubers were coming. I released "Nijisanji" to ride that wave.
> この先、バーチャルYouTuberもいつまで伸び続けるかわからないですよね
In the future, we don't really know how long virtual YouTubers will continue to grow.
> ただ、それでいいと思ってるんです。次に「来る」と思った領域があったら、そこにどんどん張っていく。
However, I think that's fine. If I see a field that I think will be the next viral thing, I'll just expand into it.
> なんせ僕は短期集中タイプなので(笑)
After all, I am a short-term-focus type of person (lol).

>> No.76310503 [View]

I'm not educated enough on the big picture, but Nijisanji basically refuses to invest in itself. Cover spent millions on a new studio to maximize the use for special events, promotions, and concerts/recordings. They can also theoretically rent out this studio if there is downtime in their schedules. Thus, the money that was generated from their IPO goes to processes that generate more money for the business. Theoretically, you'd invest in Cover as they will continue to grow.

Nijisanji spent nearly the same amount of cash... buying back stock, to raise the price. Thus the only gain was making shareholders happy and the CEO's net worth higher. Then the stock plummeted meaning it was basically burning $15M USD or whatever. Nijisanji doesn't invest its money and their managers don't seem to do shit either. I don't know if they get promotional deals or anything, but they certainly fail when it comes to concerts and special events. They basically exist as a company to float their stock price.

>> No.76307609 [View]

Almost invariably, when a company releases an IPO is exactly when they abandon their founding principles and often their charters. They are no longer controlled by the founders who had a vision for the company, and become merely numbers on a spread sheet.

Not that any of the major countries calling themselves communist didn't also have a stock market. In the end, it's just far too profitable for anyone to pass up.

>> No.76206059 [View]

That's false. Holomem's can't buy stock, it was discussed already, when Botan mentioned trying to invest in Cover stock and being told that she is not permited by Cover.
You also obviously don't comprehend the scale here. If Sora is the the woman who has the 18-20% of the stock that would be worth about 150 to 200 million dollars. I highly doubt Gura has a million to her name, let alone 200 million to throw on stocks. I also don't buy this thing with Sora owning stock. If there is a woman who would have that much stock, I think that would be A-chan, who is the architect of Hololive. Sora being paid in stock makes no sense. When Hololive started, it was just a way to promote an app. Even after it shifted more towards streaming, Yagoo didn't even believe that there where money to be made out of it. So I highly doubt, he ever imagined an IPO for his company at the time.

>> No.76203052 [View]

Some anons a while ago were talking about Goobah probably buying a fuck you lot of COVER stock back when the IPO happened.
So there's a feasible possibility that she actually holds a lot of power now, IDK how much but if she didn't blow all of her money in I don't fucking know, alcohol?, coffee?, and actually bought COVER stock or directly invested back into COVER then she might have catched up to Sora's league in terms of stock (Sora got paid in stocks back when Cover could not afford to pay her a full salary sometimes, that went on for quite a while before Miko's GTA V nigga moment and FBK memery due to how her contract worked or works).
The memes about Dimitry's being Gura's shadow watching over and controlling HoloEN might be true.
It's pretty fucking hilarious because if she's manager-tier or above nobody will ever suspect Gura because that token was already burned by public opinion, over an entirely different VTuber from a different company.
Elira Pendora.
>The whole February debacle
Still, Niji deserved it kek lmao hahahahahaha.

>> No.75361124 [View]
File: 484 KB, 2609x1796, video.yahoofinance.com@ec70a889-74ab-3b18-b169-1fbf3bfaac03_FULL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my oshi was in Cover, I'd be PRAYING for their stock to crash to the point where they are unlisted or they otherwise withdraw from the market.

Publicly traded companies in Japan and the US are evil BY LAW. They can't do anything for their employees that impacts their investor's dividends without risking being sued into liquidation oblivion. They always have to put short term profit over long term investments for the same reason. All of which is horrific for anyone employed at the company.

If Cover gets out of the stock market, it'll be nothing but diamonds for all the talents involved. No longer will they be subject to the whims of faceless investors who do not even know their names, and all that motivation to work against the talent's best interests will evaporate.

...and Cover isn't so invested that the company wouldn't survive it.

AnyColor, on the other hand, is the fifth pump and dump company that Riku has acquired, and thus is entirely invested. If its stock goes under, the company either dies to liquidation, or gets sold to another investor for a fraction of its value. Such a change in ownership doesn't even guarantee the much needed change for the talents, as a disconnected investor is likely to simply rely on the current executives to run a company he knows virtually nothing about, and will put a ton of pressure on them to recoup his investment, meaning the talents will get even less and have their performances interfered with even more, as management comes down on them harder than ever. ...and if the company is instead liquidated, while it would have the benefit of setting them free, none of them will be keeping their IPs, and they'll all be forced to sink or swim, starting over from scratch.

If your oshi is in an unlisted corp, pray they never have an IPO as nothing could possibly be worse for their wellbeing and performance in terms of work environment.

Fuck the stock market.

>> No.75273145 [View]

Cover sold their initial batch (to build the studio) at 750 and proceeded to … build the studio. That’s the extent of their involvement in the stock market and seems to be how much they value their company: 750 yen per stock.
Everything points out for their biggest stock holders to be in for the long run while their smaller ones sold when the IPO happened. That’s leave a company focused on the long term without concern for the movements in the secondary market
>so far, that could change
Anycolor…. It seems like their major shareholder is NOT thinking long term and would benefit greatly from the stocks he hold not to drop too much in value and he can always use the company present and future prospects to ensure that

>> No.74747310 [View]

I'm honestly 50/50 on whether Salome was botted or not. On one hand, everything seemed perfectly explainable as to why she went viral
>debuted as a joke character (her surname literally means 1 million)
>debuted during koshien which is the height of Nijisanji viewership for the year.
>Pekora and Marine were also on vacation so the top 2 vtubers in Japan (if not the world) weren't there to siphon the audience
>Everyone wanted to see what would happen if/when she got to 1 million subs
>Started fizzling out once people realized that there was no punchline
But then again, everything just feels too convenient with the IPO and all. Regardless, either explanation doesn't really paint Anykuro in a good light. If she was botted than that just reinforces what we now know of Anycolor's MO and also puts in to doubt all of the previous Koshien numbers in past years. If it was legit, then they literally fumbled the biggest star in vtubing since Gura.

>> No.74595419 [View]
File: 131 KB, 768x713, 750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're right that most of the decline is based on just general Japanese stock market trends
I did not say that at all. Both Anycolor and Cover were overvalued beyond any reasonability and the current drop is the investor world finally realizing they massively overpriced it.
Take Cover stocks: Cover sold their 1.4% to build the studio for
>750 yen per share
where the fuck the IPO day 1400 came from? The 3000 peak?
>In terms of YTD (...) which is what this discussion is centered around
which is where YOUR discussion is centered around. I'm making a much more encompassing point which is
>the market incorrectly assumed the 2020-2022 levels of growth in the streaming market would continue
>reality proved them wrong
>the stock is readjusting to the newfound reality

>> No.74513365 [View]

It's more like going back to the status quo before the ipo and the holopro nonsense. Now, they not just stop gaining any new viewers according to that tweets, they actively push aways the old viewers based on his menhera outburst comment from few months ago.
Also we know cover would support them using their fund(hololive), the problem begin when they hinder the girls themselves by priorities holostar when they should focus on giving the girls everything they need, studio time, game perm and actual advise to grow their brand without poisoning themselves, i know most don't want to admit it but holostar are a poison brand living under holo shadow, this is the group that got shill during 2022 hololive new year concert with 200,000 viewers, it's impossible to forgot them unless everyone actively memoryhole them.

>> No.74495976 [View]
File: 131 KB, 768x713, 750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not him, but what's your assessment on the actual value?
I mentioned this before: there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER Cover stock balooned from the IPO asking price (which was 750, see link below) into the opening price which was 1300. That alone was already a massive overvaluation. Then having it, in the span of TWO MONTHS (!) balloon all the way up to 3000? That's crazy talk, IMO the stock shouldn't be anywhere close to even the initial 1400.

Nothing changed for Cover between 2023 and 2024, they didn't increase "inventory" significantly, they didn't open any new market or broke any new ground. What could possibly justify the stocks going from the initial price of 750 into 1500?

>> No.74495832 [View]

>Cover's stocks should just drop until they are forced to go back to being a private company
Anon, there is no practical difference. Actually, there is one and it is NOT what people think it is.
Back before the IPO there were four or five private venture investors that held all stocks not in the hands of Cover themselves.
They had a seat a the table and their influence was direct because if they gave a "no confidence" vote the company would be dead, no longer capable of raising any funds.

All of the stocks in the secondary market today (except for the 1.4% Cover sold to fund the studio) came from those hands.
That direct influence they had vanished and the retail investors diluted that power through tens of thousands of shareholders who don't have a say be it individually or collectively.

In conclusion: the IPO didn't give any more power to investors, it REMOVED it from the existing big ones and diluted through the retail market.
Unless someone buys a huge lot (like Sony for Anycolor, holding 5%) Cover stocks today are "Tanigo membership subscription" to get you to watch his shareholders meeting from a privileged position and maybe get him to read your chat.

>> No.74430260 [View]

I mean obviously he cares to some extent, it's just that Cover is not fully public and their stock taking a nosedive is not a death sentence for them. They did the IPO to get capital to fund their studio expansion, which they've done. It sucks that it's tanking, but it's not going to kill the company like it might Anycolor.

>> No.73861355 [View]

List of HOLOCOPE, HOLOLIES and HOLOPROJECTION from only 2 (two) threads about stocks today:
>Hololive doesn't use stock status as a mean of success
>While Anycolor is a full-fledge public company who is open towards all traders to mess with their stock price, Cover is not
>Cover restricted how impactful the traders are on their stock
>Cover would rather spend their money on improving actual assets instead of virtual unstable money and that's actually a W for them
>Cover's stock does not translate to how well the company is actually doing
>Cover is here for the long run while the other company is struggling to go back to where they used to be
>Cover being above 1300 is good
>Anycolor being BELOW 3300 is bad
>The japanese economy is tanking
>Yagoo told investors to fuck off when asked to cut costs similar to niji
>Everyone who leaves nijisanji fucking hates them
>If they banned SEA, 80% of the people posting on the numbertranny thread and /NijiEN/ would dissapear lmao
>Nijisanji Paid 18 million USD to buy them back at 3100$ a share, and applied for loan margin trading to inflate the stock further
>Yagoo told hololive investors to fuck off when asked to cut holo talent's pay
>Riku Tazumi has on record said he is only interested in short term profits and "The Fad"
>Yagoo is exclusively in it for the content and the Idol Dream, Which is growing stronger than ever
>Gura's taiwan merch drop made more money than vox akuma's ENTIRE CAREER
>Holo 5th fest sold over 86000 tickets
>Nijifes 2023 sold about 60000
>stop this comparisons between the 2 companies since they have very different situations
>goat explanation
>They (and Cover) don't actually care too much about the stock price since the IPO was primarily to raise capital for assets and projects which they now have.
>cover not a trading company
>niji is a full fledge public company = basically a trader company
>Holofans: "Cover stock is dropping? Good."
>Nijifans: They like VCR because gives them the opportunity to leech off of Hololive
>Collab Beggars: Losing their mind. Wait I don't think they had one to lose.
>And this is with Riku using every connection he has just to increase anycolor stock price. They're even preventing people from short-selling kek
>The stockholders clearly want overseas expansion and hololive is dominating in that area. Right now the only reason cover's stock is going down is because the entire jp economy is going down.
>They gained 40% in profits... anycolor lost 30%
>Cover is dropping because of the industry association with Anycolor.
>Cover has a Q4 with holofes and expo numbers to look forward to while Anycolor has their dreaded negligible Selen quarter up next
>They lost more than 30%.
>The money they earned that they could've used to reinvest on the organs was used to buyback the stocks to double its price back in October of 2022
>Good, let the retarded investors fuck off so Cover corp becomes private again
>Oh wait, they aren’t Kurokara.
>Everything is going according to plan for Yagoo to buyback the stock and go fully private again.
>If it goes low enough, Yagoo can just buy all the outstanding shares and take Cover private again
>This is apparently a genius plan>going public>take profits and build a huge ass building>tank the stock>become private>He can't keep getting away with it!
>retain control of the company>get extra capital>Where is the downside?
>Won't somebody PLEASE think of the shareholders!?
>B-b-but you can't buyback your stock! That's cheating!
>Discount price, buy the dip fags. Won't be this cheap for years
>They forget cover's new 3d building.
>They literally thinking that stocks and shareholders mean anything when yagoo literally said fuck off to shareholder's suggestions.
>Modern shareholders are parasites who exist solely to cannibalize companies for short term profit. The fact that he's standing up tp the shareholder is extremely promising. Shows a focus on long term growth and sustainability
>You do realize that the investors have no idea what those are right?
>Investors don't actually know shit about the companies they invest in, news at 11.
>Market correction will be massive as Holo takes Nijis marketshare.
>Isn't this global? Following the recent events between Iran and Israel, stock markets across the world has been affected too.
>Yagoo said he didn't want to go public but was forced to buy investors who wanted to cash out. So now they've cashed out Yagoo could buy back the shares at a discount.

>> No.73851592 [View]

List of HOLOCOPE, HOLOLIES and HOLOPROJECTION from this thread ALONE (so far):
>Hololive doesn't use stock status as a mean of success
>While Anycolor is a full-fledge public company who is open towards all traders to mess with their stock price, Cover is not
>Cover restricted how impactful the traders are on their stock
>Cover would rather spend their money on improving actual assets instead of virtual unstable money and that's actually a W for them
>Cover's stock does not translate to how well the company is actually doing
>Cover is here for the long run while the other company is struggling to go back to where they used to be
>Cover being above 1300 is good
>Anycolor being BELOW 3300 is bad
>The japanese economy is tanking
>Yagoo told investors to fuck off when asked to cut costs similar to niji
>Everyone who leaves nijisanji fucking hates them
>If they banned SEA, 80% of the people posting on the numbertranny thread and /NijiEN/ would dissapear lmao
>Nijisanji Paid 18 million USD to buy them back at 3100$ a share, and applied for loan margin trading to inflate the stock further
>Yagoo told hololive investors to fuck off when asked to cut holo talent's pay
>Riku Tazumi has on record said he is only interested in short term profits and "The Fad"
>Yagoo is exclusively in it for the content and the Idol Dream, Which is growing stronger than ever
>Gura's taiwan merch drop made more money than vox akuma's ENTIRE CAREER
>Holo 5th fest sold over 86000 tickets
>Nijifes 2023 sold about 60000
>stop this comparisons between the 2 companies since they have very different situations
>goat explanation
>They (and Cover) don't actually care too much about the stock price since the IPO was primarily to raise capital for assets and projects which they now have.
>cover not a trading company
>niji is a full fledge public company = basically a trader company
>Holofans: "Cover stock is dropping? Good."
>Nijifans: They like VCR because gives them the opportunity to leech off of Hololive
>Collab Beggars: Losing their mind. Wait I don't think they had one to lose.
>And this is with Riku using every connection he has just to increase anycolor stock price. They're even preventing people from short-selling kek
>The stockholders clearly want overseas expansion and hololive is dominating in that area. Right now the only reason cover's stock is going down is because the entire jp economy is going down.
>They gained 40% in profits... anycolor lost 30%
>Cover is dropping because of the industry association with Anycolor.
>Cover has a Q4 with holofes and expo numbers to look forward to while Anycolor has their dreaded negligible Selen quarter up next
>They lost more than 30%.
>The money they earned that they could've used to reinvest on the organs was used to buyback the stocks to double its price back in October of 2022

>> No.73839356 [View]

While I appreciate the post, the discourse around Cover's falling stock value is from people who don't discuss in good faith. So it won't change anything. It's just sisters and discord shitters. The former unironically care about the stock price because Nijisanji cares about it's stock price and see it as a horse race. The latter are just (you) farming because they lack anything else more meaningful in their lives at this point in time.
Holobronies who shitpost about Anycolor's stock price don't actually care about Cover's. It's not like they discuss it in good faith either, they just want to shit on Niji because Anycolor spent millions of dollars trying to pump up the stock price and had that evaporate into thin air.

That's the central crux of the discourse - Nijisisters care about stock price and spam Cover's because Anycolor cares about the stock price and sisters assume Holobronies care as much as they do. Holobronies just use stock price as a vector to shit on Niji. They (and Cover) don't actually care too much about the stock price since the IPO was primarily to raise capital for assets and projects which they now have.

>> No.73765915 [View]
File: 407 KB, 850x1558, Total_Hololive_Domination_under_Gura's_Shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting to schizo with this but I see it
>There's no Gura Killers only Gura Victims.

Also, what the fuck?, is she like a manager or something? (the good kind)

I saw an anon mention that she could have bought a metric ton of stocks when the IPO happened as she had money to spare, effectively propelling her to the SAME (kek) status that Sora has (long ago she was paid in lots of stocks before COVER had money to spare), so that explains Gura influencing so much yet not needing to appear so often or at all.
She is then both a talent and a shareholder, doesn't need to pull dirty tricks like Riku and market manipulation because just by streaming she moves the market. Would also explain why nobody "reprimanded" her despite streaming right at Biboo's debut.
Who's going to reprimand a shareholder who also spearheads the expansion of your business overseas with just her image alone?

Current rrats say either Mumei or Gura requested the collab, Mumei has personal """"""""reasons"""""""" to see NijiEN fucking die, meanwhile management has always worked to overlap important NijiEN events using the largest members of HoloEN, the Fishtank collab is the biggest evidence as they and Ame commisioned a fuckton of assets just for that and Gura knew nothing about the feet assets which gave us a funny reaction out of her realization of what was up, and they streamed ALL OVER THE LAZULIGHT DEBUTS saying and doing as much crass stuff as they could to draw attention away from them, this ended up crippling their growth forever, the most affected one was... Elira Pendora... LMAO!
Also, reminder that Gura is a clip-watcher and always caughts wind of news, that's how she managed to get into Hololive when she noticed about the audition. But her character gives her the perfect excuse to act dumb and say she knows nothing about current events alongside her lack of streams, but yet she likes stuff, and you love to see it all work together.

There were signs of the collapse right before the AR LIVE, assuming Gura indeed grudges that hard behind the scenes (previous behaviour is indicator of future behaviour) Gura or management, but I assume Gura smelled blood in the water and just came back to finish off NijiEN for good, optics wise they are done by their own hand anyways, and if this fails to create a graduation exodus, she will likely keep coming back at strategic moments to further sink them. If the shark is indeed a Gremlin, Shark would kill NIJI main branch if she could but language barrier so that ain't happening, although if she is a noticeable shareholder who can push for decisions then expect her to push again, Brave Group seems professional but she can't let them overtake Hololive, much less her hometurf, HoloEN and the global scene.

If she's an investor then it's even worse (in the best way possible, so actually better), she's the one directly coordinating with the management.
It's like the Elira "I AM THE MANAGEMENT" rrat but cranked to 11 and with positive results.

Also, this means something very interesting, nobody will ever openly suspect of Gura being management because the black side of that token was already burned by the Elira rrats with the black screen stream. If Gura soft-retires like this then she has effectively pulled what Kizuna Ai never could, not just replacing her in terms of image of the industry and general popularity, but also as something even greater than just a consultant. And nobody can't do shit about it because the system works. And because her character gives her the benefit of the doubt, we can never get confirmation of how high up the scale Gura is behind the curtains.

In retrospective, she might have requested for her statue to not be auctioned and be kept at office.
Now everything makes sense:
>"Glory to Hololive!"
>"Hololive only grows stronger"
>"You can't be mad at me, I'm cute"
>"Gawr Gura desu!"

>> No.73733929 [View]

It really depends on how you look at the data. Cover Corp stock is still worth more now than it was when the company put out their IPO, and YAGOO only went with this option just to please investors when the company was still privately owned. He seems indifferent on pleasing shareholders by doing tons of shady tactics just to pump up the price, and IIRC the shares that can be publicly bought are just a fraction of what’s privately owned. Anycolor did a stock split last year but so far the company seems to be worth less than it was when it went public 2 years ago, and they seem to be doing everything to appease them. Them doing poorly is not good because the company seemed to bet the farm on going all in.
Regardless, it’s clear that investors are spooked. Vtubing does not seem like a safe market to invest in so they’re likely pulling out. Anycolor’s shareholders pulling out means that some of Cover’s will, too.

>> No.73645820 [View]
File: 114 KB, 418x418, ChumGODS_SHE_WON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrats say she might have actually bought an actual one digit (unlikely but not impossible to be two digit) sized amount of COVER stocks back when the IPO happened using her pre-no streams money influx so it might actually be in her own interest to fuck with the competition like this, because she's first a talent, then an investor, so she can curbstomp Nijisanji, the main rival company, like this without having to do market manipulation, also explains her no stream privileges besides her brand being so humongous by her own effort and branding that it literally prints her (and COVER) money.
If that's not the case, then she either:
>Was told to do her obligatory stream by management at the NIJI EN AR LIVE timeslot or else
Or even funnier:
>Saw the NIJIEN can of worms open back in February, saw the AR LIVE news, saw the NIJI crumbling posts and videos everywhere, knew about Moomei and Selen, can't do shit but watch and hear, get mad, heard of Niji bleeding EVERYTHING you can imagine, smell blood in the water, get notice of the date of the event and decided to quickly organize the collab and have everyone on stand-by just to chomp away at NIJISANJI because she doesn't like them by default, and she might have quietly raged a bit at the "attempt" news like a lot of other chuubas who noticed did so it also counts as a direct "FUCK YOU!" with no words, just actions, also just for the moggin and memery.
Also, but very important, she REFERENCED THE ELIRA 3k CCV COMEBACK STREAM in the collab so it might actually be her legitimately dropping the cinder block on their heads on-purpose.
Also, didn't anyone notice that this also counts as a return stream (again...) so she also showed how pitiful Elira's return CCV is compared to her?, 3 fucking Faunas (30k) compared to the barely10 Finanas (2.7k) that Elira got. She's doing this for the memes.

>> No.73494621 [View]

Still up since IPO and nobody actually cares about cover's stock price, not even yagoo who told investors to fuck off when they wanted to decrease holo cuts to take more money for themselves. Meanwhile Riku is obsessed with anycolor's stock price which is down since IPO and has so many hoops jumped through to try keep it up so it's funny to laugh at it.

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