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Search: my oshis career

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>> No.76759215 [View]

Nah, why would I want to ruin my oshis career? I want to meet her as she is now and have her fall in love with me not me trick her and sabotage her to groom

>> No.76148384 [View]

Fuck me man I have the worst goddamn luck with oshis. It's great news for them and their career but, shit... sorry in advance for the next new member that catches my eye

>> No.72510242 [View]
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She was the first, doesn't mean she was the most talented.
Japanese women saying FAQ and the concept of VTuber in general was a novelty at the time and an initial hook to GET eyes on you. What KEEPS your audience hooked is consistent entertainment. Ai HAD this for a while, with community subtitles serving as a vehicle to bring her content worldwide - which was why she shined during that time period.
Once those died though, she stopped appearing in any foreign feeds, and became JP only. Her company only did English translations, and that too after a LONG gap without any community subs, which caused her to just drop off the face of the algorithm.

Her company actually identified the problem with expansion - that of one person not being enough of a brand (or being able to do enough stuff) to keep the brand of Ai afloat.
Hence the multiple Ais. Unfortunately for her, it PERFECTLY coincided with the Gamebu chuuba VA replacement drama. Two replacement attempts (one real, one perceived) from two different companies happening so close to each other just added fuel to the rumor mill.

This was one major instance where fucking rumors and rumor mongering caused actual reputational damage to a company because of their silence and lack of transparency.
Didn't help that somewhere in between, her VA also started vagueposting and deleting some tweets, fueling even more rumors.
Ai clarified that she was not being replaced, but it came like 2 years after the whole yab started (in 2021). By then the damage had already been done.

Once Mito, Nijisanji and later Hololive entered the fray, Ai was simply left behind.
Pekora was better at banter and gaming, Marine was better at zatsudan, Suisei was better at music, and Coco went far beyond what Ai could with her humor and memes in attracting a western audience. And of course, HoloEN debuted and took over western weeb internet for some time.
Unlike some of the other retards here said, Ai DID pivot into Livestreaming later on in her career. The fact that no one even knows about those streams should make it obvious enough that she just wasn't that good at it, at least compared to her competition.

Hololive and Nijisanji perfected the idea behind "multiple Ais". That is, multiple talents with their own personalities and charm, all interacting under a single unified umbrella.
The Kizuna Ai company made a mistake in branding everything under "Kizuna Ai" and being super lore-heavy on her pre-recorded streams (even to the point that some western audiences wondered if she was an ACTUAL AI at the time). It prevented them from adding more characters into the environment that weren't "Kizuna Ai related", and when they DID try, their timing was extremely terrible.
It was a mistake they didn't even know they made until it was too late, but then they were literally the pioneers of the industry. Mistakes were inevitable.
The NFT thing and the rest of her career have many "controversies" and all, but by that time almost all her foreign audience was dead in the water anyway, so I don't think it mattered.

At the end of the day it's hard to say whether anyone was to blame. Kizuna Ai's mistakes became a guideline for the corpos that came after her. Two of them (now increasingly more) simply perfected the "ensemble cast" formula with such a multitalented cast doing both regular 2D and 3D content, that Ai and her clones just couldn't keep up.

I respect the oyabun though.
She walked through a thorny path so my oshis and several others could run.
Hope she enjoys the retired life.

>> No.71263654 [View]
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I'm so glad my oshis don't have a music career, these numberfaggots are annoying

>> No.69873599 [View]

Tried to sabotage my oshis career at debut and hated her guts ever since.

>> No.69802326 [View]

So, realistically analyzing things she said.
She considered a surrogate unlikely to have to do with Kiara, but fear of complications with her back and a real and very understandable fear of pregnancy itself. I would bet its also due to seeing how some end up being deadbeat fathers, and she is super a daddy's girl, so take that how you will. Being definitely bisexual, but having a leaning for the cute girls in her idol otaku fandom, and being in the literal yuri paradise that is hololive with all her oshis, would definitely lean her more toward the ladies side. Cute ladies who are financially stable and more likely to feel (by assumption) more dependable in relationships.

Abstract dreams are often not literal since its the mind decompressing all your crap, she also dreams of being decapitated if she doesn't sleep just right, and while she is affectionate with Kiara, the fact she corrected people awhile back who went super hard on saying she got into Hololive just for Kiara and said it wasn't just that, it for her career as well plus talks about her other likes and affection for other members all the time. So unlikely she actually wants to carry Kiara's baby but the idea is funny for a concept/project.

Meaning she was just being chuuni for her ideas, and was having pressure on creating her own ideas but acknowledged Kiara's ideas were good. Remember again, dreams are often not just a "you must be this" or "you must love that". All that bluster to say that we might assume too much, and she isn't immediately looking for a romantic relationship with Kiara. She says A LOT that she wants to invite her friends to get in da sheets with her, and we got no idea if that she is to actually sleep with them or her loneliness creeping because regardless of her introvertedness, she craves companionship that much has been seen as obvious.

So TL;DR, guys not so certain but she definitely likes them, girls, cute and more certain, considering surrogate pregnancy, wants twins, bisexual, has affection for her idol compatriots, unsure of the levels of that from a romantic standpoint with each, but all of Advent (especially Shiori and Biboo, but the dogs are getting ever rizzed harder with her) she wants in da bed, Kiara, Marine, Fauna, Mumei, its quite a long list. She is clearly a more ployamorous person, so even with a male SO I would say that'd come up, and possibly vice versa. So a minefield for shippers, heh. Good for fembirds though.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

>> No.69601295 [View]
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I'll never swap oshis. If I drop her I'll just drop vtubers in general and go back to watching other shit in my spare time. And even if I drop her it'll just be Jelly Hoshiumi. I'll still support her music career.

>> No.69520137 [View]
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>The terminated employees haven't broken their NDA despite what happened to them and having the PR edge.
>They have even expressed just moving on.
>I however should break my own contracts and trash my current career.
>And risk being complicit in damaging my former company's image further if not ultimately folding their branch I was a part of and my friends may still be part of.
>And risk legal action against myself, spending who knows how much time, resources, and mental wellbeing if I have to go to court.
>And tank future employment by showing employers I break contracts.
>And risk my visa, which I won't be able to recover with a new job in time because I'm a foreigner who betrayed a JP corpo.
>All regardless of outcome, by the way.
>Why? To MAYBE save your virtual boy toys? Because you're not saving me!

Solidifies the theory of "Nijisisters" in reality just being hardcore Kindred and other such Luxiem stans. Sacrifice another woman to save your oshis, which wouldn't even be guaranteed. I don't even think Vox would approve of this idea. Despite you claiming to be "their" first line of PR defense, the women involved or even speculated to be involved in this situation would be smart to not seek your counsel. They need people who actually have their best interests in mind. If you really think this is such a good idea, tell your oshi to do it himself!

>> No.69280979 [View]

Please no don't waste my oshis time doing this when she can be forwarding her career oh wait never mind she won't collab with her. Crisis averted

>> No.68597692 [View]
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thank you globalfags for watching my cute oshis new outfit reveal. Still hate you, and your oshi should have a great career going forward

>> No.68384138 [View]
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I been watching since JP Gen 3 debut
The first time I decided to finally go all on choosing an Oshi, she graduated two weeks after debut. Second time, He graduated otherwise he would die. Third time, she choose her art career, which is fine.

The only reason why my actual oshis are still here is because they are used to have dear life shit on them just because.

>> No.67723371 [View]

Ina doesn't seem to be having any actual problems, mainly since the really shitty period of her career ended more than a year ago now. She's even in a Japan arc right now, and considering how far she has always been from yabs, I'm not really worried about stuff like NDA breaches at all.
Also, knowing that my past oshis were Coco and Rushia, I think I've been a martyr for long enough for God to finally let me be happy.

>> No.66855794 [View]

becoming her mod ruined my oshis career. enough said

>> No.66781661 [DELETED]  [View]

Kiara STILL making jealousy comments solidifies kiara will always just see mori as competition and not as friends.
Mori hates shipping bs and always will and no delusion will make it real, you ARE mentally ill . Keep mori out of your shitty shipping wars.
We still don't know the reason for her ignoring kiara by the way, kiara must have royally pissed her off to for her to do that. Also this last week has been fantastic in mori finally coming to her senses about shitbird.
>turns down her shitty Maldives invite
>won't even refer to her as a friend in her latest member stream
>despises fire and ice and immediately did her ado cover to sweep that dogshit under the rug.
>organised 1 collaboration with her in 2023 while kiara tried so hard to make so many while she was in Japan because nobody else would do anything with her aka the sock puppet collab.
My oshis latest members stream was a breath of fresh air and i feel so validated (I knew she'd come to realise kiara was a manipulative cunt)in hating that chronic pain cunt and I hope she lives in agony for the rest of her life. Squirm for me kfp while your oshi continues making jealous comments to this day. Also kiara crying on her rm while whoring herself out wearing revealing clothing is hilarious. What a hypocrite.
>I don't have a label like calli
2024 has been a fantastic start with another 3d preformance while kiara cries with her woe is me while doing nothing to move her career forward and crying on vacation, she'll always live in Moris shadow . What's that 10x the invites now lmao and kiara is fucking off for 3 weeks, here's hoping she doesn't return. Thanks nerissa you did mori a huge favour and got that cunt out of moris life. Holofag corpo cucks like you should fuck off. Thank fuck my oshi is doing more rm stuff next week, holocucks are pathetic and you made mori a millionaire lmaoooooooo.

>> No.66705597 [View]

Depending on the Vtuber, doing something like a male collab can be absolutely disastrous to her career to the point that their earning can drop by up to 33%, their reputation can be destroyed, their antis will pile on them and harass them into a depression or even a hiatus and they won't even grow at the end of the day to counteract all of that negativity
I'd argue that knowing all of this in advance is plenty enough reason to speak up with the Unicorns if the topic is ever broached. In my eyes, people who know all of this and yet either refuse to speak up or even openly encourage their oshis to start collabing with men should take a long hard look at themselves to see whether or not they are actually "supporting" their oshi or if they're just half heartedly going with the flow from a detached position.

>> No.66255995 [View]

You nearly ruined my oshis career go fuck yourself koshitter

>> No.64357234 [View]

I wouldn't jeopardize my oshis career for my own selfish needs, and I couldn't bring myself to do that to all of you, ruffians...

>> No.64292089 [View]

How do I embrace the /ligger/ lifestyle when my oshis are all mentally damaged girls who stay up to 6am and sleep all day and I am a responsible adult with a fulfilling and high-paying career?

>> No.61296291 [View]
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I don't really see those hints, it's a standard "life is long, maybe I'll do something again one day". 心身がついてくれない feels more like she's not in the right condition to continue for the time being. Memori on the other hand I could see reincarnating soon, she quit over differing career expectations with the management. Yeah, unikuri/liverary lost half of its roster at the same time, Himari will have to carry them hard now.
There has also been some speculation that either Uni's VA changed or the original VA wasn't very comfortable with the role as it was, because in 2023 her voice sounds a little different. So who knows what was really going on (especially since with Uni there always seemed to be substantial producer involvement with the non-stream content).
In any case, I'm sad, she was one of my first oshis and one of the very few remaining chuubas that I was occasionally watching, and even tried to translate early on. Now if, say, Tenbin Hinami quits, I might as well go off myself, but thankfully her strong and energetic mentals compensate for her weaker constitution, so I can see her going on for years still.
Man, truly an end of an era.
Big F and otsukaresamadeshita, Uni.

>> No.60894868 [View]

i wish i wasn't broke, i'm curious to know how my oshi wound up where she is today because i know it would only bolster my support for her
i really know how to pick them it seems; both of my oshis have unfortunate events in their past: kaela with the tragic backstory and towa with the yab that nearly cut her career short

>> No.59128124 [View]
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It's because Aia's got both the history and D&D autism, and she's also not entirely focused on this as a pure numbers career since she has a good job she's not going to let go of. I should really watch her more if not for the overlap that happens waaaaaaay to often with my oshis. I'll start vodganging just because she actually does have a lot of interesting choices and tastes, and should by all rights be up my alley for 75% of her content.

>> No.57829923 [View]

Fuwamoco won't do many collabs because their entire shtick is effectively "perpetual collab". Shiori is still trying to figure out what she actually meant by "respect my collab choices", since the only two StarsEN members worth collabing with were MIA for her entire career and have now graduated. Nerissa is still in the "holy shit, look at all these famous people" honeymoon period and is too nervous to approach most of her senpais aside from her oshis, so Bijou has to set her up with other members.

>> No.55819222 [View]

>grabbed from the same circles as my oshi
>says she's such a big fan then can't even name a single song besides le popular and then has the balls to attempt to leech her music career to get an in.
>oshis Kiara (self explanatory)
>no personality
>stone walls people In collabs and doesn't engage with conversation
> fake lesbian
>shit game choices
I could go on I hate her

>> No.54511170 [View]
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I don't understand the high expectations of people once they get numbers. I'm a 2-view streamer and I couldn't give any less of a fuck if i had zero views or not. My dream is to be a 100-view streamer with a small but passionate fanbase who are the only ones dedicated enough to genuinely care. I wish i had enough space in my heart to appreciate every vtuber and everything they make. I really do. But i can barely catch streams of my oshis due to my work and I end up watching clips in bed. For the few streams I can catch I care immensely and I cherish those memories forever. If that's not enough for most people then they need to separate their passions and their career for a more healthy work/life balance.

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